What are your favorite sexy scene in western animation?

What are your favorite sexy scene in western animation?.

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This will never not trigger me In a good way :^)


Kissing isn't sexy.

Says you.

Watching it now

She takes off her shirt


It is if you do it German style

my favorite was amy in futurama with the heart shaped cleavage cutout top

does anyone have a pic of that? I have never been able to find it

Which episode was she seen wearing it?

thats the problem i don't know which episode, i've googled for it a bunch of times but never found it

That episode of a disney cartoon where a magical fourteen year old girl went into heat and began kidnapping boys for mating purposes

If somebody posts that Symbionic Titan scene then I'm fucking done with this board's shit taste.



Think she felt his giant horsepenis and was thankful her mom broke in before she got her pussy annihilated?

There was a scene in Spectacular Spider-Man wherein they first intorduced Black Cat, Spidey catches her in the middle of a burglary and for a few moments the pair are suspended upside down, spinning around the room togeather. While they talk the camera keeps cutting away to show Spidey's webline and Cat's rope line slowly coiling around one another. Shit was so fucking sexy, and Cat's voice in that was amazing as well.

holy shit!! thanks so much!

There aren't enough for me to be happy yet.

Ah, I see you found my old fan fiction, we can just forget about that.

you want more?

That'd be nice. Whatcha got?

no problem. this is another screen.

webm when?




I have a feeling you might enjoy this.











When they're practically tongue fucking each other's mouth, yes, it is.

Pretty sure that's the end of the comic.

>What's causing it?
>Is it my outfit?

Muh dick

everything is off-model, but I'm okay with this

I'm not gonna lie, that was a really good fap. I'm saving these. This is why I come to Sup Forums.

To be fair, Futurama is a tough show to get on-model art of.

Glad you enjoyed it. Here's more of the artists Futurama work if you're interested.

No code lyoko?

How can you be turned on by these art styles?

Ones where women are impregnated by men they hate/different species.

Was the nudity in undergrads ever uncensored?


oh hey, this is actually pretty good as far as character interactions and jokes. not bad, not bad.

Elise in Dan VS. The Beach is pretty sexy

It's actually quite easy when they give us moments like this.

The bottom 3 panels should've been reversed. Would've been funnier

this movie fucking sucks.

isn't that like incest?

Sounds like you're the one with shit taste.

Sadly you might be disappointed if you're looking to bust a nut since we never get a full view of any tits or cunts.

Yeah, I love his comics, but that's the one thing that I don't like about them

Maybe not for a neck bearded virgin living in his mom's basement who can only masturbate to disgusting hardcore fetishes. I kiss my wife all the time. It's pretty sexy.

Are you kidding me? Kissing is amazing.

>Kissing > sex

I love how this comic plays out. It feels like it could be an actual episode.

Which is strange since he clearly doesn't have a problem drawing them.



Is 3d count ?



God dammit. Why are cartoons so fucking sexy?

Has batman always had the Judge frown?

I wish they made western porn half as often as hentai :(


Because life isn't fair

i just don't know

francine presses buttons i never knew i had

this didnt actually happen right?

it looks like her head and neck is on backwards.

no it happened, i remember seeing it on tv


wow that's really underwhelming.

Which movie was this?

whoa what the fuck? Is this an edit? I thought this show was for children.

So much this

Children have naughty bits too. You've been pussified by modern media.

Rocko's Modern Life had an episode where his dog Spunky is obsessed with humping Rocko's mop. It gets so bad that he gets taken to the vet/psychiatrist and the doctor steals the mop and starts humping it instead.

I remember growing up in the nineties and knowing damn near everything about sex, but a bunch of soccer moms spent that decade insisting kids didn't ever look in a mirror or ask to see each other naked. And now children's media is fucked beyond hope.

Thank you, Canada. Somebody in the West has to have some balls.

How old are the characters on Total Drama Island anyway?

first season was naughy

Not just Francine.

take a look also to this artist


Compare to Simpsons, characters in Futurama were fairly attractive at times. Amy and Leela were pretty sexy even if some instances had them just looking like ordinary toon characters. While in the nude, they're given pretty nice asses and side-boobs + cleavage.


Really great to know the artist watched Austin Powers.



I'm a little surprised that the SS Leela x Amy ship never really took off. I mean, you'd think it'd happen knowing how people love pairing two characters of the same sex together for the purpose of sex.

>ftw everyone had big bobbies in that scooby movie

Marge in a hooker costume is something else

If you speak of Marge.

Camp Scare is the movie with the most fanservice


Dazzler and pizzaz sex scene

This looks WRONG. Where is their other buttcheek? It should be buttcheek next to buttcheek but here there is nothing.
Also in the officially licensed comics you can see the butts of main characters (female) from behind. I was quite shocked to see this in an official comic I have bought and not just some fan art.

name of those shows since I am not American and do not know all of your stuff (yet). Thanks.