Can we get a political comic thread?

Can we get a political comic thread?

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Am I supposed to feel bad for the woman being disruptive of another lady's personal pissing and/or shitting time?

It's especially funny in this example because most coffee shops only have room for a single person in their bathroom anyway. The worst thing a "man" could do in the women's bathroom is miss the bowl.


I wonder...Do you trust a male going to woman bathroom more than a woman going to man bathroom?

>starting off with a shitty comic

Subtly is the enemy of the self righteous.

This comic is overblown to the point of ridiculousness but I do agree that the NRA is untrustworthy, if only because they're funded by gun manufacturers and have put money in politicians' pockets.

People who talk as if either corporations or government are more moral than the other baffle me when the two almost always work together.

The thing I always want to know is:. Who is looking at the other people in the goddamn bathrooms?
Seriously, me in a public restroom? It's shame o'clock. Head down, walk straight into a stall, close and lock door. Determine the level of sanitation, and either find it acceptable or do whatever pointless ritual I can to mitigate the risk of disease. Do my poo, in the loo, clean myself with the one-half ply bits of transparent paper they put in the stalls, flush away my sins, reassemble myself, make sure I did not step in anything, and then do an appropriate amount of cleaning up before getting the fuck out.

And I know that bathroom time is intensely personal, so everyone has different things they do, but really, who looks at anyone else?


I genuinely think bathrooms should be unisex. Shit they already are for a lot of places anyway and nothing disastrous happened there.

Why is the ball identified as jew

I'm so happy cuck became a mainstream insult.

That's how normal people do it. However the person in that cartoon is a woman therefore she can't go anywhere without judging everyone around her.

I like how irrationally pissed off it makes people.

There's absolutely no reason to get so worked up about it...unless you're actually a cuck of course.

The fact it's overblown to the point of ridiculousness is what makes it shitty.
That's what makes 99% of political cartoons awful.

I used to work as a janitor. I've had the manager called to the bathroom many times because a female customer saw me in there.

Women are afraid of being raped by their own shadows.

But that's the entire point. They'd just be boring and uninteresting otherwise.


I like how tone deaf that argument is.

Pretending like people don't insult and belittle men and white people.

And the opinion/news articles about actual cucks getting mad at it.

It's an amazing time to be alive.

Actually, I would be interested in hearing what people would say if they said "I'm tired of political correctness" without hiding behind the phrase 'political correctness' or something similar.

This analogy doesn't work because the home owner is the one who set his own house on fire.

This comic has a pretty good point though.

Can you only call the fire department if someone else set your house on fire?

They would say what they already say behind closed doors.

Are the echoes intentional, or merely pure confidence?

I'm tired of fucking pussies who think their feelings matter.

what is with right-wingers and using 'cuck' after every word?

I think you're confusing the analogy a bit.
At least it isn't a food analogy

So blacks are flammable?

You think every single instance of the analogical house fire is caused by the analogical owner? Don't be inane.

Sad cause it's true.

Rather than the overly specific point presented in the comic it's more like "I have no social awareness and everyone should listen to the retarded shit I want to say and can't control".

ugh... god forbid a man let his wife or girlfriend be sexually liberated

it's not the 1950s anymore grandpa

They're already Burnt

It's a bad analogy. I like that this is an update version of the comic though - someone must of told Straub that it's actually common practice during structure fires to wet down neighboring buildings so the embers don't catch.

I see, so you hide behind the phrase "political correctness" so you don't sound like an edgy tryhard faggot. Interesting.


Shuts people down without any actual effort. It's the new "you mad?".

Although I do find this shit hilarious.

It makes people mad. It feeds the trolls. It will happen more.

Cycle as old as the internet.

Do you wet down neighboring buildings at the same time as wetting down flaming buildings?

It wouldn't really be an insult most insults wouldn't be insults if there wasn't some kind of underlying idea that being what it implies you are is bad. Unless it's literally a slur on what you are like Nigger or Kike.
I guess but then you can't really be shocked when people call you on your bullshit because you've completely misrepresented an idea to the point where people just think you're a delusional idiot who doesn't get it.
I'm tired of people thinking that adult media needs to be censored to protect the feelings of grown ass people.

Spoken like a pussy who thinks his opinion matters.

Not really. If it were honest, the house on fire would be shoddily constructed, with exposed wiring that caused the fire. Tge point is not that we shouldn't put out house fires, but badly build houses shouldn't be built.

I see you hide behind buzzwords to make yourself feel superior.

Considering this comic is an analogy for "black lives matters" and what's the more pressing concern, let's put the number of black people killed by other black people and compare it to the number killed by cops.

Hell, let's compare the amount of white people killed by cops to black people if we wanna talk about what's a pressing concern.


Depends on how close they are to each other, but yes you do.

Is this just alt-right Schmorky?

Also, why "alt"-right? What happened to regular right wing people? I'm starting to miss them.

So we need to spray blacks with fire hoses, got it.

Why don't you just call the fire department and tell them that? You're a genius, it'd save them thousands.

Don't get too mad now, friends.

How about
>House with a small fire labelled "blacks killed by cops"
>Much larger house that's consumed by an inferno labelled "blacks killed by other blacks"
>Dude pointing to the first house saying "This is the more serious problem."

Well Black people already hold moments of silence for a black guy who killed 5 police officers with fires.

It's a way for them to not be associated with rednecks because rednecks are dumb and they're ultra-rational INTJ chessmasters who don't care about illogical feelings and just happen to believe the exact same things rednecks believe.

have you ever been in a widely used woman's bathroom? They're fucking filthy.

The official right wing party (Republicans) nearly died after Obama was elected. This spread people around to other niches.

draw it yourself if you want to

>Considering this comic is an analogy for "black lives matters" and what's the more pressing concern, let's put the number of black people killed by other black people and compare it to the number killed by cops.
Those black people are already punished by the law.

Cops ARE the law. They ARE the authority.

Those two situations aren't even remotely similar. People are supposed to trust cops. We already know that criminals are bad and they are already punished by the system. But when the system itself kills innocents that is a pressing concern and it baffles me that anyone would think otherwise.

If only political correctness was levied equally when talking about gender and race, unfortunately it isn't.

the whole trans issue just reminds me of the civil rights issue and segregation, there were people who violently opposed that too. ignorance fades with experience and exposure over time, we'll look back on this in ten years as another civil rights milestone that should've been tackled earlier.

It's fascinating to see what libs tell themselves.

It's literally just the new faggot. You'll get over it in times.

>Also, why "alt"-right?
Think jokerz from batman beyond. A movement based on memes and monkeying the original but without any of the substance, usually motivated by a need to just fuck shit up.

Then don't call your movement "Black Lives Matter" then?

Or work on your branding right now, because it mostly just looks like a movement pretending black on black crime doesn't exist.

Basically copying what the left has been doing for years.

The problem in the media is with the system killing innocents, both black and white.
I think

>Those people are punished by law
Unless they don't solve the murders

>Then don't call your movement "Black Lives Matter" then?
Then stop unjustifiably killing black people and getting away with it?

>Or work on your branding right now, because it mostly just looks like a movement pretending black on black crime doesn't exist.
Everyone else has a very clear idea that it's about police brutality. You're being willfully obtuse.

I'm so sick of think-skinned people being allowed to try and silence me just for not being enough of minority.

>Everyone else has a very clear idea that it's about police brutality.

Better tell that to the movement then. They seem more interested in encouraging cop murders and blocking freeways.

Being black isn't a mental issue though.
Please, can we as a society find ways to help these people without feeding their delusions just so we can feel like the next Rosa Parks?

>Asay thinking private property is real

Or maybe it's because you have high-functioning autism and can't understand the basic concept of manners.

>You don't understand the basic concept of manners your FUCKING WHITE MALE CIS SCUM.


>very clear idea that it's about police brutality

Then why do the leading members say its about white privilege?

Sir, we aren't radical idiots! Only the majority of are leaders are.

Are we just adding that shit to random posts like "HURR NURR THAT'S WHAT YOU SOUND LIKE"? Is that what we're doing now?

>autistic people are cis

>unjustifiably killing black people

Unarmed black people are disproportionately killed by police compared to unarmed white people when the total population of blacks and whites are taken into account.

>According to the most recent census data, there are nearly 160 million more white people in America than there are black people. White people make up roughly 62 percent of the U.S. population but only about 49 percent of those who are killed by police officers. African Americans, however, account for 24 percent of those fatally shot and killed by the police despite being just 13 percent of the U.S. population. As The Post noted in a new analysis published last week, that means black Americans are 2.5 times as likely as white Americans to be shot and killed by police officers.

Technically correct, but not a fact that contradicts the point made.

I realize that this is getting more and more off-topic so this is going to be the last post I make on the topic.

You did bait him with a personal insult.

When I feel insulted and belittled, I'm not supported by backup of virtue-signalling white knights. Which I find to be unfair and discriminatory.

I'm pretty sure rape is worse than that

See? So it's okay to kill white people!

I think you're missing user's point.
Blacks are disproportionate in the cop shootings.

How about I'm tired of people losing their fucking minds over jokes.

Of people getting offended by something they demand it to be banned or censored.

Of people demanding stuff be altered to fit THEIR viewpoints and opinions regardless of whether a creator/artist wants it to be or not


Silly abuse of statistics.

They have over three times the number of arrests too. So per arrest blacks actually have a lower chance of getting shot.

We are not all equal. Men get shot a lot more by police than women too.

But it makes sense when you take into account that black people commit more violent crime, though you would be called a racist just by bringing up that little fact in most situations.

I think you're missing the point that the recent that article was written and that study was done is to devalue white people's lives.

>According to the most recent census data, there are nearly 160 million more white people in America than there are black people. White people make up roughly 62 percent of the U.S. population but only about 49 percent of those who are killed by police officers. African Americans, however, account for 24 percent of those fatally shot and killed by the police despite being just 13 percent of the U.S. population. As The Post noted in a new analysis published last week, that means black Americans are 2.5 times as likely as white Americans to be shot and killed by police officers.
Because let's not take into account the amount if black criminals compared to the amount of white criminals. That totally wouldn't make sense when talking about the police.

In fact, a great deal of murders go unsolved BECAUSE the black community is so hostile and uncooperative towards police

Pretty good.

Sup Forumsmblr vs Sup Forums, begin.

I'm tired of callout culture and online harassment being used as a stand-in for substantive political reform.

I'm tired of all the energy being devoted to more diverse consumerism.

I'm tired of an increasingly granular and academic language created by a majority white liberal group that keeps turning on and eating itself in the name of supporting oppressed peoples.

Not even Sup Forums in the slightest but same here. It's just so absurdly offensive.

They also commit a disproportionate amount of violent crimes and robberies and thus are more likely to be arrested/shot