How did Batman build the Batcave without giving away his secret identity to all of the workmen involved in the...

How did Batman build the Batcave without giving away his secret identity to all of the workmen involved in the construction?

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I have always wondered this.

The fact that its probably just Bruce and Alfred doing all this is such bullshit.

Batman setting up the computer isn't too crazy, but housing all the Batmobile's and trophies is unbelievable. Maybe he pays Superman with beer like how friends get their friends to help them move.

I'm pretty sure that he had the whole thing built before meeting superman

the workmen had the batcave built centuries in advance and they destroy it and start over every few generations

it's much older than batman thinks it is

He had them killed, just like Ozymandias.

There was always an underground tunnel system under the wayn mantion. Bats knows machinery, he could have built it himself like ironman

could he build robots to do it?

I just assumed Bruce and Alfred built it themselves, Dick and later sidekicks helped

Look up H.H.Holmes.

just fucking look at that pic, anons. Do you REALLY think that two guys (one of them past retirement age) forged, constructed, and wired ALL OF THAT SHIT on their own? Give me an estimate for how long it would take two guys to do that -- I'd bet that several of those jobs are literally impossible without 3+ pairs of hands on duty

I really disliked Nolan's bare bones bat cave, but it worked given the setting.

what was wrong with it? It had basically everything he needed

>Batman setting up the computer isn't too crazy

if you know literally not one fucking thing about computers

35 minutes ago? seems like they might have talked before then

just maintaining that boat, which doesn't dock and sits in water, is going to take up a couple of full working days every year at a minimum, even though it's sitting in what we assume is fresh water and even though it's probably a fibreglass hull

every one of those vehicles that runs on an internal combustion engine has a battery, and at a minimum has to be run to stop that battery going dead every couple of months; in addition, the fuel in their tanks will start to separate out after a few months (this usually isn't a problem for cars because cars usually empty and refill their tanks more often than that) and that's going to cause all kinds of havoc with those finely-tuned high-performance sports engines

assuming those piers and slabs are concrete they could - feasibly - have been made by two guys, but all of the raw material has to be humped down into the cave and stored - in a damp cave - until you're ready to go, then mixed and poured in large sections; assuming that disc in the foreground was done in, say, 12 triangular sections, that's probably 12 days just mixing and pouring into the forms, and setting up the forms is non-trivial

getting power down there is also non-trivial, as is wiring it up across an area of what looks like thousands of square meters, not to mention the tidy job they did hiding those cables; there must be trips and boards everywhere underneath all that crap, and it's all done to watertight standards, which would take even longer to finish and prove

what's really weird tho is that pit the car in front is over, because it also looks like it's elevated somehow, which is just dumb; but i guess no dumber than having your sole maintenance area be a crowded elevated platform

He probably hired mexicans

did Family Guy just make a halfway-clever "joke?" what planet is this?

he can't, there's a wall

That is pretty much how it happened in modern age, I don't think we had any flashback in New52

>wayn mantion
Illiterate shitcunt.

>Bats knows machinery
Too bad you don't know words.

What makes you think they built the whole thing at once?

He could simply cycle through Batmobiles regularly, pulling each one out once or twice a week. Or just drain the fuel and disconnect the batteries when not using them.

My no-prize answer is that the cave used to be a lot sparser before Batman acquainted himself with Green Lantern and Firestorm.

I seem to remember some bullshit about blindfolding workers (with their consent) and having them flown in to work on the batcave.

Still, It's almost impossible that they built it by themselves. Even in few years time it would require a lot of work and time - and neither of them had too much of it.

But perhaps Fox helped him arrange... I don't know, something?

Somebody's too old for comic books.

there's an lot of dead mexicans in the bat cave..

because he is batman

Now we all know batman does not kill.....buut Alfred. I bet he gave them all an lead pension.

It's a natural cave you fucking casuals, Bruce found it under the estate. There was no excavation involved.

Read a fucking comic book.

>blindfolding construction workers as they attempt to operate dangerous machinery during their jobs
what could possibly go wrong?

Batman was able to build THIS, in a cave!

yeah i bet it had a natural fuckig highway inside of it.

>all of the concrete platforms and electronic equipment and computers are a product of natural geologic processes
t. retard

I think an old 90s Batman comic explained that he hired people from abroad to help. And he blindfolded them so they wouldn't know the location.

This to me has always been the biggest question about Batman. Like even in the 3rd movie of the Nolan trilogy how the hell did Bruce and Alfred manage to make that giant hydraulic platform that comes up out of the fucking water?

alfred dug it

People know Batman exists, so he could just hire workers blindfold them take them on four planes around the world so they don't know where the batcave is and they would be fine to work on it, so long as they don't see Alfred.

I would assume they have the blindfolds removed when they get to the site

I liked that BvS's Batcave looks like something that could conceivably be explained to a bunch of construction workers in a way that wouldn't raise too many questions.

>Worker A is talking to Worker B
>Worker A: "So where do you think we are?"
>Worker B quickly shushes him
>points to the ceiling
>they both see Batman sitting on the rafters, silently watching, listening, observing
>they see him look straight at Worker A
>watch him slowly shake his head "no"

>Implying Batman would hire illegals

user, if it was built over time, then during that time that passed he could have ended up with help from leaguers.

Clones of Alfred. Its also why Alfred is still alive.


is there an alfred clone with tits?

Be a story for all their friends in the end

Well God damn.
For once i agree with John Byrne. Some of you people are way to old for comics.
When you start questioning the standard tropes, it's time to move on. You're too old, and not the target audience anymore.

what if the Joker is an Alfred clone?

>How did Batman build the Batcave without giving away his secret identity to all of the workmen involved in the construction?
It started out small, enough room for maybe a single computer, after he met Supes and became best friends he had the man of steel help with the construction of the batcave

the standard trope is the outlaw hero having a secret hideout. That usually implies some kind of ammo/supplies storage and safehouse for when things get heated. It usually doesn't imply a NASA-tier mission control complex

all batman's villains are rogue Alfred clones

Nah, there comes a point where suspension of disbelief is stretched past the breaking point at any age. If anything kids are more likely to question standard tropes.

No, it just implies a hideout that no one but the hero and a select few friends of the hero are privy to.

With the best material money can buy

Don't be stupid he doesn't just buy superman beer. He probably throws in a pizza too.

Prep time.

speaking of Superman and Beer, can supes get wasted? Seems like that'd be a disaster.

Wait shouldn't those vehicles be facing the opposite ways? You know to drive away properly


batman is too lazy to reverse park

Well if superman's diet is similar to an earthlings then shouldn't the same hold true for his metabolism? I'm pretty six beers in he should start feeling it.

Punisher had a similar problem at the height of his popularity in that he'd have dozens of well-equipped safehouses full of weaponry, vehicles, and the occasional indoor shooting range. He still kinda has that problem if you know anything about firearm costs and availability.

Robots. Robots built all the shit in and around the cave.

The center rotates.

he lives in liberal fantasy land where you can get an rpg from a hotdog stand

Slave labor

So the fucker just hits reverse until he's out of the cave? Isn't he usually in a rush? Or does that just mean hes actually an asshole who likes to make others wait just so they can "appreciate" him more?

Pre Hush, the cave wasn't THAT high tech.

Everything in it beforehand could have been brought down in pieces and slowly installed by Bruce and Alfred over the course of several months.

The complicated stuff like the car turnpads and tech stuff came later.

he swears, three point turns, promises himself he'll park properly, beats up some criminals and then lazily parks

They might have that jack underneath the car to make them just turn around like the Burton Batmobile.

Don't bring facts into this. Besidesit doesn't look like there'd be any room to exit that way unless one of the cars is gone

Superman doesn't drink.

Bruce gives him warm milk and Alfred makes cookies. Don't you read fan fiction?

They only blindfolded them for transportation you retard.

>Superman doesn't drink.

why is he such a pussy

That's not slave labor, its child labor.

His mom can give him warm milk and cookies. What are buddies for if not for the exclusive reason of beer and snacks?

Have you ever seen the '66 show?

God bless Leland Yee.

It isn't THAT hard to build things. The cave started out small and slowly grew over the 10+ years Batman has been active.

A couple of good hands can build staircases and do mason work just fine.

The biggest things were likely setting up the computer and building the car hanger area.

IMO the better question is how does Bruce maintain all of his cars/boats/equipment? Yeah, he often buys stuff in bulk, but as that one user said: maintaining cars and boats in water can be a bitch and require substantial time.

whoa calm down snyder!

He told the workers it was a BDSM dungeon

Because being drunk when you can push a man's lungs out his chest with a gentle pat on the back is an extraordinarily bad idea?

he's still a pussy

That sounds like pussy talk to me

Bigger question, why hasn't Wayne manor collapsed due to subsidence

>small loan of a million dollars

amen to this. Either they're too old and question everything not seen/shown, or they're too young to realize a lot of this stuff can be done with the manual labor their mommies and daddies and technology shields them from.

The cave is natural, Bruce just added stuff to it.

Well, Frank only really needed to start with a handgun and an assault rifle. Then he just takes everything from criminals he kills.

Imagine the gears clicking in his head the first time he busted an arms deal.

Insurance fraud.
Bruce Wayne owns many local businesses and takes out HUGE insurance policies on them he ensures the buildings are damaged or destroyed and then gouges the insurance companies for millions. The ultimate scam.

what if everyone in gotham knows that bruce wayne is batman and just dont mind the rich guy going around beating up lunatics

I can imagine they're built with alien alloys and material proofed by some other heroes so they don't rust, degrade or something like that.

Besides, we're talking about a guy who can build/has a set of powered armor. That alone is enough to carry literally shit that weighs tons into position.

Most of the cave was already hollow and it isn't THAT hard to smooth out and lay down concrete.

Outside of the computer/security systems, I'm betting the majority of the cave is run on portable generators and batteries. So wiring wouldn't be crazy.

>they don't know what subsidence means

>How did Batman build the Batcave without giving away his secret identity to all of the workmen involved in the construction?
The same way he solves all his problems

preptime and supercomputers

hell, this is a universe with Firestorm, Captain Atom and a bunch of other crazy shit. I wouldn't be surprised of Bruce has miniaturized fusion reactor(s) in there powering the whole thing up and then new-metal batteries in all his toys.

Problem is that most criminals will have pistols and usually shitty ones at that. Not to mention your average criminal doesn't have a lot of cash on them.

I misread that as subsistence.

this would be a good autism nit pick for literally any other superhero, but it's entirely within batman's character and capacity to dedicate months of his life to making The Ultimate Hideoutâ„¢

Do you even read Frank? He busts big time mobsters and Russian arms dealers all the time.

In MAX, which a lot of people make the mistake of calling it realistic, Frank has an underground Bunker in New York city of all places. While he still does have the where does he get and keep it "problem," nowadays a shitty warehouse with guns on the wall tends to suffice.