Empire of Dust continued

Exactly. To quote the Bard:

Ay, in the catalogue ye go for men;
As hounds and greyhounds, mongrels, spaniels, curs,
Shoughs, water-rugs and demi-wolves, are clept
All by the name of dogs: the valued file
Distinguishes the swift, the slow, the subtle,
The housekeeper, the hunter, every one
According to the gift which bounteous nature
Hath in him closed, whereby he does receive
Particular addition from the bill
That writes them all alike: and so of men.

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One good scene. That's all you need to watch from this documentary.


I liked the scene where it shows the 3 chinese managers showing the camera how black people work over there

Their job was to level a small miund of gravel to fill in a bit of road and they had about 10 or 12 black men there to do it
Instead of working they just sang and told stories and laughed and had a great time and got nothing done the whole day

Don't know if you guys know this but they gave up on african workforce altogether and replaced them by chinese prisoners workforce who did everything better in less time in 2011.

>Following the discovery of literary education, Jews hoard and hide books and literature for centuries despite death sentence bans for doing so.
>Following the discovery of literary education, East Asians create vast libraries documenting anything and everything they can, and develop ancient scholar systems
>Following the discovery of literary education, Muslims start archiving and hoarding Greek literature and knowledge for future generations, and continue doing so even after Islam takes over and threatens death penalties for certain knowledge
>Following the discovery of literary education, Indians create a philosophical and religious revolution that would see itself spread and influence both East and West, and even today encourage their children to learn whatever they can for a better future and life

>Following the discovery of literary education, niggers avoid it like the plague even today, and there is no sound or rational excuse for it because you can't excuse a nigger not picking up a book when even Jews and Muslims hoard them despite death penalties for doing so throughout the ages

Really makes you think.

>Slavs live in a geographically and climatically horrible land, with poverty and disease and war rampant
>Slavs get enslaved and oppressed by either Mongolians or Turks for longer than niggers did by whites
>survive the Mongols who inflicted a death toll of about 60 million dead throughout their wars, 2nd only to World War 2
>survive WW2 afterwards which saw at least 30 million Slav souls perish
>Nobody answers the plight of the Slavs
>Slavs learn to rise above their situation, adopt Mediterranean and Western technology and culture as much as they can to improve themselves
>start producing technology, economy, culture, send first man in Space, create ideologies that influence the whole world even today, create a superpower country

>Niggers live in a geographically and climatically horrible land, with poverty and disease and war rampant
>Niggers get enslaved and oppressed by whites and Muslims, though for a much shorter duration than Slavs were, and they at least get treated better than the Mongolians treated Slavs
>Niggers get their plight answered by white liberals and become the first protected human race, with education programs waiting for them to sign up and learn
>Niggers still avoid school, avoid books, avoid education, and are still a failure race

God damn niggers.

I disagree, it's pretty much 100% great.

Also for slavs.
Slavery existed in Russia Empire till 1861.
An no, no niggers as slaves, only russian people to another russian people.

How is either land climatically/geographically horrible? Please elaborate

When it is +30 in summer (and only for 2-3 months) and -30 in winter (for 4-5 months), it is kinda sucks to live in this place.

wtf I love communism now!

What area are you talking about? Doesn't sound like anywhere in Africa and Slavs are spread across a lot of land.

Has nothing to do with it.
Actually it is harmed Russia development even more.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

One is a place of either marshes or frozen lands, high soil infertility, and temperature variations of between -50C to +40C that have a horribly adverse effect on both health of the people as well as infrastructure and roads.

The other is a place of deserts and clay and some extremely dangerous jungles with temperatures frequently in a disaster zone beyond 40C.

Both are shit in their own ways.

The only common thing is the presence of highly valued resources that Slavs learned to exploit for themselves but niggers are still struggling mainly due to their lack of interest in education which would enable them to do so.

All russia fucked up climate wise.

Such temperatures mostly in west-central syberia. In more east and north areas it is even worst.
Ever heard about night for a half a year?

Southeast Asians are even worse than the Africans, especially if you consider the Filipinos. Africans are actually improving in terms of GDP growth, lower fertility rate, better nutrition, and lower poverty rates albeit very slowly. SE Asians are declining in all those. For example, the Philippines has higher homicide rates, poverty-incidence, malnutrition rate, children born out of wed-lock, obesity, etc than most of Africa.

Communism is the 2nd wave of murders between Mongolians/Ottomans and WW1/WW2, with a continuation post-WW2, which saw over 21 million souls destroyed and all Slav states infected with infertility which slowed down economic and technological output due to a lack of younger generations.

WW2 and Stalin repressions pretty much destroyed slavs as civilizations.
Down from 500 to 300 mil. And after USSR collapsed it become even worse.

I'll never understand why you guys care so much about people you'll never meet, places you'll never go, and countries that have little to no effect on your life in any way outside of polluting the environment.

They are coming here.

It was an interesting documentary chill

These Africans reproduce at such a rapid rate, the world human population is actually growing in number mostly because of them, without the actual HDI improvement.
Overpopulation leads to:
>High poverty rates
>A supply to feed these poverty-stricken people who can't feed themselves, which means wealthier nations have to pay for it at their expense
>This leads to higher population growth, but no sustainable means to maintain their society which leads to:
>Environmental pollution
>High crime rate, due to lack of employment, homelessness, illiteracy, lack of social mobility, government corruption, low services etc
>Overcrowded areas
>Causing Emigration
>Which results in mass migration to developed countries, which brings the problems these Africans suffered through in their countries.

Suddenly it's our problem. High population growth is everyone's problem. It either results in mass emigration, which developed countries cannot afford to bring in or massive fatalities to prevent the growing population from increasing any further.

Russia had an urban civilization from the 10th century under the cultural influence of Byzantium. Slavery declined from then on. Being Christian, relatively urbanised and organised (compared to Africa at least), and having continuous close contacts with the West, they were able to integrate themselves into Western civilization in the Early Modern period, especially from the 18th century on. They grew into an enormous, powerful and centralised empire dominating northern Eurasia. This all put them in a position to catch up with the Western World as it modernised.

In Africa there was no equivalent to this. While Russia could adopt from the Vikings, Byzantines and Westerners, most of Africa was isolated. Some areas came into contact with the Islamic world during the later Middle Ages, and this did lead to urbanisation and acculturation in areas like the Swahili Coast and the Sahel, but most of these were marginal areas on the edge of deserts or coasts. Even in areas like Hausaland where large urban populations emerged, the influence of the Islamic world was mostly religious and literary, not bringing technology. And Islam only made integration into the modern world even more difficult, as it did everywhere.

After the 15th century some regions tried to learn from the West, as Russia did. Unlike Russia these regions were not already Christian and urbanised. The Kongo converted to Catholicism, adopted literacy, built a centralized state and a large textile industry, as did neighbouring states. They might have ended up like Russia if the Atlantic Slave trade hadn't intensified in the 17th and 18th centuries to a point that law and order broke down, undoing the development of the 15th and 16th centuries. This slave trade was far more intensive than that suffered by the Russians, and its concentration in the two centuries between 1650 and 1850 (exactly the time Russia was modernising) meant that the destructive effects of it were more intense.

>If I put my head in the sand nothing will effect me


>Trillions of the developed world's tax money isn't being sent to these sub-humans

>be Congolese
>work hard all your life
>get payed shit
>lose half of money to corrupt officials
>buy nice car
>car gets stolen
>buy nice phone
>gets mugged
>raise loving family
>family gets murder-raped by Hutu jungle bandits

This is why they don't work, or have a culture of working. Law, stability and property rights are absolutely essential to any kind of social or economic development.