Musicals are gay af

Musicals are gay af

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>there are no musicals for straight peopl-

The Jellicle Moon is shining bright!

musicals are gay as fuck

The problem with musicals is that singing is gay

Not if there's only a load of qt girls singing

Phantom of the Paradise shits all over that entry-level fluff.

You accidentally posted the gayest one there bud

>people burst out singing during everyday activities

Ruins otherwise perfect movies. I can only suspend my disbelief so much.

>tfw Rent is my favourite musical

pls don't bully

Agreed, this one especially, among my favorite

What did ((((they)))) mean by this?

Is it a TV show or movie? I've never seen it, should I?

It's a Broadway show that got made into a movie with most of the original cast + Rosario Dawson. It's actually kinda depressing.

>just read the synopsis
>it's about aids
What the fuck I thought it was like a musical version of Friends, I had no idea about this

Fucking this. Grease would be pretty Kino if they didn't burst out into fucking song every 10 minutes

Musicals are great, Grease has some good songs
I just dislike how much Chad and Stacy they all are

Nah they are gay

>Musicals can't be ki-

With the exception of Little Shop of Horrors

They are not Chads and she is a Stacy. That is the whole point of the ending, he walks in as a Chad to impress her and she as a rebel to impress him.

Also, Grease is great and this "Musicals are gay" is such a US thing. You people are too insecure.

It's shit

No exceptions. Musicals are gay

oy vey

Did someone say Heathers?

>all day long I'd biddy biddy bum

What did HE mean by this?

how the hell did this not get mentioned yet
it's literally the only musical you can watch without feeling like a queer

>OP is a faggot
Stop the presses.

>there are no heterosexual musica-

still the best

I sometimes wish that JGL/Channing Tatum Guys and Dolls remake had happened but in the end I think it's better they do something original especially now after La La Land and Hamilton's success. Still even if I think it would have bombed I would have loved to see them doing those old times gangster accents.

Would like to see Channing Tatum in an old school style musical. His scene in Hail Caesar was fun.

And that one "rock opera" where they were extracting shit from corpses.
I think Paris Hilton was in it too.

Repo was shit for teen girls who shop at Hot Topic.

I'll have to watch that again sometime, I saw it once and it didn't really click until midway through, I think around the time Paris Hilton has her song in the alley, but I saw another song from earlier in the movie linked a few weeks after watching it and liked it more the second time around.

lmao watch Hamilton and say that to my face kid

I thought the same thing when I was 12. Grow up.

>literally a movie all about men and women courting and fucking eachother

>all day long i'd finger my own bum

what the heck is this?

Jap Rap musical, it's alright, the songs aren't great but it's still fun.

I like the one where they sing brotherhood of men. It reminds me of Flintstones and their episodes where Barney and Fred went to their secret club

Erudites of Sup Forums, should I watch Mamma Mia?

Shits gay kid

Grow up and become gay? No thanks.

So it's a musical about beards? Fucking gay

Except The Producers, i liked that one.

We performed this in middle school.

>muh self-inflicted poverty
>muh Bohemian lifestyle
Fucking kys, my dude. This musical was basically the precursor to all the shitty tumblrites we have now.

We know, but sometimes you need to stop being such a prude and enjoy one or two of these gay musicals, because they can actually be really good.

but at that point is it becomes gay because there are literally only girls

>being a faggot by hating musicals

Rent's a mess, especially in the second act, but the songs are great.

8 mile is a musical.

In World Police the musical shown where "everyone has Aids" is a parody of Rent.

You might wanna get checked for HIV



I've seen the most popular ones and the ones posted in the thread, but I'm in the mood for some more, is there a chart for musicals?

>watch Disney movie as a kid
>characters start singing
>take it as a commercial and go to the bathroom or to get a snack or something

Anyone else not care for the music portions when children? Or did you guys like them when young and grew out of it later?

Oliver! is redpilled as fuck.

don't even remember any songs tbqh


Heathers is fantastic fuck anyone who disagrees

You've never heard Lieder, have you? Nothing better than a good baritone singing Schubert.

Fuck you for shitting on T.S. Eliot.

lol all this samefagging slandering musicals
i present to you a musical for only the finest clear-minded heterosexuals

Dude RENT is seriously bad

What made them think they just couldn't pay rent?
>Roger leaves for Santa Fe
>Sells guitar in Santa Fe, buys a car
>Sells car in Santa Fe to buy a bus ticket back to NYC
>now has no guitar, no car, only thing he has left is his heroin waifu who comes back through magic

Blue is theatre kino

Considering what happens in Tokyo Tribe 2 though...