SDCC: King, Snyder & More Explore Batman's "Rebirth"Another part of the book is the backups about Duke Thomas...

SDCC: King, Snyder & More Explore Batman's "Rebirth"Another part of the book is the backups about Duke Thomas. It's like the secret life of Robin," he revealed, praising Jordie Bellaire's work on it.

"I read a lot of scripts... and 'All-Star Batman' #1 is the best script I've ever read," King shared. "Honestly."

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Triggered. Duke is NOT Robin. Why does King suck Snyder's dick so much?

I find that really, really hard to believe.

>Duke Thomas. It's like the secret life of Robin," he revealed, praising Jordie Bellaire's work on it.
Nope kill him.

>"Clayface will be one of your favorite Batman characters for the rest of your lives when you're finished reading this series," he concluded.

But that's already been the case since Feat Of Clay Part 1 and 2!

Has the only new book DC announced so far been that Ennis mini?

King praised Tnyion's work, comparing it to the "soap opera feel" of the original "Uncanny X-Men" series.

I think so
All the others like the Hawkman and Deadman ones were in the solicits before SDCC


King is a good company man

>King praised Tnyion's work,
How to Suck Your Own Dick Lol.

Is King one of the smartest dudes in the industry?

>Constantly praise Snyder's work
>Trys to undermine Bruce and Dick's fucked up relationship and fix it in Grayson
>Acknowledged Dickbats first and made it continuity again
>All the while retroactively fixing and undoing every mistake Snyder made on Batman
>Fixed Bruce's personality
>Is working on fixing Duke by getting back to basics

Honestly, the man was clearly a CIA operative. He's saying one thing and doing another.


Show me one other writer that pretended to like the one before him while fixing everything he hated that the person did.

He kissed Snyders ass XD

- Duke is just so very boring.

It's pretty smart to praise and be friends with the biggest writer dc has

King said that he and Finch said that Batman: The Animated Series was "the best Batman could be," and used that as a big inspiration for where Batman begins in this book, including picking the design of Batmobile.

fucks babs lol.

Guys no Damian NEWS :(

NEWS for damian fan
King -no damian
Snyder- no damain
Tnyion -no damian .

Don't worry, King is a Dick/Babs pleb. No cucking will occur.

Damian was talked about at the Young Gotham panel I think. They had the Supersons artist there.

>Damian was talked about at the Young Gotham panel I think. They had the Supersons artist there.
no bock with his father..the three cancer ulcers kill batman for me.

that's weird?

King is always praising writers he's better than. He said Bendis was great before writing Vision, he said Venditti's Green Lantern was great before writing that Darkseid War one-shot, and now he won't stop praising Snyder.

Just a good company guy I guess.

While it is indeed flattering to see onself 'quoted', I'd still prefer that you'd stop copy-pasting my lines, Damifag, and write your own.


I will ask the anti racism people on twitter whether they write dc...slowly I think they are really assholes....I do not know but that's strange..