Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Can we talk about Buffy a little bit? What were your favorite characters, seasons and episodes? I didn't watch Buffy for a long time because I had my prejudices towards it. But the characters and the humor got me really hooked. My favorite characters were usually evil-turned-good ones, like Spike, Anya, Andrew etc.

Season 7 was not as bad as I was told. It felt dragged out, though. It could have easily been a 13 episode season. There was its highs. It had Andrew, for starters. And his interactions with Anya and Spike were priceless. It had its lows, the potentials were a bunch of annoying brats and were a mistake. That episode when everybody turned on Buffy and fired her from her own house was outraging. I wanted all of them to die after that.

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>tfw touched Anya at a con one time
God I'm so autistic.
Anyway yeah I was put off this show for years because for some reason I thought/was told it was a girls show but then I found out it was very highly rated. When it was still on Netflix I burned through the first 6 seasons real quick, then took a break for exams and when I tried to get back to S7, I couldn't get into it. Since then it's been removed and I never finished it, although to me the perfect ending was S5 and S6 was like a weird dream.

I don't know who my favourite main character was, maybe Giles, but my favourite character across the show was Principal Snyder. Dude cracked me up every scene and I was legit sad when he died.

So many great episodes but off the top of my "Band Candy" was a huge standout, probably because it featured tons of Snyder and also my favourite small-time villain Ethan Rayne.

>many episodes later when Buffy could read minds
>you banged my mom on the hood of a police car!?



In terms of episodes I always had a soft spot for the one in the first season when Xander gets possessed by a Hyena. I'm not sure why.

lets watch buffy together


why is Giles there twice I thought I was having a stroke for a second


Was actually supoused to be Riley

Currently in season four, stopped to watch Angel along with the season when found out buffy was taken from Netflix, shit it hurts, now looking for decents rips all over the net.



>>tfw touched Anya at a con one time
Lucky, I wish I could touch Anya at a con

Season 7 could use some characters better instead of spending so much time on useless potential slayers. They were much worse than Dawn at her worst. And the finale should have been 2 parts imo. It felt underwhelming, and there was some plot holes.

there is nothing other than dvdrips, and those are on rutracker

I found a decent enough one on piratebay. The rest were 360p messes.

*blocks your path*


Speaking of Riley, why wasn't he at the reunion? They got the rest of the main cast.



I bet she was secretly happy to hear that. I would feel flattered if I found out people masturbated to my photos.

Anyone got a better quality of this highly artistic photo?


holy kek, cum tribute tards btfo

In the end, I don't know, it felt depressing. Buffy and the other Scoobies' relationship was strained and it felt like noone cared about anyone by the end of the series, apart from Buffy, who only had Spike totally loyal to herself.

if it was intended or not, it was a show for teenagers and that how growing up can be.

i think at the last season they were all just really exhausted and done with the show.

> it was a show for teenagers and that how growing up can be
That's why season 6 is one of my favorites. It didn't matter that she was the slayer or she had been dead for a few weeks before getting ripped apart from heaven and being brought back. The world didn't care, she had to quit school and start flipping burgers. That reality element made it depressing for me, because for a show with so much unrealistic stuff, the emotions of these characters felt so real.

S6's darker tone was intentional. Not just the burger and heaven stuff, but the whole season lacks the traditional supernatural villain and instead has normal teenagers, who kill a character with an actual gun instead of some magic weapon. Human actions have bleak consequences. There's also the weird rape/BDSM fetish thing buffy develops with spike, she has completely lost her innocence.

also there were quite a bit episodes where there was a monster to fight but the episodes really werent about the monster but about the relationships stuff and character dynamics and it worked in a weird way, i dont think any other show pulled that off so far.

theres also that asylum episode where buffy thinks all her slayer life was just an illusion. that episode was heavy for this type of show.

That ep also ends really open ended.

Yeah...realistically speaking, that versionof the story sure makes more sense than the ''actual'' story.

Season 6 is interesting because it's the maturity season. During all other seasons, the big bad is always something outside, some monster. In season 6 their former high school friends create the Geek Trio which proceeds in committing all sorts of shenanigans, at first funny but more and more dangerous and perverse until they turn to rape and murder "because they can" and feel superior. In time this triggers Big Bad Willow who herself is in a junkie like state vis a vis of her magic use. Buffy is discovering that she harbors very dark thoughts and fantasies while she get into an intense BDSM relationship with Spike. And the amazing thing in that, is that she is the abuser in that relationship, she constantly humiliates and debase Spike, even throwing money at him like he's a cheap whore she uses. Remember that at this point Spike has protected her sister while she was dead, has been tortured by Glory in season 5 because he refused to give her Faith's location, and generally has been an ally to her and her only true friend since her resurrection. Season 6 is generally considered a low tier season but not for me. Oh and that's also the season where Buffy is fucked in public in the Bronze. Very kinky for a teenager show.

Dawn a cute

cant argue with that

willow is best girl

She was actually a horrible friend and a horrible lover.

I'd like to see BtvS come back as an animated series, voiced by the original cast.

its ok, her cuteness makes up for it

Willow decided to kill everything because her GF died.

>touched Anya at a con

Why do you always get the good stuff?

Only famous people that comes here, are rockstar after their first retirement tour.

The spin off was better 2bqh

childhood is thinking willow is the best girl
adulthood is realizing she's the worst cunt


No one liked Riley. I feel bad for the actor who seemed like a nice guy.

What went right?

Except for season 4.

Angel has the best recovery in terms of quality I've seen in any series. I hated the show so much after S4, then Whedon gave us Angelkino with 5.

thats understandable


>that mound

Childhood is thinking Willow is the best girl

Adolescence is realizing she's a spiteful, selfish, narcissistic, short-sighted bitch

Adulthood is realizing that's what makes her the best girl

That I could understand. Her selling out Buffy in season 7, cheating on Oz, moving on from Tara in a few weeks for a big-headed slut etc are much worse.

I still like her for some reason, but she was never as innocent or as good as she seemed to be.

Innocent Willow died in HS.
She was just a shy cunt the rest of her life

She is pretty horrible. A cunt who does that fucking baby voice so people think she's cute.

>A cunt who does that fucking baby voice so people think she's cute.
damn, why does it work so well though!

Best girl aged like fine wine, while the others aged like milk

Neckbeards like infant-minded women. Why do you think they like Fred and Willow so much? Same character.

They're also Whedon's favorites. Imagine that.

I like Demon Fred more than human Fred.
Mostly because of her interactions with a depressed drunk.

Charisma has had so many lifts, injections and surgeries she's a Cordybot at this point.

If that's true she should give her doctor's number to the others because I couldn't tell. She looks pretty natural.

>no upper facial features at all
>that instagram blur

You can really tell how much work she's had done in that mock 50 shades flick she did.

It's on hulu


She also raped her GF in Tabula Rasa. Willow was very skilled manipulator.

Angel did turn out dramatically better.

I think it was because you could feel like the characters weren't necessarily all super powerful and that there'd be some challenges now and then. With Buffy things got set so that you rarely felt there was a threat anywhere

Glory was pretty was pretty nice in Buffy and it seemed for a little while it'd change the trend there, then they just sidelined her and you rarely saw anything from that character.


Mom? Mooom?

>Angel did turn out dramatically better.
It's funny people still say that when the only parts of Angel that weren't garbage were the last couple episodes of Season 2, the entirety of Season 5 and the few S3/S4 episodes that didn't revolve around Connor and Jasmine

>Buffy was 20 years ago
I'm 30 in 8 years, wtf I hate time

The only parts that were bad was the first half of S4.
Angel boning destiny in every season was great.

I disagree.

I'm 30 now.

That's usually what they mean. They ignore the Darla, Conner, Jasmine stuff and conveniently leave out that is was 90% of the show.

I liked Darla and Jasmine though.

>Mom? Mom? Mommy?

There's literally nothing wrong with Darla and Dru returning. I liked those eps a lot, and I liked Edgy "good" Angel.

>adam, glory, super willow, caleb, ubervamps

Angel had... The Beast and Hamilton.

How does it feel? Have you found yourself? Do you ever reach a point where you know wtf are you doing with life?

Angel had untouchable demons that were plotting the apocalypse and using humans own selfish desires to achieve it.

>w&h concoct an elaborate plan...to resurrect darla just to mess with angel

Angel's continued existence is the dumbest thing about it. Thankfully the show is just a deconstruction of it, but user's don't get that in the slightest.

Show was for fags.

Angel kills a senior partner with a magic gauntlet once

Then he just leaves it on the ground and walks away because an old dude's ghost tells him earth is actually hell, the absolute madman

That they never got around to it. That's one thing I hated about S5. No, no, no THIS is the apocalypse! Not those other ones! Get's tired after awhile.

Not really.
I'm more or less the same person I was. I just have a bigger check and a better house.

Angel is a pivotal player in starting the apocalypse, and in a way he literally does it.

That wasn't a partner. They can't take actual physical form. Angel killed a host.

S5 ends with LA going to hell and Angels final stand.

The partners win in a way, Angel just sped up the clock as a fuck you to them.

The senior partners were possibly the nicest villain touch to both shows.
Finally something worthy, given that lovecraftian feel of unknown entities living beyond this plane.
And they weren't even the worst possible thing out there.

I liked that they were a remnant of the old world, and they weren't even that strong to begin with.
Illyria thinks very little of them, saying that they were barely better than vampires.

>Angel is a pivotal player in starting the apocalypse, and in a way he literally does it.

No, he isn't. He actually had nothing to do with their plans.

It's literally like the CSM not killing Mulder but with less sense.

He sped up no clock. The Partners sent the army to kill them, not end the world.

How are they different than The First exactly?

Angel was foretold to be a key player in the apocalypse, and if he played his role he would be human.

Angel jump started the Apocalypse and in the end the partners pulled LA into a hell dimension.

We see The First in the forms he wishes to take.
The Partners are felt but not seen.

Technically, the First was more evil and older, more immortal and probably more powerful I guess... but it feels like the partners were better designed.
Sometimes, their purposes even align with the good guys, they are evil business men. Also we never see them. They are unknown horrors. The first appears as dead people and can also convince you to kys. In the end it's no scarier than a psychopathic ghost

He didn't jump start anything, nor was LA sucked into hell. Lindsey reads some silliness about another apocalypse and Angel, realizing he fucked up with W&H, decided to kill the circle.

The SP sent a demon army to kill them. That's it. There was literally no reason at all for them not to kill Angel. None.

>it feels

So you have nothing other than Muh Angel is just better bullshit.

The First was likely older and more powerful, but it delegated itself to taking various forms and screwinget with the heroes heads, since it couldn't harm them physically, lacking a tangible presence in the world to do so. Whereas the Partners never manifest themselves and delegate most of the manual labor to their funkiest, but unlike the First they are shown to be -quite- capable of taking physical action if the situation calls for it.

You're ignoring the Shanshu prophecy that the partners were very invested in.

They wanted Angel evil not dead. You need to rewatch the show.

Angel knows that his actions in S5 will be his last, the partners will literally rain Hell on LA, and they did.
If you follow After The Fall they pulled LA in to a hell dimension and made Angel human since his role was over.

Yes, dear?

>hurr durr feels don't matter
Enjoying a show is all about feels and impressions and the reasons why you watch a show and continue to do so.
But if you would be retarded enough to watch a show for muh overly well designed technicalities over if you really like it or not then I have nothing more to say to you.
And I never said this or that show was better. Different user. Only said why I prefer the Partners over the First. If this bothers you, stay mad.

The one they had him sign away? No. It's you that needs a rewatch.

When you're saying objectively one is better than another, yes your feels are irrelevant.

The old world was the best part of the buffyverse. Really added something, that idea that humans were meaningless to old dormant cosmic horrors, such as Illyria herself.
And how can you mention Illyria and not post her? Heresy

They had him sign away his reward, not his role.
They wanted to make sure that he had no motive, that he didn't want to be human anymore.

I mean I know it was the start of the sjws and the snarky banter super hero stuff. But I still like it, and angel. I recently re-watched both in "correct order" was pretty good, still like that damn musical too.

Illyria is best girl, but I have no images on this PC.

I touched her once as well. It was near the end of a con in Toronto, and my cousin and I saw her leaving, and we were like can we get a picture? She looked to her manager and he said it was okay, so we went in close and had a picture.

>Y-Your opinion is not like mine, that's why you're wrong!
>B-but muh scientific objectiveness
>where is the villain-meter that measures villain quality!?!