Avengers: Secret Wars

The new animated cast

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it looks so fucking bad please be fake


More movie shilling and out of place Kamala

Looks like shit, m8.

At least Kamala is cute.

I'm sure that this is not the final art

>Secret Wars
This shit better have some Battleworld shenanigans.
Then again, I dunno if I they could do it justice.

Ah, the Filmation years.

Wait is the team really just the 6 of them?
That's awful.

Wiat I'm confused. Is this a new season of avengers assemble or a animated movie?

Why is Kamala the same height as Carol?

Now that's a random ass Avengers team, I like it! is it still animated like shit and is it movieverse Jan and Scott Lang

Stretchy powers, duh.

Pretty sure it's Hope. They had a bio for her on an AA site or something.

>This shit better have some Battleworld shenanigans.
It probably won't.

>Kamala finally getting her time to shine outside of comics
>From the people that brought you Avengers Assemble

fuck my life

>Whoah, hey guys!

Thunderbolts arc was fine

wew lad, this looks bad.

Clips of "Ultimate Spider-Man" were shown. Anyone saw what they showed?

By the way, as far as I see, Miss Marvel should be with the other teen heroes of "Ultimate Spider-Man".

This a billion times

The only acceptable episodes are the ones without movie shilling (Squadron, Thunderbolts), even the Dr. Strange one was beyond terrible.

Why are they doing another season of autism avengers?

Just bring back earths mightiest

>Kamela was voiced by Ashly Burch in Lego Marvel's Avengers

Thunderbolts arc was bad but not as bad as the rest of AA which was goddamn terrible.

>Just like in the movies guys, why dont you like my shows?
>Jeph Loeb

EMH died for this, the pain will never go away.

This is like a RobotChicken parody...right?

>kamala khan
>secret wars
I'm it defending them but I'm sure that there trying to rope in the comic crowd along with the movie fans

That picture makes this look like an adult comedy cartoon where the characters are all burnt out sarcastic assholes

Why does Kamala look as old as everybody else there?

Loeb is too busy with Marvel Television for Marvel Animation. Wacker is the current head of animation and has been for a couple years now.

More like Avengers Movie Wars feat. Captain Marvel and Captain Marvel Jr.

>graphic worse than ben 10 reboot
Somebody please fucking kill me

>those stiff poses
>those blury avengers


Well I don't really care, as long as they sound fitting.

I'm more at issue with the show and it's writers itself rather than the voice talent.

Ashly Burch was the voice actor for Tiny Tina, Miss Pauling, Cassie Cage, and Chloe (from Life Is Strange).

Chloe? That's..not that bad, actually.

Yeah, she actually won a Golden Joystick award for Best Performance (as Chloe).
Thing is, Kamela was also voiced by Priyanka Chopra in Marvel Avengers Academy.

Yes it is.

>Nu-Male Vision
>Carol ripping off Action Wonder Woman
>20-something stoner Kamala
>Terry McGuiness with a JO Crystal
>Evangeline Lilly
>Kamen Rider Kabuto

This would almost be funny if it weren't yet another tired attempt at keeping the show alive while avoiding giving the VAs and staff raises.

Is this a continuation of avengers assemble, or a spinoff show? Fuck it, it's going to be shit either way.

Eh, her voice fits a teenage girl.

But really I can't really say anything until I hear her do the actual Kamala role.

Kamala is in that? That has voices? I sorta completely ignored that thinking it was just a dumb free to play thing. Guess I'll look for a video to hear how she sounds

what episode is Ms. Marvel going to be on ?

From the makers of all of the other terrible marvel cartoons on disney, another piece of shit.


It's awful.

Somehow the combination of the words "secret" and 'war" makes me want to buy action figures. Anyone else feel this way?

This honestly looks like something that should be animated in the style of Metalocalypse.

It looks like Kappa Mikey

>Kamala gets introduced to the mainstream public
>Sup Forums will infiltrate this board with HUUR MUDSLIME INVASION shit
>Sup Forums will infiltrate this board with WOW WHAT A CHEAP LUFFY RIP-OFF
>Sup Forums will infiltrate this board with HUUR MUDSLIME INVASION shit
>tumblr will infiltrate this board with whatever they have to complain next

She sounds like a fucking dork holy shit.

pretty much fits her yeah, maybe a bit squeaky

>Still no Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver

What was the point of making them not mutants anymore?

>They all look the fucking same.

It's just that she has no range. Her Rise was a crime. She sounds so emotionless.


>tumblr will infiltrate this board with whatever they have to complain next

you mean people already here will complain about cross board invaders

>believing Wacko Wanda's self imposed delusion

Ogod my eyes, MY EYES.

This video lead me to Kamala also being in 3 mobile games.

What the fuck, I don't want to play a fighter on my phone. I wanna win with my inhuman waifu on a console.

She's trying to hard to be Laura Bailey instead of Rise.

Yeah that ain't my Rise. She's overdoing it hard.

They also announced a series of Rocket and Groot shorts with Skottie Young's style
>that Rocket voice

>Sup Forums
>caring about One Piece
>caring about Sup Forums in general

No one watches this show though

They still have mutie stink on them. Any time spent on them could be spent on someone they fully own or has a movie on the way

So yeah it was pointless

I'm excited when this show becomes new fodder for a Harvey Birdman/Sealab 2021 type deal in 20 years.

That was surprisingly decent.

>tfw no animated series about a group of random idiots travelling through battleworld.

Seriously, nobody can say anything about the clips of "Ultimate Spider-Man" they showed?

What is with the shit art? Why does JL Action also have shit art?

What's going on?

I can't believe I'm actually writing this but
Ashley Burch has become a better voice actor with each role she's done, I personally think her best was as Cassie Cage in MKX. As long as she has solid direction I'm positive she can give a good performance; so hearing that she voiced Kamela in Lego's MA isn't really a bad thing.

I feel dirty writing this, but at least I'm not Anthony Burch.

finally something decent

Do you have links to it?

Actually, kamen rider is the only one that looks good.

they literally have that right because they created her

>this shitty art style for spiderman/Hulk/Avengers/GoTG
What the fuck is wrong with marvel? it looks like shit,

>tfw no Stories from Battleworld animated anthology ala Animatrix ever

avengers assmeble is actually pretty btab tier in its charcaters.

Its first season big bads were attuma, dracula, awesome android and fucking Hyperion

It looks like one of Adult Swim's parodies.

Oh yeah, i forgot that she is the self-insert of a Marvel editor.

>Ms. Marvel: Hello, i'm Ms. Marvel I'm a Muslim
>Black Panther: Are you a good Muslim or a bad Muslim
>Vision: Panther, you can't ask that it's insensitive.
>BP: For the first month you all thought I was the butler.
>Wasp: You're wearing all black. What were we supposed to think?
>BP: Scott's an actual thief but you kept suspecting me everytime something went missing.
>Scott: I lost my wallet.

Not bad.

hire this man

At least they aren't using syncro-vox yet

Former star of hilarious 00s web phenomenon Hey Ash Watcha Playin'.
Mileage may vary (depending on how much you hate Anthony).

>I feel dirty writing this, but at least I'm not Anthony Burch.

Or Aaron Diaz.

Oh, I know. But I couldn't just leave him out after that spiel.

Fund it.

>Implying it's going to be Secret Wars III.

How has this not happened already? Man, get on it!

He sounds like Tommy Wiseau.

Why don't the animated stuff ever use War Machine?

The same reason the MCU never uses War Machine.

he ded


She can pull of Kamala's nerdgasm well.

He will appear in Ultron Revolution

>Carol ripping off Action Wonder Woman
AA-style Carol had the haircut first.

I believe the shorts are being produced by a french studio, so it's probably just some frenchie doing a Bradley Cooper impression

What the fuck is up with Rocket's voice?

They couldn't get an American voice actor to dub it?

And where does Carol fit in all this?

>no new details on the Ant-Man shorts
How depressing.