Best Spider-Man quips

>Best Spider-Man quips
>Best Spider-Man costume
>Costuming in general
>Marc Webb's amazing action sequencing
>That Electro CGI
>Sally Field's Oscar-worthy performance
>Andrew fucking Garfield
>That Sinister Six teasing
>Green Goblin's claws
>That unforgettable clocktower sequence
>That kino ending moment where Spider-Man decides to move on despite Gwen's unbearable death
Will we ever have another Spider-Man as good as this one? Or even just superhero movie in general?



a movie so terrible it killed a fucking trilogy before completion

you don't see that often

Actually Sony had plans to launch an entire universe out of this movie. Sinister Six, Venom, etc. It's still happening to this day, thanks to this movie. It was the stupid Marvel deal that killed the trilogy. lol

You know I saw this when it came out and I cannot remember a single god damn thing about it.

>>Best Spider-Man quips
>>Best Spider-Man costume
hell yes
>>Costuming in general
>>Marc Webb's amazing action sequencing
lol no
>>That Electro CGI
>>Sally Field's Oscar-worthy performance
ok you got me with this bait
>>Andrew fucking Garfield
perfect spiderman
>>That Sinister Six teasing
muh universe teasing
>>Green Goblin's claws
>>That unforgettable clocktower sequence
how could i forget that terrible scene when the webbing stretches out to be a hand
>>That kino ending moment where Spider-Man decides to move on despite Gwen's unbearable death
...yeah no

Out of the Shadows probably killed more reboot TMNT, ironic considering it was a better movie the the first one.

Waiting for the next reboot.


Unironically the third-best Spider-Man film.

It just have been two years.
We can still get the third one, right?

I know this is dangerous bait but ASM2 is straight up the worst capeshit I've ever seen by far.

Your timeline is as fucked as your mouth after Thanksgiving with your family.

ASM2 is so underrated

So true. The way they handled Peter and Harry's relationship was so great to see with how Harry is scared to end up like his father and Parker doesn't want to take that risk of giving him his blood, not knowing the side effects.

Jamie Foxx was amazing in this! He truly captured that type of person who is obsessed with someone greater than him due to how poor his own life is.

>ASM2 shills exist
Jesus Christ


Try harder faggot

I saw this one time in the theater when it came out. I'm not sure why but I came out pleased, probably because of Gwen's death scene (probably the only decent scene in the movie). I didn't watch it again until about a month ago because I just didn't really desire to see it again, but in that 3 years I heard all about how it was absolutely terrible. Some people compared it to Batman and Robin in quality. After my second viewing I was physically exhausted from laughing at how bad it was. Not kidding. I put on some soothing music to unwind after it.


>Raimi uses itsy bitsy spider in his movie
>it's genuinely funny
>Webb uses itsy bitsy spider in his movie
>it's pure cringe