ITT: "villains" who did absolutely nothing wrong

ITT: "villains" who did absolutely nothing wrong
He was an honest, hardworking man fighting back against big-government overreach. The things his clients do with the weapons are on them, not him.

ahaha just like ares in wonder woman amirite

the things humans do with those weapons are on them, not him

>the things clients do with the weapons are on them

tell China so they can sell ISIS nukes or whatever, but the aftermath wouldn't be China's fault right...?

I just came back from seeing it, Spider Man's greatest power is the power of coincidence

>in the massive sprawling NYC jungle Spiderman just happens to be right across the street that our baddies are robbing an ATM in the light (which it then switches to night as he enters) with their super weapon.

>Happens to see the same guys testing out guns under a bridge 3 blocks away from his party in the suburbs.

>His crushes dad happens to be the vulture, out of all the odds in the world these are the lowest.

Good god.


Typical spidey tier shitty luck.

why would isis need china if they already get their weapons from america

shitty luck? He got everything he wanted and grew as a person because of those coincidences. At least at the end of the Maguire films, hell even the Garfield flicks, Spidey loses out on something tangible or personal.

Fuck the first 2 Spiderman films were so much better.

Well that's totally not our fault, I mean, doing massive bizz with the known terrorist funding kingdom of Saudi Arabia or giving arms to rebels that become terrorists, neither of those are our responsibility...?

>tell China so they can sell ISIS nukes or whatever, but the aftermath wouldn't be China's fault right...?
I mean, the USA already sells weapons to ISIS, and the aftermath isn't the USA's fault, so...

it isn't? Or have we just not accepted responsibility.

hows the camrip thats out?

Is Michael Keaton the most underutilized actor in history? He's worked steadily over his career, but I feel like he has had few roles equal to his talent.

That rubble scene and the part where his date's dad is birdman at the door and onward were so fucking good.

But yeah when he mentioned that scene with stark It felt like we were supposed to root for him and not stark. Stark's argument was weak as fuck

>big-government overreach
Hahaha, you must have done astronomical mental gymnastics you must have done to come to the conclusion that the actions of a private capitalist corporation are actually the actions of a state.

That's not our fault. We supply other countries with arms, like our wonderful and responsible friends Saudi Arabia. Who just so happens to supply ISIS. That's not America's fault, right? Right guys? Guys?




I see you have never lived in a capitalist nation.

I think that should have been the reason for spiderman remaining ground-level; vulture was on point in his criticisms, regardless of his actions. Would have been better than him turning down an avengers position for no real reason (i mean, other than wanting to still experience being a kid).

At least the hero's and villain's origins aren't intertwined. Everything after Batman '89 did that, and it was always stupid.

>At least at the end of the Maguire films, hell even the Garfield flicks, Spidey loses out on something tangible or personal.

Did you forget the part where Liz moves away?

>The things his clients do with the weapons are on them, not him.
But thats wrong, he is responsible.

>tell China so they can sell ISIS nukes or whatever, but the aftermath wouldn't be China's fault right...?

literally yes, the moral onus is on ISIS because they hit the button

if China gave them nukes and they decided actually this is taking the banter too far and didn't set them off zero would happen

>literally yes, the moral onus is on ISIS because they hit the button

If a robber breaks into your house, would you hand him your gun?

>yeah, lets give that mentally unstable and violent man my assault rifle, whatever happens isnt my fault so who cares

see how stupid you sound?

Doesn't every character in every movie have convenient coincidences occur for them so the story can progress? If it was like real life nothing would have, the film would run on for 60-100 years.

This, and precisely this.

>government arms people on the other side of the planet with abhorrent ideologies and unparalleled cruelty
>"hurrr they know what they're doing, hurrr, free trade and all that, good gubment policy hurrr"

>lone trader sells armaments to people to fight and fight back
>"nuh-noooooo he is duh enemy of duh state, he is tewwowism, he threaten our capitawism"



>If it was like real life nothing would have, the film would run on for 60-100 years
Gross exaggeration, but there would definitely be weeks or months between big events. Almost all the run-time would be dealing with everyday crime instead of supervillains, which incidentally would have been good if the focus were on Peter coming into his own as a hero.

They could have written it so something happened that drew Spideys attention instead, like a weapon malfunction or even just the aftermath of the robbery being on the news.


>sell gun to a guy whom you know is a robber
>he uses it to rob your house

>They could have written it so something happened that drew Spideys attention instead, like a weapon malfunction or even just the aftermath of the robbery being on the news.

>A movie where Spider-Man watches crimes happen on TV after they've already happened, instead of actually being at the scenes when the crimes were occurring

Are you a republican by any chance?

Remember how in the Raimi movies Spidey had a thingie to listen in on police chatter?

I was obviously referring to the big kickstart for the main plot, not just your everyday petty crime that happens everywhere in NYC. Having Spiderman hear about it after the fact and THEN begin pursuing it would be more convincing than having it happen right in front of him while he's chilling on the balcony chowing on a sammich.

I stopped watching Salem at the end of the first season because they got rid of the only character who could be considered morally good.