Is Sup Forums ready for Venom posting?

Is Sup Forums ready for Venom posting?


if I pull off that symbiote, will you die?

I'm ready for Sup Forums to try to defend some inferior movies just to be contrarian, if that's what you mean.

mhmh be very careful now


I'm beyond pissed it isn't a part of the MCU

All I want is to see Venom done properly

that's a big symbiote

You're a big guy...and a bigger spider

Venom is literally a fan fiction character. A little kid wrote the idea in a letter to Marvel editors and they bought it off him.

Any character who is just "an evil edgy version of the main character" is such a fucking hack thing for a writer to do.

Oh wait, that's Tom Hardy? It looked like some fag lmao

hmmm spoida-mahn


Why don't you fucking shut up?

giv big venom

>we are protectors of the innocent
>damn that Spider-Man
>be very careful now, for we will eat your brains


This still isn't allowed even if some pretentious actor said it in some chewing the scenery role

I can just see it now. Spiderman goes to Dr. Connors to get advice about Venom -
>Doctor.. If I found the way to remove the symbiote from him, would he die?
>No, but its attached to every nerve ending, so it would most likley cause him extreme pain.
I love Tom Hardy, but this is gonna be terrible.

Dude, fuck off. The symbiotes are top-tier

>Almost everyone's favorite villain in Spider-Man and one of the top villain's in all of Marvel comics
>some guy on Sup Forums hates it and uses the word "edgy"
Not surprised desu

is aiden gillen the perfect carnage?

If Stormin Norman isn't your favorite Spider-Man character, you have shit taste.

>not good ol' doc ock

>fat tub of lurd
>over Stormin Norman

Shit taste, confirmed.

I liked Scorpion and Shocker

From the cartoons I liked tombstone, rhino and vulture desu

>Out of one of the best group of enemies in all of comic books, the edgy version of the main character with all the same powers is your favorite
Your taste is beyond repair. Read a comic book.

I said one of everyone's favorites, not mine but I still like him. I'm more of a Pastepot Pete kinda guy.

Tom Hardy is a hilariously bad choice for Eddie Brock.

Not counting Flash being Agent Venom, you have plenty of other cool villains to choose from. Venom isn't even in my top 10.


Yeah I get it, you don't like him, I don't care. This doesn't take away from the fact that everyone else does. I'm not going to sit here and argue with you which comic book character is totally the best.

Literally no better than Topher Grace

>This doesn't take away from the fact that everyone else does
"""Everyone else"""" likes Justin Bieber and 50 Shades of Grey too, I guess those things suddenly became good too huh faggot

>hard R rating
>Carnage shows up
>people are actually ripped apart and killed, blood and gore everywhere
>brutal fight scenes with each symbiote ripping and tearing at the other
I know it'll never, ever happen, but I can dream.

Well it's successful. I'm sorry that you're upset with me over the fact that media which isn't in your "top 10" is more popular than you'd prefer.

Except for the whole being a good actor thing and the whole being physically right for the role thing, sure, he's no better.

If it's anything like Legend, Tom Hardy in a bad movie is still really fun.

why are you quoting Harry Potter?


>physically right for the role
I know, Tom Hardy looks exactly like a 6 and a half foot tall Dolph Lundgrenesque bodybuilder

I'm actually pleased with this casting choice

based venomposter

hmm, be very careful now peter

Why are venoms teeth covered in cum?

>you will never see a big budget video of carnage tearing whole crowds of people apart at lighting speed

It's an extreme level of disrespect when someone would actually try and put Carnage in a movie without unadulterated violence and bloodshed.

symbiote cummies

I fully expect an R rating considering how successful Deadpool and Logan were, and that they were both spinoffs like this. It only seems appropriate for them to follow the same formula here.

Lizard cause of liking transformations and werebeasts, but the thing that really made spidey great to me - at least in TAS - is he would take on all these fucks back to back or all at once (no homo) sometimes. That's why these spider-man movies suck, peter isn't get dogpiled by life and(no homo) villains.

I thought that would be the case with ASM2 and I waited the whole movie for Rhino to join the fight. LOL fuck me I hate capeshit

Wait, so is this movie gonna coincide with Spiderman Homecoming or not? If not, why the fuck does it even exist?

He has a good frame, famously large traps, and can put on serious mass. He's also a good character actor. You're whining just to whine. Even if there is a better actor out there, to say he's "no better" than Topher Grace is being retarded on purpose. You know that's wrong.

If I pull that symbiote off will you die?

>Wait, so is this movie gonna coincide with Spiderman Homecoming or not?
They're not connected.
>If not, why the fuck does it even exist?
Sony wants to ride the hype of Marvel's Spider-Man movie. $$$$

Hes confirmed to be in the venom movie right?

That's terrible. Who gives a shit about a venom movie if it isn't even going to lead up to him fighting Spiderman? I hope this shit bombs.


Venom was one of the best characters in Morevowel VS Capcommunists 2 and had best be in the newly announced game else it'll be shittier than it'll likely already be. True story, my Afro-American kinfolk.

Holy shit dude. Just thought about your post and the resemblance is uncanny.

>Who gives a shit about a venom movie if it isn't even going to lead up to him fighting Spiderman?
Me, because I don't require a pubescent teen quipping through my venom movie in order to enjoy it.

>"Wow, you're way stronger than those other guys! But why are you so angry? I think you need to lighten up!"
>*swings from lamppost*

yeah no thanks

How do you even have a Spider-Man movie that isn't connected to Spider-Man? Do they intend on just creating a whole separate universe for Venom outside of any mention to Spider-Man? How did he come to be? Who is he fighting against? What's the fucking point?


>pic not related

Imagine having an opinion as shitty and wrong as this guy.

I agree with this, I don't really give a shit about Spider-Man being in the movie. It is going to be rated R, as a proper movie with Venom in it should be. I'm just curious how they're actually going to explain Venom. Is he going to have zero connection with Spider-Man at all?

Fuck that MCU gotta connect everything to the Avengers shit. I love Spiderman, but give me some Tom Hardy Venom over that Disney shit any day.

Abhorrent taste, kill yourself. Enjoy your Sony trash.

>good frame

>fuck sony but let me slurp creamy doo doo out of disney's cornhole


BANE4U is playing venom? this is amazing

And that little kid grew up to become the president of the united states

Spider-man will probably be mentioned at some point like near the end or in a post-credit scene, but I don't think it's necessary to be honest. They could use other elements of that universe like Oscorp or Wilson Fisk's enterprise to tie it in and keep it more serious.

Venom would never be done properly in the MCU. This is a blessing.

>Norman "I fucked your girl" Osborn
>Norman "I had twins with your girl" Osborn
>Norman "I kidnapped your aunt and tricked you into thinking she's dead" Osborn
>Norman "I stole your miscarriage" Osborn
>Norman "I wrote you a letter after almost killing your aunt and wife" Osborn
>Norman "I cucked my own son" Osborn

Pretty sure the kid only designed the first draft of the suit design not the character himself

>implying Venom will be good when Amazing 1&2 were absolute dogshit

kys senpai

Sony has moved past that and will try and emulate the success of Deadpool and Logan. ASM didn't make them enough shekels, so they won't do that again.

Do we know if this is going to be an Agent Venom movie? That'd be pretty awesome.

are they gonna dye his hair? otherwise he's a good choice

Venom&Carnage are good characters to put in a movie, but without Spider-Man to foil them it feels weird. Lacks a framing device. Why can't the studios just take their time?

The bubble will burst soon enough, just take your time.

Literally has nothing to do with this thread


>this delusion
Enjoy your Orci and Kurztman Venom

How the fuck is Venom Venom? He had to absorb Peter first in order to get his powers... how the fuck that happened if Peter doesnt exist?

>absorb Peter
t. never read the comic books

It's just the symbiote that he needs, I'm sure they'll either write it in as him just getting it first or just begin the film with him already having it

He just told you how it's connected. fuck off somewhere else

I did read them. In the normal verse Peter is absorved after the symbiont falls from space. In the ultimate verse , the symbiont is Peter's father experiment and gets him when he discovers him.

Also, thats why both the symbiont and Eddy are obsessed with Peter. The symbiont wants him back and Eddy is jelly. Ignorant piece of shit trying to be a smartass.

I agree with you. Fuck all the stupid comic hacks.
Venom is boring.

>i.. I want it done right..
fuck off, go read a real book you stupid man child. it will be done however the director pleases.

You understand it's not literally pretending Spiderman never existed, he'll likely appear in a two second flashback or something setting up Venom's backstory, but once he gets rolling he can have his own adventure.

Yes, god yes

just do the beginning of Ghost Ship, but instead of the wire, Carnage tendrils.
there's your action scene.

Sony is run by sore fucking losers and are just mad that Disney can make a better Spider-Man movie than Webb and Kurtzman/Orci. their version of venom would be shit. it'd just be Lizard all over again.
>Webb's face right now

>best known for really hating spoderman
>spider-twink not even in the movie


Venom is already fucked in the comics and the movie will only make it worse. The only positive is that the host is Brock.


>Venom sucks g-guys, look how sophisticated I am.

Why do nu males constantly use the word "literally?"
