The creator of Steven Universe is bisexual

She came out at comic at SDCC during the SU panel. Now i never watched this shit show because i got a bad vibe from it from the start. But now you fuckers know you have been praising tumblr the cartoon from the fucking start!

oh yeah and the picture to the left is what this bitch looks like. fucking tumblr incarnate.

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Wait, so does that mean that she sucks dick too?


I recently found out a street near me is bi-directional. I haven't walked there since.

an LGBT Jew

I'm glad i don't watch her filth.

she should kill herself

Oh, I'm sorry. Is finding this out too triggering?

>jew sjw is a literal fag

If I could die of surprise I would.

Ok cool I guess. Good for her.
Just stop making Saddie/Lars episodes, Sugar.

>Coming out as Bisexual
What's the point?

to the surprise of no one


who cares

what does that have anything to do with the show

What a brave and stunning move to come out when she's an adult with a successful career and a stable job.

So brave. So courageous!!

so they can claim to be "oppressed"

Does this mean Ian has a vajay jay?

No way she is into chicks. Almost all her female characters are ugly as shit, any self respecting pussy chaser would have drawn someone sexy.

Unadulterated pandering

my god she's so fucking ugly, how can this be considered female
I'm surprised she didn't come out as agender

Also this is just some cheap shit to pander to tumblr even more, it's pathetic

>Bisexual Jew
Pearl confirmed for self-insert.


Well, she made Pearl. That's enough good taste for me.
Ian is canon futa.

bisexuals aren't oppressed, they're filthy hedonists


Literally who the fuck cares about the sexuality of creators?

I don't even watch the show, but this seems like a retarded thing to get worked over.

And this surprises you?

Steven is going to be bisexual too just you fucking wait.
I got huge fag vibes yesterday during the race episode and tried to dismiss it as fusion emotions lingering in Steven with the whole obsessed thing.
But now you can bet your bottom dollar Sugar is going to give Steven a boipussy connie clone.

yeah. SU pretty much went LBGT agenda 2 years ago.

She didn't need to say this unless she's planning on leaving Ian.
Would drop this shit hard since her message of love would be forever tainted in my eyes. Fuck sugar

What really?

>they're filthy hedonists
Isn't Rebecca only with Ian right now though? Just because you're bisexual doesn't mean you're with both at the same time.

>written by

>She didn't need to say this unless she's planning on leaving Ian
Are you retarded?

Oh she wants Greg BADLY. Pearls are thirsty creatures.

>Oh she wants Greg BADLY.
Gross. No.
Stop your fanfictions at once!
>Pearls are thirsty creatures.
No, they are sea gems. Pearls aren't thirsty, they are salty.

go home crossboarder scum

I think he's saying she doesn't want it to be a big shock when she leaves him for a girl.

aka im out of the closet only when its convenient

isn't being bisexual transphobic?
shouldn't she out herself as pansexual to really matter?

So he is retarded.

Who cares

She sure is a special snowflake

hey Sup Forums you look triggered

seriously for what reason should Sup Forums care about this?

well yeah no shit
have you seen the fuckin lesbo shit this show does?
not to mention if the creator of this show was hetero the fans would piss themselves with disgust

so progressive
She dates blacks and she licks pussy
Now I know why SU is so good

You really felt the need to start a whole thread just to say how you are boycotting a show you don't watch because your delicate sensibilities are hurt by someone being a sexuality that's weird to you?

are you a Sup Forumstard

I'm getting that vibe

Since when is being bisexual a special snowflake?


Oh boy, better ((())) that so that the people who care will learn about it.

That linked autostraddle article is pretty cringey

>being bisexual triggers both Sup Forums and tumblr
What a world we live in

I thought the whole point of Steven Universe was a cautionary tale about biscum always ending up with the opposite gender to make kids

Is this really what we call "coming out"? Like you was she ever in the closet? It's not like she was ever really trying to hide it. I just always assumed she was bi:

>makes a very gay show
>grew up watching Sailor Moon and Utena
>but has a boyfriend

Wow, like a ton of girls these days, she has some gay leanings but is pretty much straight for all intents and purposes! I mean, I know a guy who has a weeb wife, and she also owns a ton of EVA + GitS + Sailor Moon + figurines. I was able to guess immediately that she was a bi weeb, and when it was mentioned that the wife is bi, I wasn't remotely surprised. Women are just more sexually flexible/fluid than men usually are.

Like, I'm mostly-straight guy that also likes men. I'm pretty much straight, but let's say I like women 75% and men 25%. I don't really tell anyone about it, I don't consider it a big deal, I'm not LGBQ, I mostly keep it to myself because it's not a part of my identity or lifestyle or anything. I'm not afraid of "coming out" or anything, I just don't want to deal with people acting weird about it if they knew because it's a big important part of myself. So if I offhandedly mention that I also like guys a little bit, would that really be "coming out?" Just because you learned something new about me? That's the picture I'm being painted here: Rebecca mentions that she's bi (probably more straight-leaning because she's in a long-term relationship with a man), and then twitter flips it shit like she just bravely came out of the closest at long last. It's kind of dumb.

I thought that was pretty obvious.

Man, I thought she had been out as bisexual for a long time already. I actually thought she was gay until I found out she was dating that other animator guy.

This is barely cartoons.
I want /lgbt/ and Sup Forums to go back to making out and leave us alone.

this desu senpai

>coming out as bisexual at a panel dedicated to your show

>and then twitter flips it shit like she just bravely came out of the closest
This. I honestly wouldn't even call this "coming out", so much as it just never was really brought up or anything, but it's not like she made any big effort to appear straight. Look at the art she does of her female characters, and it's obvious.

>Like, I'm mostly-straight guy that also likes men. I'm pretty much straight
Here's your (You)s because it's pretty obvious you are baiting for attention

but do you like to suck dick?

I have a lot of friends that consider themselves bisexual just because they once fancied a celebrity of their own gender, it's fucking pathetic and attention whorey

>not acknowledging your bisexuality in casual conservation
You might as well have some fun as we head into the Fall of the West senpaitachi

She just mentioned about the importance of LGBT characters as a bisexual woman and blablabla. And everyone cheered. She didn't come out, she just stated that she was bisexual very casually. Pretty sure everyone who knew her personally must have known.

hey genius, salt makes you thirsty

>tfw you'll never be accepted for liking lolis even if you make the greatest show on earth and aren't even predatory to real little girls.
But coming out as bisexual, how brave...

This makes me think: Pear and Lapis will eventually become a ship.

Oh, wow, bi people exist, how "degenerate."

Get a life. faggot.

Gettin real tired of non-Australians wearing scarves in the summer.

>Women are just more sexually flexible/fluid than men usually are.

This is a god damned lie told by projecting men. You are the ones who are all half faggots and fucking everybody watched Sailor Moon.



>You are the ones who are all half faggots
Honestly, most of the time men compromise with their sexuality more than women.
Women experiment more in college and then decide what they are.
Men usually come out or stay straight for the most part. At least that has been my experience in social circles.

stay mad


Isn't that a way of saying "I am not getting any"?

>Men usually come out or stay straight for the most part.

Maybe because homosexuality is only social suicide for men? This is why people are pushing for it to be less stigmatized.

Women seem like they don't care as much, because they don't. But I guarantee you most of them don't want to try pussy and I can't say the same about dudes wanting to blow each other.

We should denounce everything Alan Turing was involved in, since he was gay.

It means "I kissed a girl in college"

Is it still a big deal to be a fag who comes out of the closet? I'd have thought people would have began to care more about coming out as a tranny at this point

Can't blame a woman that ugly for going gay.

>and I can't say the same about dudes wanting to blow each other.
nah, straight dudes tend to be homophobic when it comes to that kind of stuff

>and for men there is Anthony Burch

well that case is an extreme case

Ever wonder why they always get so triggered? Like they are always worried that people will think they're gay?

>Sugar is bi

Seriously, why did you make this thread?

it's not fucking strange for people to not like something that isn't their sexual preference

You'd be surprised how many girls will admit that they made out with their best friends growing up or have slept with another girl once or twice. Or just tons of girls being adamantly bi. IDK if it's something in the water or what, but I don't think I'm projecting.

Not really, never went further than kissing with dudes. I don't think I could handle a cumload is my mouth but short of that I would probably be down. Still like women like 300% better. I would think that falls under "bi but not really." I don't think I'm being attention whore-y like the friends you describe, I tell almost nobody ever, even on anonymous image boards. I just don't think it's a big deal or worth sharing. Here I'm using it as an example to help illustrate my point.

Wait so that's a man in a wig who dresses like a woman, not because he wants men to fuck him, but because he wants to fuck other women?

Explain that twisted logic...

Unlike bisexual, being a pedo is a real crime.

You'd be surprised at how many would lie about that kind of thing too because they think guys will like it. It's just trendy to be all kinky and "experimental" now.

I'm shocked and appalled. What mindbending revelation will you post next? That Alan Moore is into occultism?

Real talk, I saw the exact moment of the "coming out", and she didn't make this huge drama out of it, she just said that she based the lgbt themes on her own sexual experiences, when answering to some twat who asked her about said themes. It was fucking obvious, come on.

Somewhat off-topic, but I have to ask:

Is there any individual who works on the show who can be classified as right-wing or at least no left?

underrated post

>on her own sexual experiences
so just like Pearl she didn't get any

>a real thing

CN is gonna tank your show now.

Yeah. The janitors at the studio.

>mfw the salt really is real

This is relevant to comics because it butthurts you?

>None of the gems have sex, they fuse. Remember the canon universe doesn't exist in the realm of fetish derailment.

Wait she was the one who used to draw porn of Edd and Eddy fucking from EEAE...

I thought she was into pre-pubescent boy dick?

Sugar wanted to show more of the shota butt, but the only way she could was by telling them to put his mind in Lars' body
