Fuck you all, this shows great

Fuck you all, this shows great.

40% 40% 20% was the only decent episode.


After accepting its not like the previous. I ended up liking it a lot.

What was even the point of making a reboot? This show could have used different characters and it would have made barely any difference. Everything is so different the only thing relating back to the original is the characters. The show could have used this formula with their own original characters.

Like I said I accepted its difference and loved it. Yeah its the same characters by name but they are different from the original Teen Titian to a degree. I just find it more whimsical and I like to laugh.

same for the setting, forgot to mention that.
I'm fairly certain the ones that stayed with the show was because of the fap material. You guys would tolerate anything if it means you can get off.

...You don't need to keep defending it, no one really cares

My point exactly. You didn't even need to use the characters and setting for this show. You could have had the same formula with your own original idea that wouldn't piss off nostalgia fags. That's how different this show is, the usage of the setting, the character's personalities and relationships, it's so different, why not just use your original idea?

Why are you butt hurt over the fact that I like this. I don't care of the what ifs. What is here now is perfectly fine. Stop being an autist.

You could say that about the original show too.

Not an argument. No need to get defensive, but you know it's true.

Fuck you this show is garbage and cancer

I'm not the one here getting worked up on something they dislike.

I like the show because I'm not mad that it isn't like the original.

I'd like it more if it wasn't on all the fucking time.

>implying anyone gives a shit about the comics
The only reason I want it to be original is because if you did that no one gets pissed off, and the show remains unaffected. By formula I mean.

Where did you get that I am upset?

They're just here for the porn user.

This is Sup Forums. There are an obscene amount of anons who think that disagreement must be anger

Fuck you this show is hilarious and great.

The only thing this show and the previous one have in common are the characters... both are great at what they are focused

> "Hey kids! At some point, you'll be too old for cartoons, so don't become an animator!"

Defend this.


Literally nobody cares about this show anymore

Go away shill


I'd fuck her desu

Ben Gruber has added a lot of quality to the recent TTG episodes. I've always liked the show, but have known since the beginning that it was poor. I guess I just wanted more Teen Titans, but as of late Season 3 hasn't really been bad. It's been hitting more often than not and I thank the added quality of writers to it.

I cant believe I want to see porn of this show