/tpg/ Twin Peaks General:

RAPE and MURDER Edition


Meanwhile: Less than 12 hours to go!

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No murder or lewd!

is that Kyle on the right?

Fuck Lynch for making him an accomplice to his crimes

the people talkign well about life is strange were memeing right? I am not in the same general as the kind of retard who could like life is strange.


When will we see the scenes in paris?



Jesus christ that's an unsettling picture

>those dilated, unfocused eyes
>smeared lipstick
>those guys behind her

It is also why Kyle has so many roles and screentime this season. Lynch gave it to him so that he wouldn't spill the beans and Lynch wouldn't have to kill him


Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Judy was discovered in a clip that plays during The Missing Pieces. It confirms Larry David will be playing Jeffries at the end of the series. (Vid is test footage) youtube.com/watch?v=-18MtdgusEI

Are you serious?

This was magic

Don't pupils also dilate when they want/need to take in more?



when the credits rolled over the image I smiled for maybe the first time in 5 years.

Master of None season 1 episode 6 at the start of the episode they're playing the Twin Peaks theme song.


how did they get away with it?

Probably the best band they've had play, honestly I wouldn't have minded them as a replacement Roadhouse house band for julee cruise.

Usually they dilate in low light and shrink in bright light

I'm just saying it makes for a creepy picture, if I didn't know Twin Peaks I would think this was some serial killer photo

this was very good.

What's interesting about this photo is shortly after this girl was RAPED and MURDERED



>those plump Shelly lips aren't around my cock

I get what you're saying
Has a serial killer taken photos of themselves with their victims before?


get some taste. Chromatics are good and cute.

absolutely my man, staple /x/ threads were photos of people right before being killed by one.

I know that some take photos of their victims but what about photos of the victims as well as themselves?


Again, yes. I don't have any examples off hand for you but they used to post similar stuff to /x/ often.

It's not about the song, it's about you neckbeards obsessively jerking over it like manchildren "I smiled for the first time in 5 years" cringe as fuck



>what is exagerration
>what is feeling something genuine and removed from any detatched ironic or cynical stance

I bet you're fun at the parties you don't get invited to.

actually kekd

How does she do it?

that is not a good picture of her

I teared up when the giant flew

I'm the guy at the party that would bully the fuck out of you for being a giant faggot

fix your heart or die, you clown comic.

me on the left
you on the right

I'll check out /x/ some more then. Sad thing that the board is mostly filled with tall tales instead of interesting stuff nowadays

Kek look at this faggot


so are we getting a straight weekly run to the end of the series or will there be another gap week at some point?

>Underage lurker learns a new word

much better

These posts are proof that twin peaks fandom has been hijacked by literal capeshit redditor pseuds

t. pic related

I don't think you even know what that stream of buzzwords means.

The product of RAPE



>David I heard you were bringing Twin Peaks back? Are you going to adapt my graphic novel series?

that toe ring signifies she is the property of David Lynch

Can someone make a WASTED-style webm except it says LYNCHED in the end?

Could we get a 4k re-release?, Does anybody know if the new season was recorded in 4k

How can the show go back to normal after episode 8? Are we going back to something concrete or will there be a second Lynching?

It'll carry on as if everything after the Roadhouse performance never happened.

there are like 100 different subplots going on so I should think so.

I think we'll open up with the dude in jail, start picking up the pieces. Either that or Richard Horne.

you motivated me to finally leave this shithole

I've come to Sup Forums from time to time for shitposting but an environment of ignorant manchildren and mentally challenged people is not for me.

Ladies and gentleman, on behalf of the Roadhouse, I present to you.. the Linkin Park!

I feel like we will see more of the Vegas stuff, including the repercussions of Ike's failed hit on Coop.

S3 was shot on digital so probably not.

4K is a meme anyway unless you really watch this on a 40 inch screen

see you tomorrow

Have you ever studied your hand, kid?

Pssst, you like a show for reddit hipster pseudos. You're not exactly in a position to judge.

>Why can't people on Sup Forums pretend to be emotionally detatched edgelords like me all the time? This is supposed to be my safe space!!don't ruin it!!!!

I'm watching a show for people who like to see CUTE G I R L S

Sheryl Lee is ____!

eva > tp

it's too much of a coincidence for it not to be true.

So /tpg/, what have you been doing with your lives the past 2 weeks while waiting for the new episode tonight? Read any good books?

The rings are not on the same toe, though.



Why the fuck does she look so smug?

I just finished Evangelion, it is better than TP in every sense.


Look how stinking her feet are.....

>redditor son of single mommy

I've been reading Lord of the Rings and then went to a rock concert in a backyard earlier this week

>Ladies and gentlemen, The Roadhouse is proud to welcome, The Insane Clown Posse


tp is good but eva is superior

>le reddit strawman
go back to Sup Forums, faggot.

So closet fags? Non-homos describe women as sexy.

name one way it's better.

Not in every sense, but in 8 out of 10 aspects is dominant, Evangelios is a masterpiece.



nice projection, closeted faggot.

Oh look, son of single mommy thinks this is reddit or high school debate club and feels the need to prove to everyone how autistic he is about being a rational, non-fallacious grown up guy.

What episode are we on now lads?

Just finished watching all of dunkeys videos. They are better than tp in every single way