I know New York is full of blacks, spis and liberals, but was it really as bad as The Simpsons portrayed it?

I know New York is full of blacks, spis and liberals, but was it really as bad as The Simpsons portrayed it?

new york is pretty cool but the entire city smells like someone pissed on hot garbage.
its not the magical city its suppose to be since the late 80s when they made it impossible to film Gritty Crime Films there

90s NY was the only developed american city at the time

It's only cool if you are extremely wealthy.

I mean, the city is LITERALLY 33% white. Outside of a few burbs its just a ghetto

it was worse

Whites make up almost 60% of Manhattan iirc and it's probably just growing since housing prices keep rising
It's the outer boroughs and many of the suburbs that are ghettos

History lesson for you dumbasses, you literally couldn't be more wrong. See attached pic. My father grew up in the Bronx during the 70s and 80s and it was a complete hellhole.

Only recently has it become better.

>90s NY was the only developed american city at the time

This isn't even remotely true. 90s NY was still mostly shit, recovering from the hell of the 80s crack epidemic.

it's worse
meme city

How does roe vs wade make NYC a worse place? Abortions for non-whites should make NYC a better place.

More often than not the whites end up getting abortions and the blacks just have more kids.

>teenage/college white girl gets pregnant
>just abort it
>teenage black or mestizo girl gets pregnant
>keep it

>get off subway in 80s New York
>confronted by a punk with a purple mohawk and his two friends
>the two friends start feeling up your girlfriend while one cackles and the other barks like a dog

what do?

New York is the cesspool of the world. It collects the filthy, amoral, degenerate, derelict scum if the world and churns them out of its porous, slimy belly three times the amount that entered. New York is for the most vile, the most vexed, the most villainous. There is no redemption for a city filled with such hate and greed. Every living being in New York should be led into an abandoned mine and systematically slaughtered. It would undoubtedly save the human race.

based republican mayor saving the city

I don't know about latinos but I keep hearing that if abortion was illegal the black population would be triple what it is today. I fully support abortion because it keeps shitty parents from raising future criminals.

>We'll see, honey.
>We'll see.

Second best ending to a Simpsons episode

So.....we agree Trump is vile scum?

in the UK, the % of abortions that go to whites is above the white % of births, in effect it is lowering the white population as a proportion of the whole

>More often than not the whites end up getting abortions and the blacks just have more kids.

Blacks abort more than whites.

And spics abort nearly as much as whites.

Sterilization would be better though

>being this wrong

in the US blacks get significantly more abortions

persuade whites not to and advocate non-whites to do abortion instead of banning it? you have a tool that can be used for good instead of misused for bad.

It would but that is never gonna happen outside of a 3rd world nation (they did it in India).

Didn't they stop airing this episode post 9/11 because of the the win towers scene?

This makes it sound kind of cool, I just associate it with hipsters, yuppies, and gridlock.

NYC is a shithole but not Detroit level or Chicago level of shit. The other mentioned places you will be killed eventually by some nog. In NYC you will die from asbestos more likely than some gang shit.

you know those murders arent stopping, they're just moving somewhere else harder to detect

True, but those murders are not happening in the "good" neighborhoods aka white ones while they move more and more into the "bad" neighborhoods aka black ones. If blacks want to kill blacks who am I to stop them, it's part of their culture to kill. I sure don't want to be labeled a racist.

New York City is a city.
Take everything anyone has ever told you about it and reduce the exaggeration by a factor of 10. And that will be about what it is actually like.
It's just a fuckin' place. Daily life there is not much different from anywhere else.

Isn't it a little sketchy for the graph to just include the amount of murders and not take into consideration population?

Homer "The Sadistic Nigger Killer" Simpson

You take the murders that happen and divide it by the population. Its like a batting average in baseball. I know you are trying to find a reason to explain why these numbers went up at around the same time whites left the city and blacks entered it but the truth is that blacks cause crime.

> the truth is that blacks cause crime.
Uh racist much?

The suburbs are white and the city center is really rich people, so white or Asian.
It's the densely populated inner city that's contributing to most of the non-whites.

I'll give you a choice where to move to, 2 democrat controlled cities in fact. They are Portland or Detroit. Portland is super majority white and thriving while Detroit is super majority black and a hell hole. Like I said both are Democrat controlled so you can't blame politics for this. There has to be some reason why the white city is so much better than the black one, maybe race?
IMO the best cities/towns to live in are Democrat controlled ones that also want to stay white. That is the perfect balance.

Chavs getting abortions is a good thing tho

Mayor Dinkins was a lousy nigger

It's pretty bad.

It smells, it's dirty and it gets too hot. The dirtiest US state ID of any city is the NYC ID. It's fucking filthy each one, it tells you what goes on there.

The people are shit. Seriously shit. I mean, east coast people are pretty scummy, but NYC takes the cake. It's the city where you're an asshole for looking at things. It's the city that is famous for ruining people, user.

It's full of inauthentic ethnic groups. I'll explain. It's full of people who were born there, speak only English yet act like they're immigrants despite having no other culture but American. The result of the success genuine immigrants had in the past. Their children and grandchildren assimilated entirely, yet laying claims to cultures they've never experience. It makes for some good fusions in cuisine sometimes, but most often it just leads to manufactured "authenticity". So it's multi cultural aspect will soon be a sham, it'll just end up being the idiosyncrasies of a certain neighborhood until they are displaced.

So much bad art. So much.

Music is good though. Overall though, it's a nice place to visit...etc.

>east coast people are pretty scummy
>be californian
>smoke weed and drop out of college
>break windows and loot shops
>kill people in gang violence
>hit old people with baseball bats cause they voted for trump

>"""""""""""less scummy""""""""""

Be less salty.

Everyone on the west coast has a gay accent, even the black dudes sound like they take it up the ass. East coast has the best accents in the country.

Are you implying blacks collapsed the motor industry Detroit was built on?

Pretty much this too. If you are rich then NYC is heaven with all the stores, theaters, restaurants,shopping, museums and art galleries.

Let's clear something up.

I'm not even from the USA. I don't know why you're going on about the west coast now, maybe you thought I'm from there?

I'll agree that west coast males sound more effeminate though.

The motor industry prevented blacks from committing crimes? I know black denialists love to point to crime and poverty as a correlation but the poorest white neighborhoods in America have less crime than the richest black neighborhoods. The white people who lived in Detroit left, why couldn't the blacks leave like they did previously from the South in the great migration?

coasties are complete faggots who do not seem to understand that there is a world outside of Los Angeles and New York City. Please ignore them, they all need to be swallowed by the ocean.

>implying flyover states don't also live in a bubble

>mfw the last 4 movies I watched were all based in New York

It's literally the only city in America that matters

>all of these people hating on or scared of based NY


>poorest white neighborhoods in America have less crime than the richest black neighborhoods

i would like to read more about this