Was it Rape?

Was it Rape?

No but Barbara raped bruce

Yes, he was reluctant and she kept grabbing his dick. Erection isn't consent, goddammit.

batman never asked for it so yeah

In the comic? No.
In the animated movie? Maybe.

In the comic it's sexual assault, and Joker crossing that line is a big part of what makes you question if Batman is going to kill him or not.

I no longer care what the movie does.

Daily reminder, that USSR was so progressive, reverse-rape was actually a punishable crime.

There's no such thing as Reverse Rape.
Same thing as there's no such thing as Reverse Racism.

What the hell is reverse-rape?
Would that be like turning down someone you really really wanna have sex with?

>In the comic? No.
it was written by alan moore. you know there was rape.
why do you think the joker hired some goons? just to beat up gordon?

That was bad joke that didn't land at all.

But yeah, basically, in USSR women were punished for raping men.

he probably means women forcing men to have sex with them.

with Moore his rape is not ambiguous, if there was rape we wouldn't be debating anything because it would be obvious

there's still sexual assault though, I don't know why people feel like it has to be more than that

No it was barely even sexual assault
>commissioner Gordon
Quite possibly there was definintly some sexual degradation going on.

Moore is precisly why we know there was no rape he would never make it ambiguous

humm... you actually make a good point.
moore is not the kind of guy that leaves that kind of things to imagination.

He really only striped her to get at gordon represent how powerless she was and whatnot

Rape is any non-consentual violation in a sexual manner.
Just because someone thinks that all men always want sex or that all women are so completely weak that they couldn't ever force a man to endure something unwanted does not mean that these criteria of rape's definition can not be met by a woman attacking a man.

Don't forget the ol' shove a pen up their urethra trick.

Post statistics of how often that happens.

The bullet definitely penetrated her.

I rember one thread where somebody said she was raped because of all the blood on her crotch.

I think user did admit there mistake though

It was mind rape.

I never understood why people deny even the notion of Barbara actually suffering forceful intercourse. So we don't get to see pictures about that... So fucking what?? It could have happened off panel and the photographs don't really give enough detail of the scene to exclude the possibility. I know if I was the Joker and planned to ruin Gordon, I'd have Barbara stuffed with three or four 10 inch dicks and bathing in jizz at the end. Hell, I'd take part myself.

I find it funny that the Joker is a mass, mass, mass, mass murderer and not only do writers think that sexual assault/rape is somehow "a line", but people like you, Batman and feminists do too.

Hey man, take it up with the Comics Code Authority, that's who made that call.
None of your listed boogeymen had shit to do with that.

WTF are you talking about, "call"? I'm talking about your call, that someone like the Joker who has killed hundreds or thousands of people in his criminal career, including Batman/Bruce's friends, would suddenly flip a "kill" switch in Batman's head because he raped someone.

Like one rape is worse than a thousand murders. I know some people actually believe that, but you can usually pick them by their hairstyle and glasses. But you, you just joined those crazy arseholes.

For shame, user. For shame.

What isn't rape these days?
By asking you that question, I've FORCED the idea into your supple, unwilling mind and violently removed your agency, your ability to not think about it. Congratulations, you've now been raped.

Sexual assault, not rape. And no way did the Joker actually actually have any interest in her, he just wanted to do what fucked up Gordon most.

Its meant to be vague

Since Im paranoid and always assume the worse, then personally I think yes.

it's actually pretty easy not to think about purple elephants

i imagine it more like molesting. like showing clown dolls, kaazoois and balloon pumps up her butt and vag.