Quick and Painful: Red Hulk

Just a really quick, really dumb story to join in the fun.

Dumb is right
I roll my eyes every time I see him

Reading this trash was one of my earliest memories of Sup Forums. I very clearly remember how hard I laughed my ass off during this issue in particular.


Actual story so far:

One day a red version of Hulk showed up and he was like the strongest guy ever with all the powers of the Hulk except even stronger and he could like take other peoples' powers and was so strong he could lift Thor's hammer and kick every hero's ass at once!

After a bunch of times where Red Hulk beat up Hulk because he was just so cool and badass, he was in space and made an evil version of the Defenders called, spoilers: the OFFenders, that ended with Rulk impaling Hulk on a magic staff. And despite knowing Hulk had healing powers and that this exact situation has happened before, Rulk still assumed Hulk was dead for some reason.

Also, just like Loeb's other masterpiece, Hush, it was like TOTALLY an exciting mystery who the Red Hulk was.

Except, also like Hush, everyone instantly guessed who it was, so Loeb went "NO YOU'RE WRONG! Look, Ross is dead, so THERE!!"

Now can you guess who Red Hulk turned out to be?

And here's Red Hulk being so totally cooler than everyone else in the Marvel Universe!

Leonard Samson?
I'm still pissed about that.

And he's so cool he just uses all the badass weapons at once because he's just so cool

And here we have just about the biggest bullshit of all time.

Nathan Explosion?


Rulk is good once you start accepting that it's funny and over the top

I actually liked Fall of Hulks and World War Hulks

This is the moment.

The moment Sup Forums shit itself laughing all at once, and it could be heard around the world.

Does anything nice ever happen to the Silver Surfer?


God bless Parker for making his run all about every hero Rulk beat come back and kick his ass.
The first page of the run alone is solid gold

Pak and Parker are fantastic and saved this character.

I actually avoided Parker's Hulk like the plague until I discovered how great he was through Aquaman, and went back and found a really fun run.

Him and Spider-Man should hang out.


I think it's partially unintentionally funny, we really couldn't give Jeph the benefit of the doubt during the same period he was doing Ultimatum.

I loved how the last page of Loeb's run was Rulk sitting all smug in a cell and bragging that even though they captured him, they'd let him out and make him their black ops guy.
And the first page of Parkers run was Tony going "nah, not until you beg" and then leaving him to stew for a month.



Loeb's Superman and Superman/Batman runs were of similar quality, minus the last storyline of S/B. I assume it was almost entirely unintentional.


I know it's the Hulk, but... come on with this dialogue, man...


>Hulk is ally to good! Nightmare to you!

Loeb losing his mind over Sam still has a better grasp of the Hulk characters than most people the last ten years except Parker

The Watcher thing is incredibly autistic and hilarious
>you see, this actually happened and uatu let himself get hit in order so that rulk will become the focus of an alien destroyer armor and was not just a dumb one off page


And then like fucking Dr. Klaw, Rulk just gets away despite being defeated two seconds ago.


Now to dull the pain, here's one of the great little Hulk cartoons that are charming as hell.

Thanks for reading, and have a painful SDCC weekend!

Very true. The last two Hulk runs were so disappointing, it killed him!

>dan buckley
No relation, right?


He's being drawn by Mike Allred right now. That's pretty nice. And his gf is a cute.

Needs more Rulk beating the shit out of Thor with his own hammer in space.

I hated how Parker came in and just took a giant shit on everything. Rulk was awesome until that.

Loeb please