Sup Forums says movie is bad

>Sup Forums says movie is bad
>watch it anyway
>Sup Forums was right all along

Wow, what a completely correct assessment. Good job this time, guys

Other urls found in this thread:

tv is never right, so this movie is good. But because i sad it, that means i'm right and this movie is wrong. But that means that all of my previous assessment are wrong. Including this one.

Never watch The Void and never keep The Void threads bumped

wait i fuckeddd up. But thats because i'm wrong which is right. So this movie is bad

Stop bumping The Void threads. Never watch The Void it has been shilled mercilessly on this board by people that like it.

>half an hour into The Void
wow this is pretty good, Sup Forums is wrong as always
>hour into it
okay it's lost some steam
>third act arrives
Sup Forums was right. Sup Forums is always right.


but spreading the message that the movie is bad is also good, because there will be contrarians who will wish to eat that shit full spoon to mess with /tv and prove that they are different. I hate the fuckers with contrarian mindset, so i will gladly bump all Void threads to bait them into praising this turd.

Stop bumping this thread.

You find out what is going to happen in the first 20 minutes iirc. If you didn't switch it off then then I guess you're just a bit thick.

Do you have any actual proof of shilling? Because not everything is a conspiracy, Daniel.

Do you feel the Void?


stop bumping

giv luvecraft gf

>you're just a bit thick.
are you hitting on me?

If you would stop i would, but you keep entertaining us

Never bump The Void threads shills make me sick



Stop it

sure thing, boss.

I remember talking shit about this film on Sup Forums about 3 times,
cause it's unforgivable to cover your chunk of crap of a movie with the name of a masterpiece given us by the great Carpenter Spooklord.

You are just embarrassing yourself.

the movie had some great atmosphere and monster effects but somehow it wasnt enough

I remember making shill about this film on Sup Forums about 36 times,

>autistic shillposter can't even into english

The only bad thing about the movie was a happy ending. Lovecraft doesn't do happy endings. Best Lovecraftian ending is In The Mouth of Madness.



it was alright

Void delivered literally everything it promised

My favorite Carpenter film.

>was a happy ending
>trapped in some kind of dimension with horrible aliens
At least cute nurse girl made it, probably hooked up with silent guy.

cop was HAPPY

What did the pyramid represent?

Just watched that movie, this actor carried the whole movie.

Pyramid Head from Silent Hill: Homecoming

>google this
>it's some video game shit

You have to go back.
Get the FUCK off my board

you fucking ASKED what it meant, dumb ass. I told you!

You are better off watching this instead,

Not that either are related.

It's completely unrelated to The Void since it's actually a good film, but what's the name of that recent horror movie where people are called in for a photo shoot and they slowly realize shit's fucked?

It follows

I don't remember there being a photo shoot in It Follows.

I would also want to know.

my friend thinks it represents the womb.

My wife was really cute in it though.

Your friend is a virgin.

Your wife is an whore who got /eldritched/

Movie wasnt all that good but the visuals made me rock hard if you know what i mean

i hope your wife wasnt nurse beverly.

Oh wow, it's a horror film with a terrible third act. I definitely haven't seen that before.
With standards like that, it's a fine waste of an hour.

If you want real Lovecraftian shit, watch the short film AM1200. Google it, it's on Vimeo in full. It's really solid. The first 2/3rds do a great job at maintaining tension.

vimeo dot com slash 102372269