Childhood is idolizing Ned Stark. Adulthood is realizing Jaime Lannister made more sense

>Childhood is idolizing Ned Stark. Adulthood is realizing Jaime Lannister made more sense

Adulthood is realizing Joffrey makes the most sense.

Pretty much. That was the moral of the story.

Jaime's not a bad guy. They just do bad things to survive.

was jaime getting his hair cut symbolic of the show becoming worse?

adulthood is realizing that Cercei molested Joffrey multiple times

Ned was just so fucking autistic about honor, never really bought him as a 'great man'

Jaime still broke his fucking oath.

Being in the kingsguard is a suicide pact. He didn't follow the rules.

>Jaime's not a bad guy.
He used to be.
But now he's better

What if I idolize creepy CIA man?

Childhood is thinking dude boobs and dragons lmao is good adulthood is realizing it's shit

saved a shitload of lives by breaking that oath

so autistic about honor that he was willing to pay off the goldcloask with Petr Baelish to support his coup

Adulthood is realizing that Daenerys is the one true queen
valar morghulis

He was saving himself.


Patricianhood is realizing the only character that was always in the right is based Jorah

More liek queen of pudding

>in the right

Childhood is watching this garbage. Adulthood is reading the books using /got/ and other GoT threads as an excuse to shitpost about Westeros' tax plan, Bolt-on Bolton and the Merling theory.

when though? He seemed to always be a decent guy. Only bad thing i remember him doing his wanting to kill ned becasue his wife took little man

>a character that was intentionally made to be as annoying and repulsive as possible makes sense

books are garbage

Nah, Jamie is a Lannister cunt, sister-fucker and child-killer, an obnoxious cunt and smeghead, he only does honorable things when it suits him. I'm glad he got hit by all the horrible things. I hope dragons kill him in the most gruesome ways possible.

He was being honorable by breaking his vow, saving lives as a true knight should, protecting the weak from the strong (a mad king).

Why read books when film exists

>t. dany lover

>Ned Stark = Typical Tragic Hero
>Jamie Lannister = Struggling Antihero out for himself
>Joffery = Literally Hitler
>Sansa = garbage
>Arya = MUH Stronk Indepentant gril

The Bran thing, although there wasn't much else to do with him after he saw them fucking.
>getting into the books when you know the fat fuck won't provide a closure

Adulthood is realizing Bobby B was right.

with the exception of a few cases, the books are usually better than the films.

Childhood is thinking it is in any way insightful to point out the entire premise of the series. Ned Stark's honor and loyalty was misguided and landed him in his fate while Jaime, who initially appeared to be an antagonist, proved to be well intentioned but more pragmatic. No shit you fucking retard. This could just as well be a Wikipedia summary of the series.

Get this hothead outta here.

Littlefinger is good at what he does but he's greedy and that's what ends up fucking you.

Adulthood is realizing that pic related would have been the best king.

He was a cuck though

Childhood is thinking that a rat and a weak willed Lannister is good.
Adulthood is knowing that being a man and being honorable is the true path even it means losing your head.

>Stannis=the one true king of Westeros


Utilitarianism has no place in being honorable.

If you can't be trusted, you're worthless.

The whole mess that is ASOIAF could've been avoided if the Lannisters were allowed to marry each other.

This mentality is retarded say for instance you were oathed to protect someone who had walked onto private property and trespassing ment death in the same kingdom so you save the person your other to protect but in the act are caught so the only way to keep one's honor is to allow justice to be served and your own death by your logic. Even better when you know the person your sopossed to protect will be in danger the next day but your dead and didn't fight back because it's honorable

When I read these books as a teenager years ago I liked the Starks like everyone else but the more I re-read them the more I ended up hating them due to how absolute retarded their decisions were. Lannisters are better people but not by much.

the wat?