This guy is announced as j jonah jameson

>this guy is announced as j jonah jameson

what is your reaction

not a bad choice for what they're going with in the new movies. I don't care though, I don't watch capeshit.

That... might actually be pretty fucking funny. No one can top JK Simmons in the traditional sense, so going this way with it could work.

terry crews is pretty funny



He doesn't come off like he'd be a good JJ Jameson.

mad because he should be Barracuda in the MCU

He's just an awesome person, so whatever role he gets he'll play it well. If the movie was about Miles instead then he could play a lot of great roles.

>this guy is announced as j jonah jameson

what is your reaction?


>crybaby beta bitch as the most powerful man in New York journalism


Nobody is topping jk simmons, may as well do something different.

Only pol will care.

>funny, aggressive, charismatic
Racebending aside, not a bad choice. Not like taking, you know, the definitive girl next door and changing her into a frumpy, entitled orbiter with a pissy attitude

>Terry Crews as Jameson
>Post-credits scene where he picks up Shocker's gauntlet and declares himself to be a new supervillain named Doomfist

finally some progress

also terry is based blackman

he's awesome so i wouldn't mind, although i'd give him some cooler role, like some recurring sidekick to some hero or perhaps some B-list hero like falcon that doesn't get a movie but is always around

what's with all the racial shit being baited today

Do you guys think Aunt May gets Peter's Spidey Senses tingling?

Is it just me or did her arms look extremely old Homecoming?

>she made me shot web

What a good site that is. That's like the Terry Crews of porn. If you don't like either of them? You can just suck a dick.

Reminder Terry Crews recovered from porn addiction and you can too.

they looked appropriate for her age.

>Peter, get me those fucking pictures you lazy kike

Is that how he got so jacked?
To pump-up away the urges?

Jonah Peretti is the most powerful man in journalism today and he makes Toby look like Arnie

Kinda interesting how he's not in comic movies yet, is he too much of a meme actor?

Too much energy and muscles. I want R. Lee Ermey, John C. McGinley, or Keith David.

Too bad, you're getting Jordan Peele.

Is he going to do one of those "funny" voices

if nigga can pull this exact look, i'm all for it
Jameson is all about THAT look

It was MY FUCKING ROLE! MY FUCKING FRANCHISE! They stole it from me! Those motherfuckers will regret the day they cancelled Spider-Man 4! THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS! I AM The Spider-Man! It's me! Not all of these POSER MOTHERFUCKERS! IT WAS MY FUCKING ROLE!

at first I thought it was a stupid idea but seeing this shoop, I'm 100% for it.

I'd consider it a good choice. There is absolutely no point in trying to top JK Simmons in the role, he was flawless.

So might as well do a different take on the character. He'd still be loud and fast talking and yell at Parker all the time, and he'd probably be funny as hell in his own way.

So why not?

>tfw I'm ok w/ this

Now that I think about it, I love the angry black superior/supervisor who's always yelling trope

I would like to submit Ice Cube for consideration

p good actually


>um, that was th-
>y-yeah, I se-

>All the SJW dicksucking ITT

Are we being raided by tumblr or something?

Pa-pa-pah pa-pah pah PARKER!

>doesn't like Terry Crews

he should be uncle ben

JJJ is white
The nigger pictured is a nigger

Do the math

>hating on Terry Crews
end urself

>s-save the franchise peter

>Openly supporting turning white characters black because muh funny black actor xD

Reddit called, they want you back.

>liking a meme nigger actor
Neck yourself

Fuck off Pajeet

I wanted a cameo somewhere in the movie with Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire sitting in a cafe or on a street corner as Holland swings by and they have a small exchange.
>is that deadpool?
>nah I think it's daredevil
or something like that

>Sup Forumstard brigade sees people enjoying themselves and charges in wildly flinging shit
You know why you're losing whatever cause it is you're backing? You're cunts.

>le Sup Forums boogeyman

They are living in your head rent free lil' nigger


I don't mind based Terry Crews

go back

Spider-Man Homecoming isn't diverse enough. JJ should be Chinese - ideally played by Jackie Chan.

lol NEET

>I want to act racist but not be called racist

I'm more of an IFeelMyself kind of guy.

The video descriptions make their videos sound hotter than they really are when you get around to watching them

These and Yonitale are the holy trinity of pornkino.

Anyone can make a good first spiderman movie, the second and third are the real tests


Don't you know Asians don't count when it comes to diversity? Diversity just means more black people and less whites.

>Sup Forumstards upset that a tertiary character like JJJ is getting race swapped

Calm down you faggots, you're acting like they are making spider man bla-

for what? a family guy joke?

this guy gets it

Fuck no, Terry is great but Ice Cube?

I'm sure there are roles he's better suited to, but that is actually inspired.

I raise you

imagine if they brought back this Spidey for the MCU, it would have been the most hype moment in all of capeshit

There's a difference between making the angry fucker an intimidating black guy and making the scrawny genius some punk nigger.

Even if he turns out bad they could still save themselves by playing the race card

>white girl sees a black guy shirtless.gif

But Terry is Steel.

He's not scary. Especially after seeing him in all of the comedies.

He could work as JJ.
He has a big boisterous voice and presence.
He can play pretty hostile, too.
That might work, actually.
I'd love to see him with the old JJ Hitler mustache, too.

>Newspaper editor

How would they even do JJJ? The guy running TMZ or some shit?

They'd just do what the Ultimate line did
Make it an online news outlet
They could make it right-wing, thus explaining his badass Hitler mustache

I am racist, but I don't use Sup Forums

JJJ will appear first in Venom flick as Tom Hardy's boss before he's in a Spidey flick I'd imagine. I just hope Spidey acquires the Symbiote offworld in Infinity War first.

You can't do better interpreting the comic than JKS, but if you're going to mix it up, he's a great choice.

Is Terry Crews the only Sup Forums approved black?

perfect casting

>mfw DC has ruined our chances of getting him back

Alex Jones as JJJ

"Spider-man is a false flag!"

Other than Dave Chappelle, every other Sup Forums approved black is probably dead

what move is that?

Pretty much. Samuel L. Jackson is too manic, Morgan Freeman triggers some because something something god and I'm not sure what Sup Forums's stance on mulattos like Key & Peele is.

Stay in school

Simmons was so good that I would rather they never bring back the character at all. But I guess Crews would be a fun way to handle that.

>"We know we can't do the comic version justice, so fuck it, let's go in the complete opposite direction"

Sounds good to me.

Donald Glover is not playing Miles Morales.

Fuck I hate white people

He was in talks about returning for the role but then he decided to join the DCEU.

Fuck Niggers and fuck Obampf

>Spider man swings by the bugle's window
>anger intensifies
>rips shirt off
>proceeds to jump out the window to try and grab him

Surrogates I believe

That sounds pretty cool desu