
Recommend a full spread.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wolf why don't you go mop my office.


Explain yourselves.

Very well, Mr. Worf, make it so.

In what way?

Mr. Worf, ready the mop. Engage.


A full spread of butter!

Yes captain

>ywn riker thicc


Spread what? I'd rather see a painted up skeleton do space yoga.

As far as 21st century humans are aware, time progresses in linear fashion.

Xindi spy.

Oh fuck. I see that now. I managed to post before and after him.


Damn! I wish I could have a qt Trekie as a gf.

Anyway, as per standard,
Dukat did nothing wrong.

It's a small gif but I like that it's in slow motion. It's sexier that way.

im small too


>Captain! this alien ship is arming its weapons and has it shields on, should I go to red alert?
>Delay that Mr. Worf! no need to provoke them even more...

Picard was such a pussy

>Riker. Fat. Hot.

Tbh he had a ship that could curb stomp 95% of their opponents, so he could afford to try Diplomacy first

Picard fought when he had to fight. Better than Kirk.
Picard was white. Better than Sisko.
Picard's ship got lost way farther than the delta quadrant and he made it back home in the span of one episode. Better than Janeway.
Picard never stole a warp coil leaving a ship helpless. Better than Archer.

Unable to comply, Parameter hot is contradictional to specified character

When I first saw this happen I thought for sure Picard would reprimand him for it but you can see Picard look away quickly as if he is secretly scared of Riker, perhaps Riker bullies him off screen

Bearded fat Riker > Bearded pre-fat Riker > Pre-beard pre-fat Riker

still better than Janeway

Reminder that Tuvix was murdered.

and no one helped him

pre-fat, pre-beard Rikes is the best



I prefer s3 onward but he's still pretty hot here


Name 10 episodes where this happens

MentalCrash, one of the greatest posters of all time, posted that webm in another trekthread just recently and I was inquiring as to whether you might be him (MentalCrash) or not.

Nope, but I made that webm a few days ago and posted it here before.

look at that coward refusing to do the right thing

Is that jontron

Oh, sorry for the confusion then. Hey, have you made any other Star Trek webms? That's a really fine webm.

jontron is fucking amazing

Nah, only that one and this one.

If that's the only reason he beats Sisko, Sisko is still my favourite captain

Oh wait, forgot this one.

he does look pretty racist there

This was a good one

You should make more webms, you've got the eye of the tiger

I couldn't think of any actual reasons because Sisko is the best captain bar none and everyone knows it :)

Bearded pre-fat Riker > the rest

>Picard was white. Better than Sisko.
Picard is French, Sisko is half-wormhole alien.
Gotta give it to Sisko.

What does the word "download" mean in Star Trek?


>Chakotay said that he counted himself among Tuvix's friends
>Didn't speak up as he was begging for his life


In Star Trek 'download' is used in sentences like "I downloaded this information onto my data pad".
How is that any different from the real word use?

It's also used in other types of sentences. I don't want to explain since you don't already know what I mean. Goodbye

>when you nutted but she still suckin

>Star Trek thread
>contains time paradox

Sounds about right

Chakotay doesn't cross the captain in front of the crew even while she commits murder.

I was talking about Tuvix

>when you Allamariane count to four but she still count three more

You think shitposting is a game?

you'd think with the combined powers of neelix and tuvok he would be an unstoppable killing machine with 100 emergency security traps tuvok had in his head.


Play dom-jot huu man

I'd dom his jot if you get what I am meaning here

Nah fuck it, it's a dumb game



>tfw Sisko became an accessory to political assassination in order to protect the galaxy

That Picard bitch would never have the balls.

>tfw no qt dabo girl gf

DS9 had so many amazing voices. Bashir, Quark, Garak, it even had a God Tier voice with Odo.


Borg vs Replicators

who would win?

Here is a nature documentary Siddig narrated. His voice sounds like liquid sex.

>There will never be leaked tapes of the casting couch interviews with her and Genes future wife refusing to resist.



depends on the writer.

They would assimilate each other and become the Borlicators.

Janeway confirmed for best Captain.

>let's study the biggest horror in the universe and get really close to it
>oh and let's take our daughter with us

parents in the future suck

That was before the Enterprise had encountered the Borg, they didn't know they were as dangerous as they are.

some fuck just made another star trek thread

this makes me really angry

to be fair you can't find this thread through the catalog

In Star Trek there have been a few episodes where people were shocked and appalled if someone ate real meat

Riker cooked once and people were surprised by it

Keiko was shocked that Obriens family ate real meat

This implies that humans on Earth all use replicators not just Star Fleet, and that eating meat is very rare and weird for someone to do

So in DS9 why the fuck are restaurants a thing on Earth still?

we see only a single restaurant on Earth

What's up with Quark's eyes? I mean those dark circles around his eyes, it looks like an eye shadow or manifestation of some kind of health issues. None of the other Ferengi characters have that. Is Quark wearing a makeup? Was this a production trick to distinguish Quark's face from other Ferengi?

Because some people like to be social and go out and get a change of scenery. As far as the business side, it's probably more like a hobby for the owner since they live in a post scarcity society

He cries himself to sleep every night, know all the profit he doesn't get.

>post scarcity society
Oh, so I can just go and just build a home on the Picard vineyards in France?

>Keiko was shocked that Obriens family ate real meat
IIRC she was more kind of disgusted by dealing with real meat, touching it while cooking etc.

It's a post-asshole society too

>post-asshole society
>Riker, Kirk, Tom Paris and Malcolm Reed exist


None of them shit though

yea she never handled real meat until her excursion to bajor

also why do people even go to Quarks when they can just get their booze replicated for free?

>none of the other Ferengi characters have that
Rom does, I'm sure a few others do too. If anything Rom's are darker.

People like to be served.

Also he has real booze not shit replicated kanar

Travelers don't have access to the replicators.