Do you ever just?

Do you ever just?

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Wow holy fuck what an idiot


Is that Frozen in the middle?

the first show made in house at CN was Space Ghost Coast to Coast? Really?


marauders4evr is a stupid bitch who makes way too many biased and ill-informed posts that get tons of attention because most tumblr users are idiots

and I should know, I go on tumblr too

just what?

I thought that was 2 Stupid Dogs?

You sound like you have some stories about her to share.

>cherrypicking good screenshots for one side and bad screenshots for the other
It's like Sup Forums


not really anything scandalous, unfortunately

just imagine hundreds of posts like the OP one, same general tone and everything, that you run into no matter what because they've been reblogged like 10,000 times

>Space Ghost
>First show created by a network that didn't exist at the time it was created

Doug one might be the only worthy comparison considering it was a meh show in every account. Compare the other original nicktoons tho and it falls apart.

This actually makes me upset.

Pretty sure it aired on TBS first before being syndicated.

It'd be SO EASY to make an equally annoying counterpoint to this, the kind of '90s cartoon nostalgia-everything today sucks image that'd set Sup Forums's dicks aflutter, with an "epic" screenshot from Doug or whatever on the one side and a close-up shot of Steven Universe making a stupid/CalArts face on the other.

But I don't think it even deserves more effort than my own dumb shitpost.

>Gravity Falls
>good writing

This is like a bizarro universe version of those CalArts threads that pop up every now and then.

Just as stupid and intentionally misleading to further a personal agenda, but on the opposite side of the spectrum.

Its like /mlp/ putting almost as much importance on labels as tumblr

And just how, and just how, and just how, and just how, and just how, and just how, and just how, and just how, and just how, and just how, and just how, and just how.

Go easy user its how the kids on tumblr type for some reason.

She's a grown-ass woman.

>three visually and tonally distinct pieces of animation each with their own unique styles and audiences
>three CalArts shows that run on tumblr-esque tropes and appeal solely to far-left millennials

How grown?

Incredible. You managed to miss the point so hard you circled back into the very same form of autism that the OP pic displays.

never mind, then.

That was TNT.

22 so I guess it's not like she's that old.

But old enough to have graduated college or lived on her own, so.

>Space Ghost
>Cartoon Network's first
>Not even a scene from Coast to Coast (Or Cartoon Planet)

I feel this.

everytime I make a joke or prove point using sarcasm... just goes WOOOOOOOOOSSHHHHH over 4chans head....

>Space Ghost
>not serious shit in every way

Fuck everything else about this post, this triggers me the most


Have we forgotten CalArts is considered the best art school in the country?


talking about Coast to Coast, not the original cartoon

it's just another shade of the same ragey, education-hating "FUCK EXPERTS" sentiment that's been endorsed and encouraged by NewsCorp and Koch Bros for years because they thought stupid people would be easier to control, plus arts are always first to get put on the chopping block for any number of bulshit reasons. Don't act too surprised.

is this a joke/troll post? american animation today is like 30 years behind asian animation

wild beat?


Just think, 20 years ago they are putting out garbage like Killing Joke, Long Holloween, and Dark Knight Returns. I can't help but cry I seeing how for Comics have come with titles like Miss Marvel and Squirrel Girl for being so Progressive. What a difference 20 years makes.

Think they're deliberately focusing on American shows.

It's literally just the reverse of those MODERN CARTOONS SUCK threads here, and done in all sincerity.

>20 years ago
Long Halloween was 20 years ago, the other two were 30

>Alex Toth
>Rebecca Sugar
Haha, no. This is wrong on so many different levels. hell, Space Ghost itself may be more or less your typical Hanna Barbera schlock, but Toth is the fucking God of character design. That shit ain't gold, it's Platinum

>implyin Doug was shit
It was a comfy american SoL

weeb detected

What's the show in the center right?

Probably Korra

If anyone ever uses GF as a positive example of something, you immediately know to disregard everything they say. GF was garbage,

I'm so fucking sick of your bullshit Mo you fucking monkey

I'm going to fucking kill you