Wait, the slave trade never happened in the MCU?

Wait, the slave trade never happened in the MCU?

Other urls found in this thread:


>What was the Arab slave trade

Be humble. Sit down.

Not even white cities look like that lmao

>if white people didn't exist Africa would have discovered a fictional metal that doesn't exist and created technology that is years ahead of what we currently have

yeah, white people can't do shit lmao

Where do you find these tweets? Do you just follow random people in the hopes they will say something stupid that triggers you?

Exactly this. It was much more extensive and brutal. Also, I love that "hut" skyscraper.

Isn't Wakanda canonically like, Chaotic Evil?

They're advanced enough to have discovered things like cure for cancer, but intentionally withhold them from the rest of the world.

>arab slave trade was more drastic so American slavery doesn't matter

lol fucking white people and their mental gymnastics. too bad they can't jump for shit hahahaha

>implying colonizing the world wasn't white people's business



Get off the internet grandad.
go do old people things instead

Africa's development was hindered because of poor geography producing a detachment from most of the "civilized" world. Also, most African language suck by not affording the expression of empathy, context, or past or future tenses. In the long run those poor languages prevented cognitive development leading to a present day situation where the average IQ in several countries is around 70.

>Poltards and the idiot woke crowd combine to shitpost about Black Panther

This will be the second highest grossing marvel film, you faggot.

So what do you want? Reparations?

its an extremely xenophobic and isolationist country

this is fucking racist. shut the fuck up. delete this you fucking klan member

Guy who took the screenshot is swedish.
You can't legally have a twitter in sweden without following a number of progressive, pro-PoC, and feminist accounts.

It's not racist. It's true and the truth doesn't care what we think about it. The truth simply is. It's also not controversial among linguists, geneticists, and anthropologists.


nah, your white daughters and sisters are keeping me content lmao

I don't know what you are referring too

>implying jews and niggers weren't behind the slave trade

I. fuck. white. women. You. fuck. no. one.

Africa's development was hindered because it's full of niggers

Is getting mad at tweets by literally whos something the kids are into these days?

There's a difference between being xenophobic and isolationist, and having cures for horrible diseases and honestly discussing about not sharing them with others.

It's not like they're saying "Lets not give outsiders our laser gun technology.", they're actively condemning people to horrible deaths for withholding medical knowledge.

You are a fourteen year old whiteboi, go the fuck back to rddit and stop pretending to be me you fucking cracker.

Also this.

I don't understand?

spike lee is that you??

So everything spoken is selfish, in present-tense and in a vacuum? Can you provide a typical conversation. My mind is just creating:

>Give me x

you dont have to follow people or even search their name to come across one of their tweets

but wasting their time on social media, especially facebook and twitter, is what most old people do these days

>implying it is white people's fault Africa never embraced capitalism


lol this girls twitter feed is just her ranting about how Sup Forums keeps getting her account suspended

who the fuck is paying in coins?

twitter demographics are actually quite a bit younger than most normie mainstream social media

The whole country is fucking cut off from the rest of the world in the middle of Africa right?
How the fuck would cities develop without trade or means of travel? There would literally be no point to such a city unless it was providing services to large parts of the world

nothing more pathetic than larping as a subhuman for (You)s

Movie theaters don't take EBT, gotta get in somehow.

>wake da is the richest country in the world by far
>super high tech
>cured cancer
>cured AIDS
>no hunger
>no poverty
>doesn't even help out its African brothers and sisters and give them the cure for AIDS

Niggers are their own worst enemy.

meant to say most other



I'm a dirty LIEberal and even I know gold when I see it


just curious are there any isolated white tribes still living in the jungle?

It could make a lot of money. Black people have like the tenth highest buying power in the world

hope you're telling the truth, because I just got rock hard while reading this...

1982772373828727733 DEAD COPS

the minority's worst enemy

Remember when there were no white people in Africa?

Ancient Egypt happened. Black people build the fucking pyramids, and white people are still wondering to THIS DAY how we did it. We did it because we had full control of the lands.

No white people = paradise.

That specific account is from someone on here, a lot of people have mock accounts they use to make threads about

From the way they don't give a shit about other Africans, you totally know that the Wakandans made bank from the slave trade.

If that's the case then blacks owe Jews reparations for making them build the pyramids

Slavery that isn't going on at this very moment doesn't matter, you fucking troglodyte shit weasel.


Because they're incapable for be responsible financially. They need to stop saying that shit like it's a good thing. Stop buying fucking the same pair of Jordans over and over again.


100% false.

Ethiopia for example has never been conquered or even invaded and that place is a shithole.

>All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh-water system, and public health, what have the Europeans ever done for us?

The gold caps on the pyramids were made from the rings and gold teeth melted down from Jewish slaves of the era!

also the pyramids are still there and mostly intact meanwhile most of the "ancient" whites stuff are all ruins falling apart

lmfao. what is wrong with these people

Dem sassy ladies drinking some shit gifs are their Pepes arent they?


>Blacks created the pyramids

Just cause its in africa doesn't mean Egyptians were black. Fucking educate yourself you idiot.

exactly white boi