Actresses who's nude scenes surprised you in a good way

Actresses who's nude scenes surprised you in a good way

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Brie Larson

Jason's mom. Those stretch marks around her asshole.

Yeah but I can't fucking fap when Michael Shannon's face is randomly spliced in during the scene

Anne Hathaway
Amanda Siefried

He was miscast in that movie.

Fun fact - the other girl in that clip is my cousin

>Pfft, some shorthaired tiny chick, probably flat or whatever

Give me her number

Does anyone else like her pointy nose?


Ellen Page of all people.

your loss

Is Imogen Poots the British Ana De Armas?


The tits that saved a season.

I couldn't stop beating it at that scene when she's showing off her sweet high school aged titties.

>The tits that saved a season.
But that's not fake Sansa?

Kind of.

Rooney Mara

Those were season 6 though, there was some decent stuff that season. Season 5 was downright bad and needed a boost. The Sand Snake's absurdly round tits were what we needed.

nowhere near as attractive

it's pretty neat

Double points given the majority of tits on GOT are mediocre. Hers surprised.

She's clearly Jude Law..

I double dog dare you to not be to find her absolutely endearing after watching this


She's got the same kind of cutesy quality with excellent bright eyes (if a different colour). While she has nice tits they are not on de Armas' level, though.

>that one music video where she's wet and you can see her flick her nipple

giv poot gf

Are we planning to post the said nude scenes ?

>mfw that scene

Technically not a "nude scene" (or an actress) but still, very surprising in a good way

This is a safe board, for safe people. There's nothing for you here.


For some reasons I get cunt vibes from her.

Fucking towel go away

Actually had a decent ass

I hadn't seen her in anything other than paparazzi pics so the bed scene in pic related was pretty neat, especially considering through the first hour and three quarters of the movie she looks pretty homely.


When has she been nude?

The fact that she was 18 when she revealed those boobs made it better.

Same, my dick got rock hard during that scene

Now I'm suffering from girl with short hair fetish

Give it a rest.

Which JAV is this?

read somewhere that she only talks to you if youre in the ''biz''



>Not posting the nude scenes that they are talking about

I am merely interested in the artistic vision of tits in the movies.

mmmmmmm what a pale neck

I have no idea where this is from. But there's also her fappening pics.

From Game of Thrones Season 5. She and a bunch of other characters got introduced in a new plotline and it was terrible. Really bad dialogue and cheesy fight scenes, everyone hated it.
She didn't really stand out, she was just one of the other characters and didn't have many lines, she seemed cute but wasn't displayed much.

Then out of nowhere in a later episode she had this nude scene were she did a strip tease acting like the sexiest thing in the show, and turned out to have the most perfect tits imaginable.

She got a whole lot of fans after that. The plotline still sucked though.

you think they'd give her pasties

what, when did she go naked

when she realised that taking exclusively lesbian roles couldn't pay the bills anymore

Felicity Jones.

They were bigger than I expected.

Agreed , great little titties

Think it was that movie with Evan Rachel Wood.

because that was a bodydouble

Twice last year, in movies like a month apart.

Talullah & Into The Forest (two different films), the former being much better

She got nude? Why did I not know!

the dude in one of them clearly goes for a mouthful of her little tit


Her ass and hips were very impressive.

ain't she pretty flat?

Lies. Where was she nude?

wait seriously?

you might wanna watch the second Nymphomaniac.
she gets fucked in the ass and you see it all

those horrid tan lines

Wait holy shit, that's the cunt from American Gods, wow

No. Her face was in he shot.

she's so fucking hot

her tits are 10/10

They literally show it as if it was a porno?

which scene, i'm out of the loop apparently
but would like to see her nude


>those perfectly shaped tits
>those fully erect nipples
Dorne plot best plot

I saw a picture. For some reason I thought she was an A cup, full on bee stings. Looked like some sizable Cs to my surprise. Well done rabbit girl.

Stacy Martin is infinitely superior

>her nipples were so erect her dress gets caught on them while she's pulling it down

Felicity and Larson have been nude?

she's definitely had a scene showing her tits

her tits were so good that i had to reevaluate my opinion on the sneks

I've seen the other Snakes nude too, the annoying one with the spear is not so great topless

believe he's talking about her in this

you can barely see them though


>When that smirking cunt's tits promised to look really awesome when she was dressed and when she revealed the pancake tits
Most disappointing tits I've ever seen in my life

and also was a double

Miranda Cosgrove. The deleted scene shower scene of her DTV movie The Intruders was a little too much.

>smirking cunt's

nice try cersei but you can't fool anyone


When was this? I've only seen her bum.

the worst is that french actress that was the mermaid in On Stranger Tides and the witch in the new Arthur

Proof. I legit thought she was flat before this.

That would be Lucy Boynton.

Frank and Lola

>when the MILFy 40 year old or so red witch went topless and had the tits of a 16 year old

>wearing a towel IN the shower

you americans are an odd bunch

I was shocked, honestly.

A cute.

>When eva green went topless and you could finally see her huge tiddies