She's right you know

She's right you know

Other urls found in this thread:

I liked Land Before Time and I have no empathy for anyone.

as i am typing this i am realizing that that's a lie, the one time i saw a gypsy i felt bad for them
i totally got jew opped

i 2 felt bad seein a gypsy... b/c they continued to live.....

land before time was my favourite thing as a kid and now I'm a literal fascist

Get your pol shit off my board

this board gets dumber literally every day.

>taking the opinions of a peanut merchant seriously

>bringing up another board for no reason
Living in your head rent free

>Still no white children

yeah idc

I don't see how it was immigrant/refugee propaganda - it was just kids going on an adventure essentially and having to grow a little.

Now An American Tail - that WAS immigrant/refugee propaganda

I agree toward not accepting illegal immigrants.
But America literally created all these fucking wars and bombed the shit out of Libia and Syria, I don't see why they shouldn't accept THOSE refugees and why should Europe clean up after its mess.

All kids shows and movies have some underlying hidden jewgenda.

I love Emily

Should just kill the rest of them tbqh

You wouldn't have cared if it was any other board mentioned.

Rent free user rent free. Just can't stop talking or thinking about Sup Forums. Maybe it's love?

>feeling bad for gypsies

You're too far gone.

she got fired from that for having peanuts for brains though
her cartoons are pretty good as "outsider art"

Pol cucks make me laugh

They will preach about purity and the white race but in the end of the day. All the pics of Pol in public are mixed raced, malnourished or skinny fat beta Fucks. Especially those flag waving frog faggots or the ones wearing my call of duty camo.

So glad I'm not American

Just can't stop thinking about Sup Forums user. It's an obsession.

>he could have chosen to talk about the Land Before Time as a movie
>instead he made a thread to shitpost about political issues

based retard

>Living in your head rent free

using a huffpost meme? terrible.

>ill blame the guy trolling
Kill yourself my man :^)

>Sup Forumsfags are lame

Redditspacing? Terrible.

imagine getting this braincuc-ked lmao

Living in your head rent free user. Rent free.

If only they took their own advice

little foot can suck my dick. land before time was some shit that would come on after an hour of dexters lab mid-day on a sunday and kill my buzz as a kid. that or an american tail.

but fivel was a cowboy

>post anime on Sup Forums
hey why you bringing up Sup Forums LOL

uh oh, back to /r/the_donald!

I don't give a fuck about this. What i want to know is, are there any nudes of Emily Youcis? And if not, how can I make it happen?

Reddit living in your head rent free too? Must get cramped in there bro!

I barely remember that movie. I thought it was about dealing with a dead parent.

pretty sure reddit hates Sup Forums lol

it was about dinosaurs you dumbass

Why do the redditards on this board get so easily triggered by politics threads, but only if they are mocking the left. when it is reversed, they don't give a shit about it? We had a thread yesterday about game of thrones being too white that reached bump limit, not once did I see one of you fedora tippers sperging out about it.

how come?

They couldn't live without it.

But it was made in the 80s, Emily...

Muslims are the sharptooth.

>Land Before Time
>produced by (((Amblin Entertainment)))


Poor dog. Some really didn't want to be there, or didn't expect this degeneracy.