"""men""" proudly watch this show

>"""men""" proudly watch this show

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I watch it with my wife. It's usually great.

Just say husband. Fag marriage is allowed in the US now anyway.



I know a lot of men who watch it because their wives watch it. Same with the Bachelor and other female oriented reality shows.

On one hand I cringe at this shit but on the other I like that it causes such a reaction in insecure morons

sashay away

yeah, they're called fags

I've watched this with my other gay friends, but I always point out how the guys look better without drag.

I'm sorry, my dear, but you are up for elimination.

First post worst post. Fuck off you utter cunt

She's a girl

I don't like season 9 so didn't watch it but Farrah is gorgeous in drag and usually looks just as good on instagram but from the clips I did see he was like almost ugly in several workroom shots.

>Farrah is gorgeous in drag
You know that's a fucking man right? Fucking degenerates like you should be gassed

Still looks better without the drag imo

I think this show is okay because drag is okay. Drag is simply a form of theatre and comedy. The men in drag are usually gay but they are not trannies. They are simply portraying a caricature of women. The current fan base of 20 year old sjw girls are fucking obnoxious.

He didn't say he wanted to fuck anyone, just that another human being looked attractive. Sorry you're so insecure about your penis.

Idk. Definitely a cute guy, I'm straight and can acknowledge that, but one of the prettiest faces in drag that the show has seen. Much more so than Courtney Act who I can't stand.

I wouldn't have sought this show out on my own, though I think everyone knows who RuPaul is at this point. My gf turned me onto it, and being a theater kid I was into it pretty quickly. These are unique personalities you get to hang out with every week, without the generic manufactured drama of some shitty NBC/Fox reality show.

Also I'm gay for Pearl, but so is everyone else ITT whether they know it yet or not.


If you find men attractive you're fucking gay. That's the definition of being a faggot.

A show that promotes homosexuality isn't ok, faggot

while I can appreciate the jab toward Peal, and I'm pro-drag community, and think Detox is pretty cool.......... well someone please knock that pancake makeup off Trixie's dumb face. What a singularly untalented queen.


>men dressed as women
If I'm attracted to hentai does that make me a computer?

>a show that promotes homosexuality isn't OK
Are you posting from 1986?

>Enters a drag show thread
>"hurr durr u kno thas a man right?"
Can a person get any more retarded than this

I love Trixies look and she's genuinely funny. To each their own. I'll take Trixies clown makeup any day over the looks of almost all the queens from s9

>attracted to hentai
makes you a porn addicted weeb
believe it or not, most of the midwest still hates fags

i think it's some 12-year-old trolling for the first time, he must have learned it on reddit but clearly sucks at it.

Bonita's makeup was on point, Shea Coulee could've easily won and has as much talent as any past winner, and Sasha's makeup and costumes were off the hook.

I'll take it.

>If you find men attractive you're fucking gay
Acknowledging that other men are attractive is not gay. You're the one that brought faggotry into the equation. I wonder why

marriage equality is law in all 50 states, so all you sound like is some crazy old man ranting from his porch about race-mixing.

wander on back to your farm, pa.

Pearl is a top tier twink :3

Probably because he's so deep in the closet he's in Narnia.

>its a Sup Forums breaks containment episode and doesn't understand why everyone doesn't think like them episode

Though I think the show peaked at season 6. I don't think any other season has had queens as good or shown as much growth.

That's a running gag in my group of friends, at some point during every season, one contestant will say something to the effect of, "I just want to be true to MY drag, and true to who *I* am!"

Translation: "I refuse to change what I do for this competition, and will go home in the next two weeks."

Every time.

*nu-males watch it

>not knowing just how redpilled RuPaul's Drag Race is
Drag queens and cis gendered gay males are the enemy of the libs now. Didn't you know?

old males watching Fox News and CSI: Topeka, they're definitely the more pathetic group.


Watching tv at all what are you 60?

6 was great. But I genuinely loved the first half of season 8. It was my favorite season until Thorgy left. Bitch Perfect is in my top tree challenges of all time.

Drag queens are men who like to dress up as women and cis gay men are men who like to fuck other men.
No "I'm a femalie in a male body" and "respect my pronouns" from these guys. That's why liberals don't like them much.

All Star 3 lineup

>BTFOs roasties by mocking and over-exaggerating femininity whilst demeaning most of their worst traits in the act
>BTFOs trannies by mocking their very existence

Are drag queens, dare I say it, /areguys/?

Meh. That's a really bad lineup imo. Milk is the most overrated drag queen in the history of the show.


>Sup Forums is so cucked by reddit that people are praising a degenerate show now
Nuke this board.

First post best post. Based

For some reason I find drag queens very uniquely repulsive

I'm okay with gay people, lesbians, trannies, whatever. But even just looking at a drag queen makes me inexplicably angry

>complaining about degeneracy on an anime imageboard
go back to where you came from kid

>not being fine with drag queens but finding trannies oven-worthy

Back to plebbit

Drag queens are deliberately exaggerating feminine qualities while knowing that they are men who wear tons of makeup and girly clothes.
You are meant to either love them or hate them, girlfriend.

because women on this show are hot as fuck, and I wanna fuck them.

I don't get why are you surprised.

it's a good show. Drag queens are entertaining as fuck. Why are you bitches so insecure?

>Thorgy Thor
>Manila Luzon

These threads are always so full of trolls until someone posts a clip from a reading challenge and then everyone is like "oh this is actually really funny". I'd love to know what these trolls who judge it before seeing anything from it think the show is actually like.

I can listen to Latrice talk and laugh for eternity

>Chi Chi
Yes. Deserves it. I met her and she's a bit cold to fans but still love her
Would be one of the most entertaining contestants
Ok, forgettable but neutral overall
Barely remember her
No. Next.
Guaranteed. Top three material.
My favorite. Should have won s8
Ok. Top 4
Would be better than people remember but still an early leave.
Good queen, dumb person. Don't like or hate her.
Deserves redemption. Would be a great choice.

This is one of my favorite Latrice videos. Him and his bf are a great couple

yeah I love that video. They're such an odd couple. They're great.

It's a man, not a fucking woman. You're gay for finding it attractive

shut up bigot, farrah is 100% a woman. I wish I could marry her.

Shitty taste level kys

He's correct though, Nigga you gay

My taste is better than yours I guarantee it.