Other urls found in this thread:

>Shia was taken into custody at 4 A.M. Saturday morning. He was booked for disorderly conduct, obstruction and public drunkenness.

>Cops say early Saturday morning, Shia approached someone for a cigarette. When the person said no, they say he started swearing in front of women and kids. He was told to leave but refused and became aggressive toward an officer.

>When the cop tried to arrest Shia, the actor ran to a nearby hotel. He was arrested in the lobby and continued being unruly.

What the fuck is his problem?

What a degenerate piece of shit.

What's his fucking problem?

The man is not well.

Needs the good book IMO.

Man its almost as if celebrities can get away with anything with little to no consequences.


it must be so satisfying to tell a celebrity they can't have a cigarette

He's a faggot.



Salty about HWNDU?

Is that still going on btw?

he's a brat, i don't get why people have a hard time realizing that. hes a spoiled little brat trying to be cute.

Even more satisfying to watch him go to jail over it kek

fucking antisemite nazi cunts don't want to give him cigarettes.

There were kids up, and out, at 4 a.m.?

you get arrested for that in america?

negative publicity doesnt exist you absolute fuckheads. its still just publicity.

How long did it take you to generate that trip code?

>Shia asks you for cigarettes and you have to come up with something to provoke him into a fight on the spot

what do you say?

>inb4 hitler did nothing wrong

>Salty about HWNDU?
pssh, nothin' personal

publicity for what, peanut butter falcon?


Tell that to Kes, Brendan and the other inductees to the Hall of JUST

Shia is in terminal decline, even before he started this art stuff his acting career was basically over and now he doesn't even have that. I dunno if Cheeto being president or Sup Forums fucking with his every move broke his mind more, but he's fucked

maybe in 20 years he'll do a Mickey Rourke and be in something

>tap ash onto his face
>one of your relatives? heh, holohoax.
>do a kickflip and skate away

>get arrested.
do you think the legal system is one massive ad campaign?

>reddit spacing

>fuck off loser
>you look homeless, fuck off before I kick your teeth in

The Man is fitting him up. Marginalizing a great talent in a time of revolution. For shame!

that's some grade A memeing

>*teleport behind him*
>pshhh nothin personnel kid
>*divide them*


>a wall is erected

"sorry, I don't have any more buddy"
walk by him and whisper "Pepe"

>cigarette? why don't you take your poofter ass back to the HWNDU Jew York museum you fucking manlet

>for the sixth time

how long until they throw him in prison for a few years? he's obviously a menace to society.

this guy gets it

>"if I wanted you to make ash I'd gas and burn you like in the good old days"

apparently just not giving him a cigarette will do the trick

>tfw Shia gets in your face to talk about jesus christ instead of his dreidel

That's a good trick.

this some nazi shit right here. your fags too good for him because he's jewish?

it's 2017.

So he's been arrested seven times?

Why would it be seven times if he just got arrested for the 6th time?

Because he was arrested *again* for the sixth time. The first "again" would be arrest number two.

this happened in my city literally 15 minutes away from where I live.

If I had known he would be out I would have gone to meet the poor guy


What the fuck are you talking about?

goddamnit user, you could've helped him to fight off the cops. at least break him out of prison now.

You get what I'm saying, right?

Come on. Think about it. Say hypothetically, you get arrested for first time. That counts as 1. Your first arrest.
And then you get arrested again. That's 2
And then you get arrested again. That's 3
And then you get arrested again. That's 4
And then you get arrested again. That's 5
And then you get arrested again. That's 6
And then you get arrested again. That's 7
Getting arrested "again" 6 times = 7 arrests.

We broke him


So since Sup Forums broke him, think we can push him into becoming a female (male) ?

Wouldn't work anyway.

I think this is a result of him realizing everything he was ever told by his hippie commie jew parents was a lie, considering his difficulties with HWNDU and this aite

A shift of tone and the sentence make sense in both cases and you need something to do in your life.

You are indeed correct. You can't be arrested again if you haven't been arrested in the first place. Most likely the person writing the title didn't realize her mistake when it came to the sentence meaning.

English isn't your first language is it?
Again can be used any time something happens more than once. So yes, Shia's been arrested again. And it will happen again and again because celebrities don't do jail time.


>again, (COMMA) for the sixth time


>again for the sixth time

this is orange cheeto fault


who was the dude? was that the memebomber?

>And it will happen again and again because celebrities don't do jail time.

He was arrested for public intoxication. A normal person wouldn't do jail time for that either.

who even said hes doing jail time you moron

I think the dude should be recognized for being responsible for some of the best comedy created in the past 10 years. Sure it was unintentional, but watching Sup Forums troll his stupid "art", and then find and steal his flags with pure autistic fury and doggedness, has been the absolute highlight of entertainment this year, if not the decade.


I was just pointing out that most of his arrests have been for minor shit. He's not getting special treatment due to being a celebrity.

agreed. Sup Forums using the stars to locate his flag was some next level shit.

You lads think the movie is going to be kino? He's not really a bad actor in my honest opinion.

If you sperg out like Shia did then yes

You missed Finland.

>we finally did it beans, after all this time we have finally became a Even Stevens

>mfw I see the OP

seriously though, I think his intentions are good but his intellect needs a little shaping up. His heart is in the right place.

Let me know when he's been reduced to ashtray surfing. Shia still has a ways to fall.

He's an alcoholic asshole. That's hardly uncommon in Hollywood but he seriously needs to start just staying home.


>His heart is in the right place

all he did was for attention.

He and many other celebrities suffer from the same syndrome
Hollywood only produces madness, holy shit. What a fucked up place.

>Hey, Shia. With your money and connections, you could easily start up a scholarship so smart but poor kids could get the money they need to go to colleges. Or you could start a grant to give to some scientists with a cool idea but don't have the funds required. But you're not doing that. Instead you're doing shitty little art projects, pretending you're the next Andy Warhol, acting like you're all avant-garde even though you worked on Disney Channel sitcoms. Jesus, just look at yourself. You think Trump or anyone on your shitlist would care if you yelled at them? It'd be okay if you were just some regular NEET using up his parents' money to do passive-aggressive protests, but you've got money. You used to be somebody. You've got more money than most people will ever see in their life, and you're wasting it on internet shitshows or lazy performance art, instead of actually fucking helping people. Why the fuck are you even asking me for cigarettes when you could call somebody to deliver a ton of cigarettes on an Optimus Prime styled truck to your house? Get the away from me and go back to pretentious little friends.

do you guys think he was a pizza victim when he was younger?

>didn't realize her mistake

how do you know it's a woman?

i'll give one to you if you tell me how much you love trump

>you will never deny a rich jewish celebrity a cigarette

probably felt pretty good

Some guy named Matt. He also exposed Tim Pool as a balding cuck.

Why the fuck do you take pity on american celebrities who sees us as nothing but peants from the zoo?

I've been arrested twice for drunk in public, it's not a big deal, there's not even a fine

His parents were weirdo hippies I think.

how do you feel about pic related?

wow, that guy Matt sounds so brave and cool.

Cooler than Shia's faggot ass

You gotta admit there's nothing funnier than an adult having a temper tantrum.

yeah man, totally. He 's not afraid to expose bald people.

Absolutely, they need to be shamed for the genetic failures they are


Bald people who try to hide their baldness are the worst.

He didn't do anything in Finland, did he?

for sure man

definitely. Teach those guys a lesson. The weak must fear the strong.

>he started swearing in front of women and kids

Fucking Ameriprudes actually triggered by swearing, lawl.

>the weak should fear the strong


>t. 3rd world nigger