2017 Spider-Man

BOTH of his love interests are black.

All the criminals are white.


I am LOVING this diversity :)

Other urls found in this thread:


The shocker was black until he got murdered, the prowler is black. You're talking shit m8.

However in the first 20 minutes it's pretty funny looking at how Tom is a minority in his own town and school.

I'm already starting to feel enriched

"She's not MJ. She's a new character named Michelle!"

"Call me MJ"

Get the fuck out of here with this shit.


Scorpion is Mexican, and in the final scene between Vulture and Scorpion, Vulture is shown to have some moral standing why Scorpion comes off as a murderous asshole.

>film set in a non-white country
>casts non-white actors

not seeing the problem


>there are minorities in New York
Holy fucking shit

jesus christ, more and more i only watch old movies. the older the better. i'm tired of this bullshit being shoved down our throats. it's getting fucking ridiculous.

Why does it matter to you?

>this bullshit

but it's reality.

>minorities being present somewhere means they should be the majority!

I loved the gay kid joining the nigress in the "marry fuck kill" game. So 2017.


this movies is not represented of queens new york at all

i live there and there only a couple black people there

and it's something that can easily be reversed if dumbasses would stop being jewed and have kids again/do away with the (((open border))) bullshit

>gain in that one area of NYC
what goes on there?

>and it's something that can easily be reversed

your kike masters say no, so it will never be reversed.

Why does it matter to (((YOU)))?

>BOTH of his love interests are black.

That's called good taste.

I live in NY too and I've had to explain to fellow New Yorkers that the demographics portrayed in media are terribly skewed. People assume that it's just their neighborhood that's "so white" and assume that every other neighborhood is more like what they see on TV or in films.

Only the girl between spic flash and fat dude is OK, if they're gonna cast non whites why can't they at least get attractive ones?

The casting probably picked both of them black cause they didn't want America to get into another race war over white women and black women.

could have atleast cast qt hot black girls

>After watching the new Spiderman movie the crowd of avid spidey fans organised an impromptu march on Hollywood to protest what they are calling the PC rape of Marvel

meme hair

>qt hot black girls

i like it :^)

>white bois think they can get a black gf

lmao white boys with black girls is as much realistic as spider-man.

>All the criminals are white.

other than the second Shocker... and the Scorption..... and Childish Gambino as the Prowler..... you're really onto the brainwashing conspiracy my white brother

The problem with most of you fucks is you still pay to see it first day like the good little cucks you are.
you are directly supporting this shit and your own countrys demise.

Well then they're not minorities anymore dumbass.


Isn't it enough for you to ruin Iron Man, Riri?

>i live there and there only a couple black people there

Demographic stats literally prove you wrong

It's unrealistic because no white guy would willingly date a black female

>Spider-Man is destroying countries

just as pathetic as tumblr thinking Apocalypse was promoting violence against women (you may now post that undercover SJW comic you have been conditioned to respond with)

>muh stats

bet you were one of those MUH POLLS during the Trump election

you don't live here so you don't know, new york isn't that diverse


This. there is literally nothing wrong with diversity. America doesn't need to be a white only country. im glad marvel is doing this.

I have and would again. Once you get your dick sucked by one there is no going back

>that men responding to women
I guess there's some things we all can agree on

Are you really comparing prediction polls with demographic data made by the god damn state you fucking retard

Can't get anything past you can we, Poirot?

yes both are fake data used by the jews to manipulate you you idiot

if you think trump is losing why bother voting
if you think diversity is bigger than it is, why not just accept it

stay bluepilled cuck

>I get my worldviews from dating websites

MFW the hero is white.


nice reddit meme

why don't you go back there

niggers are a majority now, get used to it cumskins

And you'll still pay to go see it.

i saw this today out of boredom and the diversity casting was fucking obnoxious. it felt like a movie set in some random 3rd world country

>reddit spacing


>I get my worldviews from falseflagging Sup Forums memes

dont post false things

no one wants to fuck nigger chicks, not even niggers.

>it felt like a movie set in some random 3rd world country

america is 3rd world.

>foreskins and kinder eggs are banned
>kenyan presidents
>non-white majority
>military losses to vietnam

So it's set in London?

Thanks for the money!

Those faces always ruin them.

>literally 5 seconds into the film someone is chastised for calling native Americans Indians
>comment about how the Washington monument was built by slaves

I think I've solved Japan's problem with population decline. Just import a bunch of Mexican women.

I don't know what's more disturbing.

The monobrows, or how well dressed they all are.

The love interest was so miscast. She was so weird looking and she couldn't act for shit

Also, why are all they all young and healthy men? Where are the women, kids and old ones? They don't look like refugees who have fled from war.

assblasted commie degenerate detected

>reee he made fun of my magay hat

Get your shit together America. Can you atleast take in some white immigrants?

how can other women compete?

Side-show Melanin?

i was laughing at you for bringing up trump out of nowhere in a movie thread. you're clearly one of those retards that's been assblasted non-stop for the past year. post some more sweet reddit memes, it will make it better :)

why didn't they cast bella thorne as MJ? she would have been perfect.

>bringing up Trump unprovoked
Living in your head rent free


>mexican women fucking asian men with their small dicks

lol, that would only make the things worse, they would laugh at them and the suicide statistics would skyrocket again.

They can't. It's simply impossible.

I'd say our skin looks more like peaches than cum, but whatever. At least shitskin is an accurate description and isn't cringey as fuck when you hear it

>face it tiger i just hit the crack

Cheryl from Riverdale would have been a pretty good fit.

She literally looks like a mannequin

you're living your life foreskin free LOL


I know this is bait. But what makes you think the US is a white country now?


The women and children are still in their home countries.

They think that their husband/father will send for them, but instead they're left to rot in refugee camps or isis mass graves.


>main white villain, Vulture, has a black wife
How the fuck did they get away with it?

what the fuck

were they literally setting a trap for vehicles?

Why would any woman and her children be in some random field? You're not making any sense user.

Haha that's not even true. In fact, majority of refugees are women. Children are also quite prevalent in the refugee population as well. You can find out about it from politic act of you feel like looking into it.


Pretty much

>leave a country which isn't at war
>travel through 12 different completely safe countries
>make it to the french border, set up a camp
>attack and rob anyone who enters, set traps for lorry drivers
>all so you can make it to Britain, the country offering the biggest free hand outs to 'refugees' in europe

And then you get called a racist for point out the inconsistencies or issues with this story. Celebrities continue to go there and help the poor, defenceless, loving refugees. Celebrity after celebrity gets attacked and robbed. It's one big joke

Wtf is a politic act camel jockey?

why were they backing out halfway through?

They never do make it to Britain though, they just congregate in france

That's in Calais and those people are murderers.

Ah meant to say politifact. Autocorrect on my phone you see. Also I'm a phone poster who doesn't proofread his posts.

"PolitiFact.com is a project operated by the Tampa Bay Times, in which reporters and editors from the Times"

left leaning af reporters who put anita sarkeesian in the top 100 most influential people of 2015


You conveniently cropped qt white blonde Betty Brandt out of the pic. Michelle "MariJuana" Johnson is in no way whatsoever a love interest to anyone.

that poo in loo trying to look tough is fucking embarrassing