ITT: Cameos

ITT: Cameos

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Half of these are going to be anime cameos aren't they

>a show where the best girl is actually a guy
At least they included him.

it signifies the artist has "culture".

Hell Owl.

But user, Misato is a girl.

Anyone have that panel of Rusty Venture and Brock Samson in Invincible?

Leela doesn't have elf ears.

There's a purple haired Cyclops orphan, I'm counting it.


>Bart Simpson and Black Lisa in the same class
>This also implies Marge is black and has an african hairstyle or Homer is a cuck


That's hilarious

How are you on Sup Forums, being so easily triggered?

It was probably to make it a little less obvious and/or break up the color scheme of the crowd.

So chill, ya' fuck

When did that happen? I can't believe I didn't notice

Also, probably just me being dumb trying to find the cameo because that one was a little off, stealth Harry Potter on the right, I guess.

That's Milhouse

Lois, Clark and Jimmy were in Ultimates
Larry King and Shannon Elizabeth were too, but that's less of an easter egg


Speaking of which, I think it was that same fucking comic, but I don't have it anymore; I just remember reading it, that Spider-Verse S.PD//R or whatever it was called with the Japanese robo-Spider-Man one-shot from that event. I'm 90% sure it was that comic where she and another Spidey get trapped in a circle of enemies, and the whole crowd of gangsters is filled with Tetsuo's gang from Akira and half the cast of Ghost in the Shell.

I can see why people don't love it tons, but I got a good grin out of that.

Hitman did it too



Holy shit, when was that? That's great.

One of the hundreds of X-titles from the 90s

Pretty sure it was a coloring error. The colorist didn't get the reference.

other way around. That came first


Apparently ben10 had a bunch but i remember this one

I like all the ones put into the parties in Prince of Cats

Can you name them all?



all i see is Lupin and Jigen

my man

this is the best one

Astro Boy
those Tatsunoko heroes (Jun the Swan and the main guy whose name escapes me)
maybe Yotsuba?

>they managed to make them sound sort-of like the original, especially cow
Too bad for that human "i am devoid of a soul" design


Misato is best woman.

Is the big black guy supposed to be Tetsujin?

I think they straight up got Charlie Adler to play them again.


Fucking kek. Even had a subtle one, too.

>Mister Smoothie!
>Master Shake
>The mascot on the menu is an anthropomorphic fast food drink


>Recurring role

Lupin, Jigen, Fujiko
Gatchaman (Joe & Ken?)
Kuro & Shiro from Tekkonkinkreet
Tintin & Milou

Clark has a ton of cameos in various comics.

Also, the scene where Invincible gets raped, it happens on the Kents farm, Pa even lends him an overall, stating that his son is around the same size as Mark is.


Marvels had a lot of little cameos, like Lois and Clark at the Human Torch's unveiling and Popeye talking about how cool Captain America is.

Fucking knew it.

Son of a bitch, I thought I was joking the first time I noticed it but they legit threw the whole Beatles in there.

Why is Norman next to JJJ

George and Ringo are at the back, Paul's on the right hand side, but I can't find John.

>Daredevil not facing the wrong way
Someone needs to fix that.

You were so close, dude. He's right in line with them.

Poor George, shoved all off to himself.

also needs to happen

fuck me, forgot pic

CQC Bro pr0n

Ah, there we go.
I kept thinking of Later-Beatles John, instead of Early-Beatles John.


probably my fault, but I can only see Paul in there, partially covered by Doc Strange's cape. Can someone point out where the rest of them are?

oh nvm


Honestly, I feel like it was supposed to be stupidly obvious. Once you get past the colorful Marvels, look at them; they're the only ones with colorful, dark hair. Everyone else is light or faded, except the one chick who might actually be Jackie Kennedy. Above "eye level," which is more practical than literal, above the tuxedos, their dark hair really draws the eyes compared to the rest of the crowd.

Maybe that's me, but it made it oddly obvious for me because of that.

There's actually a Clark Kent in the Marvel Universe. Who may or not be Superman.

Man, I miss Peni. I wish someone would do something with her or that she shows up in Web Warriors.

Be grateful she survived that hot mess of a story called Spiderverse.

no it didn't, the artist even admitted he was inspired by The World

They appeared more than once.