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impressive thread

for you, big guy

yeah i can see this one going far


who is teresa may running away from?

the jews


michael gove

"I like killing Jews, it makes me happy"

The baying mobs.

Why is raimi-posting back from the dead


"These Jews and their spider experiments went too far, and I'm only responding in turn to their antics in the levant! Soon I will be the Uberspinne and conquer Israel for the Ayrans!"
Raimi really went all out for Spiderman 3

too bad he had to wear the silly costume. Those expressions he makes are way more terrifying



>Dontell, Harry
He had two kids. He was gonna say his death will to Spidey but died too soon

>raimifags criticize cgi in homecoming
>they are completely fine with pic related



I bet you also think (((Donald Trump))) cares about you little cuckwads.

>It's you who's out, Gobby. Out of the closet and into my ass you sperm-hungry cockslut!
....What the fuck? I thought this was a kid's movie.

A lot more than Hillary would have

It was a different time.

No, the exact same amount. The EXACT same amount.

They are actually good friends, the medier, Donald, and Hillary only want you to THINK they are enemies and they are different which is bullshit that you shouldn't believe yet you do. Cuck.

At this point everyone, even the Queens getting her digs in.

jesus, how did raimi get away with this?

cool I dont care

cant tell is genuinely ignorant/stupid or actually paid by Netanyahu to not care

Stop derailing our green goblin thread.

"Yessss breath in the zyklon b you scummy jew"

Damn, Sony


Back to formula!

Back to formula?

Ravioli ravioli~


Raimi understood the dynamics of every hero-villain relationship. It always comes down to gay sex



Shall we begin?

The difference is that not only is the movie from 2002 but a lot of the poorly aged cgi effects are on screen as briefly as possible. Some of it is "blink and you miss it" kind of stuff. I was watching the movie a week ago for probably the 10th time and noticed a really bad effect for the first time because it's only visible for half a second and it's not front and center in the shot. The bad cgi in the first 2 Raimi movies is mostly stuff that you only notice when you're looking for it, but in Homecoming it's painfully obvious most of the time.

no, the 2002 spidey had bad effects at the time

people were mad that sony were using their own inhouse imageworks bullshit instead of industry leader ILM

Didn't stop the movie from being good, and you're overestimating CGI of the time.

No, the LotR CGI isn't a counter to that argument because it was way above average for the time.

trump is a silver spoon conman who literally created a fake college and spends his time as president getting into twitter fights with nobodys because hes so insecure. at least hilllary had a decent voting record as a senator and never did anything to fuck regular people. she certainly wouldnt have been doing things like wiping scientific data off of government websites or having chelsea as her 2nd in command

The wheat farmers

>The bombs are armed, Mr. President
Fucking Rami with his conspiracy theory bullshit

i never said the movie was bad just that effects were noticeably bad at the time

was implying that it was blink and miss it stuff which is incorrect, it was very noticeable. he is looking at it with tinted nostalgia goggles

there were multiple scenes where they obviously used a cgi spidey instead of tobey and it was obvious. the physics/weight was too rubbery

I know this is a Raimi posting thread but that suit is fucking awful

I am that guy though. You've been speaking to one person.

>he is looking at it with tinted nostalgia goggles

Why'd you have to ruin your whole argument with that? We were having a decent conversation too.

I understand that some of it is noticeable, but a lot of it really isn't unless you're looking for it. Either way the movie has strengths that cover up those weaknesses pretty well, such as all the scenes that have minimal to no CGI at all.

because the cgi wasn't on screen as "briefly as possible"


just look at that, the vault door, the holes that get punched out from ripping it out
spidey swinging in and the colors don't match the real suit
ock getting blasted through the window


the physics stuff i was talking about is noticeable here at 1:39, when he jumps to the window. it was used in all the trailers and commercials and is just an unnecessary cgi shot. it could've been done with wire work/gymnast

homecoming only had a few bad cgi shots. i think a lot of people's confusion comes from that the vulture's tech and stark's suit (still very impressive) aren't "real" so your mind already knows something is fake no matter how good the cgi is

>the cgi holes in the vault door
Literally a 2 second shot where that is visible and you aren't drawn to it
>spidey swinging in
You were literally looking for that. You are supposed to be drawn to Doc Ock in the foreground and the effect is small and again, brief.
>ock getting blasted through the window
I see no problem with the effects there.
>at 1:30 when he jumps to the window
Less than 1 second. You will quite literally miss it if you blink and being invested in the (well done) conflict happening tricks you into missing shit like that anyway. Raimi literally made the movie so good you'll miss the worst effect when they're in front of your face. I'm not doubting that these movies have bad effects, but they aren't unforgivable and don't hinder the movie unless you're autistic.

>brings up trump for no reason
Living in your head rent free

>Literally a 2 second shot where that is visible and you aren't drawn to it

Nobody mentioned Aunt May flying before ock actually grabbed her

Not evident until he tears it out of the wall, which is a 3 second shot, and the door is on screen for only 10 seconds so it doesn't give you much time to notice that it's all cgi. You were looking for bad effects, not watching the movie.

That's because that doesn't happen.

When did the "the Raimi Spider Man movies were racist" meme start?

I don't understand it but it's hilarious.


I think you should rewatch the Spider-Man trilogy user


You're trash Brock.



EU Overlord Donald Tusk

>remember kids, burn the coal, pay the toll!