Bojack horseman season 3

How was it for you

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Writing was way better

*than the previous season

I can't believe character actress margo martindale is fucking dead


Jesus fucking Christ on the cross

I actually thought Bojack couldn't sink any lower after last season

Just saw that planetarium scene...

About halfway through right now. It's fantastic so far, they keep topping themselves every season. Fish Out Of Water is a standout, the way they navigated the story with no dialogue for the bulk of it was more than just well done, it was goddamn beautiful. Netflix has something special here, and as an animation student it's encouraging and inspiring to see something pushing the bounds of what is expected from Western 2D like this.

>mfw was talking about BJH to someone and out of all the criticisms they could have made, they said it "didn't try to be visually interesting"
I still can't wrap my head around it. Even if it's nothing else, it's at the very least visually interesting.

Is she? Was she killed in that pasta? I thought everyone was saved there. We thought she was dead before after she took her stand in that art gallery

It's better than Season 1 and 2.

I just finished it and I don't know what to do now.

I felt like they fucked up the last episode with Mister Peanutbutter saving the day with all the pasta bowls. The pacing seemed off. It should have been something done earlier in the season instead of how everything just came together at the last minute and worked out for the best. I really didn't find it that funny.

Either that or I was too tired and depressed from the last episode.

In the last scene of the season, what is this expression supposed to mean? Is he smiling, grimacing, or what? Is he in awe because he sees some kind of connection between the running horses and Secretariat?

Wait another year.

Good question.

So what is this? Another year wait or sooner?

Seems like it. They all seem to be made on a yearly basis.

Sad, soul crushing, had a few laughs.

Episode 4 was amazing, and the ending to 11 might be the worst pain the show gave me

Plus I got a thicc spider waifu out of it, so in the end it was more then worth the wait.

Its a real shame Jill didn't amount to much, hopefully she gets something next season

I really think season 2 was better.

imo: 2>1>3.

It was still good, though, and had many of the things I've always liked about the show with okay story/character progression and a few pleasant surprises. I just thought season 2 was more cohesive, and its punches hit harder. After season 2 felt like an improvement over 1, I thought it would continue to top itself and I was disappointed it didn't feel to me like it accomplished that.

I honestly thought this was going to be a 3 season show and that this season would end with the finale. I'm surprised to see that's not the case. I'm kind of worried that they'll start milking it and it'll go downhill from here, but I do admit I'm definitely invested enough to watch the next season.

I mean, its no Paprika but what was your friend expecting?

Drug scene aside, season 1 is kinda weak.
Season 2 and 3 is when they up their game on the visual department.

Posty >yfw "It's you."

I think he may be in awe, but I'm not sure that's exactly the reason. The universe this takes place in wouldn't allow it, but I think the idea the scene is supposed to convey is the imagery of real, free wild horses galloping across the plains. That's a pretty majestic and inspiring sight all on its own, but definitely is tied to the show's theme and symbolism with running, and has a clear connection to Bojack.

What got me the most is the fuck, man.
I knew the f-bomb was gonna come sooner or later, but coming from such a pure and sweet person like Todd was a downer. He was done with Bojack for good.

>Implying she won't survive thanks to some hilariously contrived circumstances

We know that the city was saved

We don't know if she or the crew of the cargo ship she hit made it

>actually feeling bad for bojack
>actually thinking he's not a horrible person
>actually thinking he's not a blackhole of sadness and depression that causes everyone around him to be sucked into the void

how many lives does he have to ruin before you people realize he's the villain?

Same. It's amazing how powerful a single f-bomb can be when you use them conservatively.


Honestly, how hasn't Bojack killed himself already? You would imagined he would have killed himself years ago. How much more does his life has spiral down until he finally just gives up

>characters you wish were in season 3

He enjoys making others suffer.

I will repeat my analysis of this season: it's a half season they realized would be awfully paced if they made it six episodes. The general structure of the previous seasons is there, sure, but the plot is essentially at the point we are around episode 7-8 in other seasons, where things are going awful for bojack and something helps him pick up, just for everything to go to hell in the remaining episodes. I am willing to say season 4 will be even more bleak for a giant hopeful, if bittersweet ending. Prepare for the tradition of episode 11 b subverted somehow.

The art style and tone really didn't lend itself to the underwater episode

>Memejack Redditman

>stop liking what i don't like!

Stop watching mediocre cartoons because"it hits me right in the feels"

make me 8^y

oh that's right you're one of a million disembodied voices on the internet screaming at the other 999999 constantly, and nobody really cares about what you have to say except to tell you off about it. enjoy your (you)

or talk about why you think it's mediocre and we can get a conversation going.

This honestly. Bojack fucking ruins everybody else lives because his life is beyond fixing. I mean for fuck sakes he DIRECTLY caused Sarah Lynn's death. I legit felt sorry for him in Season 1 and 2 because he seemed like a good guy who but he kept making horrible decisions. But man Season 3 really showed that Bojack truly is a horrible fucking person and will bring everybody down to the point where they are just as miserable as he is

I like the show but you're a huge faggot. If you can't post like a board vet please don't post at all. It's embarrassing.

Is the show only allowed to say "fuck" once a season?

Only mentioned once but never shown :c

no, you

Pretty much exactly this. This season's episode 11 was great, but it wasn't nearly as gut-retching as season 1 or 2's. The drama bombs in this season feel abrupt to a fault and it seemed to constantly be on the fence about whether it wanted to be more comedy or more drama-focused. At the same time, there were so many "Oh FUCK" moments that they never really came as a shock. Season 2's downer moments were exceptionally powerful because they always came at times when your guard was down, whereas here it always felt like one was just around the corner. I also have to agree with the guy in this thread saying it felt like an incomplete season.

Even so, I did enjoy it.

>Bojack fucking ruins everybody else lives because his life is beyond fixing.

The lifeguard story was a warning to Sarah Lynn about Bojack.

I don't think there's a definitive rule about it. I know there's one for movies where you can't say 'fuck' more than once without getting an automatic R rating but I dunno if that applies to television.


No, it's netflix. They could do just about anything they want.

This is the quickest a renewal has come so it's likely they're already working on it, I imagine they'll release it soon after it's ready so it could be sooner. Bet it'll be 9 months at least though

>a board vet

Being on this board for as long as some of us have been isn't something to be proud of, senpai

I think he already gave up.
Now that he's out of the Hollywoo game he can probably find happiness.

Man honestly, I didn't think this season was gonna be like this, at the end of season 2 I thought he was getting better, but this man, the amount he fucks up is actually insane. Worst part is I can totally see the rationale behind all o f the choices he makes too and I in a similar situation i could see myself making them. It was a fucked up train wreck and I've come to enjoy the feeling of depression I get watching it.

So wait, did Aisha Tyler not voice Sextina in that episode? I don't see her in the credits.

It's way more powerful the way it's used sparingly, I think they just intentionally don't use it in the writing so it doesn't become a crutch and sticks out more.
South Park can't shock me no matter how hard it tries because I expect it, but somehow "I will fucking kill you" really stings

I think they just choose to.

>episode 2
I don't like how I'm getting nostalgic for those things except for jason mraz

>I'm poison
>I come from poison.
>I have poison inside me, and I destroy everything I touch.

I wish I didn't know how that felt.

Bojack doesn't really even mean it. Next season he'll try to fuck one of those wild asses, come home and ruin everything everyone else is working on and then flee again.

There is a lot of foreshadowing trough the season, I wonder if you might be able to figure out something that might happen in the next season, but I don't think they planned that far ahead.

>mfw those whale titties

The animation itself isn't particularly good but it more than makes up for it in style.


That went well.

I mean the daughter is definitely going to be introduced.

I didn't think this show could mess me up after all it's thrown at me, but episode 11 and Sarah Lynn's out-of-character freakout and death really got me.

>watch through the season again mainly for background noise
>PB talks about doing an underseas seahorse milk commercial
Not one of the neater foreshadowings but still made me giggle

Netflix is fairly liberal with their programming.
There is no limit to cursing and you can get away with a lot of sex and nudity if you want. The limited amount of cursing was purely a creative decision.

I need the soundtrack to this show.


Anybody else get flashbacks to this when Todd called out Bojack?

that's not foreshadowing, it's literally a set up for a punchline.

>Princess Carolyn and Bojack were the bad guys

The opening Theme song takes place during season 3, I'm pretty certain at least the first 3 seasons were planned out.

Why is she so perfect?

>Princess Carolyn

She does things to me. Especially during the flashback to 2007. Unf.

The opening theme takes place during whatever season it currently is, and details in it change to reflect what's currently going on in the show. (Hollywood/Hollywoo sign, Bojack's bed being broken and fixed, Cabracadabra stuff in the living room, the nature of the Cabracadabra employees, and most recently pic related; the bottom image is from S3E12)

>another happy ending
Fucking Venessa Gecko.

I would have liked to have seen their universe's version of Harambe and how they dealt with his death.

She and Rutabaga are the good guys


The opening scene has scenes from whatever season it is part of, (i.e. the Secretariat opening, the birds who tried to blackmail him, etc) but the actual party where he falls down the side and PB peers down and rescues him is from the specific episode where he's nominated for the Oscar.

what did he mean by this

I like how subtle the changes are, you could never even notice them unless you stopped and looked at them.
It took me a while to spot the difference between the two but when I did it hit me like a ton of bricks.

the only lives that hes ruined are sarah lynns and his own. everyone else falling into the same trappings without bojacks help only shows that they would still be doing the same things they are now with or without him

Do the background/animal jokes just keep getting better?

Yes. Yes they do.

You're right, and even if Bojack hadn't been in Sarah Lynn's life the same thing would have happenned to her.

These two have the best platonic relationship on the show.

The background/animal jokes are one of the best things about the show.

She's the most hopeful character on the show and she's not a complete fucking dumbass like Todd

wtf happened with the end of season 2. I thought he was going to make some progress and run a lot more.

No, that scene kind of never happened. We just got a very similar scene. Instead of Bojack falling into the pool by himself, he backs his car into it, and Diane isn't there with Mr PB. It could just as easily be that they decided to write a scene based on the thing they had going for the opener rather then the opener was a hint at a plan they had going all along. This whole season made me feel like they've always had some ideas on where to take the show if they got renewed for a new season, but that they've largely been making it up as they go also.

The animation has been stepped up this season. The characters all have more than three poses.

I still can't believe there was a Drinky Crow Show shoutout. I didn't know anyone remembered that show.

How would things change if Todd had roomed with Princess Carolyn instead?

Considering how much she wanted kids at the start of the series, would she benefit from having someone to take care of?

I remember that show. What was the shout out?

>2007 scene where he literally destroys her life by trying to use her fame and removed her anchor in the world
Surprised I haven't seen anyone talk about this scene at all because I thought it was one of the more powerful and sad ones on the entire season


I think PC would have gotten tired of Todds shit real quick, especially if she couldn't fuck him

Did anyone sort of think the writing was better but also got a bit more... SJW-ish? I know that seems sort of childish but things like characters actually saying "problematic" and "ableist" as well as Todd looking like he's going to "come out" as asexual just seems... a bit much.

Diane was always like that