They were clearly playing it up as romance in the movie. I wonder what gave Disney the cold feet

They were clearly playing it up as romance in the movie. I wonder what gave Disney the cold feet.

China is the easy answer, but then they'd probably not pair Finn with an asian girl.

The script didn't intend romance. Daisy just couldn't help lusting over a real man.

Poe and Rey OTP WHEN?

What makes you think Disney got cold feet? We only have one movie so far, and that movie shows us a brief hint of romance, which is deflated by the end. It's not like we got one movie leaning towards romance, and then the next movie deflated it after the execs reconsidered.
In any case, the two have no romantic chemistry.

No, Finn was interested Rey but Rey wasn't interested in Finn. Stop being a fucking retard OP, not everything has to be a conspiracy.

The real romance is between these two autists.

>inb4 they're related

You have to be retarded if you still believe that.

Wasn't it the fact that they cast a black guy.
I thought I heard somewhere, probably here, that they were originally set to cast Jesse Plemons as Finn, by Abrams screwed them over and cast Boyega

If I had enough control over the force, could I use the force to hold her in place while I make her spread her...legs?

What are virtue signaling, marketing, and cold feet?

Director has said there will be NO romantic interest in the new trilogy. Specifically ruling out the Reylo faggotry.

Her not having a romantic interest is in keeping with her being a storing independent female like Elsa or Monoa

Wasn't here a rumor that the spic pilot was going to be a fag?

Nah, that's just fan fiction

Can you imagine how many young white girls will be influenced by their inevitable kiss scene?
Every young white girl after watching the film will try it with a black guy, and Sup Forums will not stop it. Nothing stops this train. Nothing

This trilogy is getting worse all the time

I thought that at first. But then another idea came to me that made more sense. It's the fact that Disney expected the normie response to their relationship. Imagine if Finn never reacted to Rey romantically. Then every normie would be like "Finn MUST be gay". And then his credibility decreases. And no one likes him. But since they went out of their way to show he's got a libido, that makes him more relatable. Even though their relationship will go nowhere, at least the audience knows he isn't gay.

They never get together in the first film, Luke and Leia didn't kiss until Empire.

Who casts this trash?

Does Rey have character traits of any kind?

She's a constant stream of uppity and "muh parents". That's all I remember.

No, he will set up Reylo for episode 9, faggot

they were cheap and shit

>no romance
big if true

The Force Awakens should have been about Finn and Poe discovering the Force and having awesome bro-ventures. Rey shouldn't have even been a character in the film.

Just give me my fucking Rogue One sequel like they totally planned.

Rogue Two?


This. I feel bad for the people who waited 30+ years to see what happens after Jedi only to get a Mary Sue who won't stop talking about her fucking parents.

Rey is Leia's daughter and Kylo's half-sister.

Can the force fix her broken ovaries so she can have a beautiful mixed baby with Finn?

>They were clearly playing it up as romance in the movie.
Wait till they find out they're brother and sister in the next movie.