Do you think there’s really people like maybe older parents or something who watch Steven Universe and still don’t...

Do you think there’s really people like maybe older parents or something who watch Steven Universe and still don’t catch on to the gay relationships? They’re just like “goodness me that long penguin sure is serious about her gal pals!”.

Other urls found in this thread:

>long penguin

it's a race of aliens with only one gender
if I was a kid I wouldn't even consider them as lesbians and just say something like "well gee they're all girls they have to be lesbian, duh????"

I have a friend who still isn't sure if Pearl liked Rose romantically or platonically.

I think really young kids might not get it.

Not because "hurr kids don't get gays" or anything; just that I'm not sure some of the concepts beyond the immediate feelings of the characters would really sink in or be relatable.

But then it's hard to judge how something you only watched as an adult would come off to a kid, so I dunno.

Yeah but you'd have to really be naive to not catch on to it. Those people exist but there can't be that many of them.

I'm pretty sure most soccer moms don't really care anymore, and those that do aren't going to say anything because they know they're in the minority.

>well gee they're all girls they have to be lesbian, duh????

I just watched this episode.
I feel like this should have been 3 seperate episodes
>atlantic city episode
Get the whole dam gang down to atlantic city
>pearl mends her relationship with greg
>musical episode
This one im not completly sure about though both pearls solo and the climax song were really good (pearls more so). If it was just one song you could just shove it in but with 2 one could make the argument that it has to be a musical episode.
The main problem was they blew atlantic city on a plot that could be resolved at home.

Also was steven trying to make them uncomfortable with that and dont forget mum comment.

For me it would be just wrong to see the love from Pearl to Rose as something more than platonic

It's stupid how much people insert sex in this cartoon, like the whole "fusion is just space sex!" theory, it cheapens all the characters and only helps idiots accusing the show of being a tumblrfest about weird sexualities

I only saw one episode of this show. Do they ever say gay or lesbian or is it all just headcanon shipping suff like people who say Naruto loves Sasuke because friends of the same gender is impossible

....Are we ever going to get an episode set around the birth of Christ (if he even was born and not a Gem in disguise) where Rose and Pearl are simply full-on making out because they've seen humans do it and they're curious?

>The main problem was they blew atlantic city on a plot that could be resolved at home.
You can't "blow" a locale, it's not like Empire City got destroyed at the end of the episode.

The gems are aliens with no real genders or sex, because they're created from rocks. But they're all feminine, so if they build a romantic relationship it's bound to be "lesbian". There's only one real romantic couple like that, for the rest it's all shippers. The show doesn't bring attention to the lesbianism

>Do they ever say gay or lesbian or is it all just headcanon shipping suff like people who say Naruto loves Sasuke because friends of the same gender is impossible
Those aren't the only two options. If a couple of girls sing a love song about being with each other together without saying the word "lesbian" then they're still lesbians.

they never say those words, but two of those female aliens kiss, which was too lewd for british tv

If Sup Forums is any indication you can have two people making out and "adults" will say it's platonic or they're just friends.

>Atlantic City

It's New York m8,

If it was Atlantic City Greg would have been kidnapped by the Chinese Mafia, had his money stolen, and then Steven would be sold into the sex trade while Pearl was presented as gift to the bosses wife for their anniversary.

... jesus, did Trump's casino failing really ruin the city that much?

on the cheek

which girls do all the time

still, too lewd for british tv

Before that s1 episode with Pearl, I think, where she wouldn't shut up about Stevens mom and how great she was, near the end of s1 I thought, maybe I was just watching too much porn and maybe I'm seeing what's not there but this episode shut that down and then the next episodes had the cool afro chick turning out to be a fusion of two little girls one a tomboy and the shy girl, and they actually flat out kiss I was like, I'm done with this show, the stereotypical buff big girl or "bull dyke" being the bad guy of the show was also too much for me.
I really want to jump back but I known I'm just going to hate the show and I really enjoyed s1 before all the lesbian stuff started popping.

>Watching Steven Universe With mom
>steven and connie romance
>mom is confused
>"wait...aren't they cousins?"
>what? no mom they're not cousins
>"but isn't one of them an alien?"
>steven's mom was was an alien and so are the crystal gems.
>isn't this Ben 10?

>that long penguin sure is serious about her gal pals!

>on the cheek
One of them buried her face in the other girl's titties.
Where's that Keystone Motel webm...

>you're still watching gay cartoons about girls at your age?
>when will you grow up and get a goddamn job?

All cartoons are gay, OP.

She expresses explicit jealousy over not having a romantic relationship with Rose

Like sisters, right?

Was it romantic jealousy also when she got mad at the gems for implying Rose didn't reveal every little secret to her?

Ruby and Sapphire are explicitly "in a relationship," in those words, and they kiss a lot when they aren't fused. Pearl sings a song about how Greg was direct competition for Rose's affections.

>It's stupid how much people insert sex in this cartoon,
I never understood this argument. Just because you are in love someone romantically doesn't automatically mean SEX SEX SEX. You're trying to sound like you're on higher ground with this opinion but you're just ignoring what the writers of the show are clearly communicating, and you're the one who's making it about sex. I doubt you complain about "inserting sex into cartoons" when it comes to romance in Disney films. In Disney films, when the girl and the guy get together or fall in love or whatever, it's an innocent depiction of love that's used all the time in kid's media. It's no different here.
Pearl was in love with Rose. The entire song is about Rose "choosing" Greg, romantically, instead of her. She saw it like a competition between her and Greg for Rose's love. This isn't about shipping, this is about what the writers are intending to communicate to the audience about a particular aspect of a particular character.

My 12 year old sister thinks Ruby is a guy. I did not correct her.

I think I'd kill myself if I'd have to deal with a 3 episodes about Greg and Pearl's relationship.

My parents are pretty staunch Christians, sometimes they sound straight out of the 40s and 50s with their views on men and women. Whenever I watch SU with my little brother my dad doesn't pay attention but my mom will comment like "I hate this show". She'll say this constantly but whenever I ask her why replies "I just hate it" and won't give further detail. Even though she tends to like cutesy cartoons that my little brother usually watches. I personally think it's because she caught on to the gay.

With sex I meant romance in general, I guess i wasn't clear. I complain about shippers because they make everything about that. If one had to listen to them characters like Amethyst and Peridot would be somekind of whores because they blushed once when interacting with a number of other characters, and "obviously" that must mean they are in love. The way I've seen it till now Pearl was jealous of Greg because he was getting all od Rose's attention. Rose was Pearl's pillar and she was mad that she was slipping away, I don't think romantic love is necessary to make sense of what we've seen

But I have to admit I wasn't able to see the new episodes yet, so i wouldn't know if now the thing is explicitly about romance as you say. What can I say, the attitude of some fans made me wary of anyone claiming "X totes wants to fugg Y!"

Sorry if I'm coming off as preachy, not my intention

I understand what you mean. A lot of shippers get carried away with the smallest things and it gets really aggravating, but this one was a case of the actual intent of the creators. You probably should have watched the episode before you talked about it, but yeah, it's explicit. I know some people out there are going to keep trying to argue that it's platonic (the same ones who say that about Ruby & Sapphire), but if you see the episode, combined with everything Pearl said in Rose's Scabbard, you can tell they were going for romantic.
You weren't being preachy, I just misread the tone. It's alright.

I'll have my doubts about Pearl until I can see the ep, but if anyone says that about Ruby and Sapphire then shieeet, that's pure self-imposed blindness

Aside from the song, later in the episode Greg is asking Pearl what the real problem was between them, and Pearl says the problem was that "she fell in love with YOU", with emphasis on the you. That's what cemented it, for me, at least. You're free to make your own conclusions once you watch the episode though.

Oh boy, I'll probably have to eat my words I guess

Kind of a shame tho, I preferred the theory that Pearl was just needy for Rose because she (supposedly) was the first to treat her like a person instead of a slave. Although I guess that can still happen, all things considered

My younger brother watches it in front of our parents.
None of them haven't caught on.

I get the need for more deep platonic relationships in media, since I'm tired of everything being romantic as well, but in this case I think it works well. Like you said, Rose being the first to treat her as a person + that resulting in her being clingy is still there, just added to the result of her falling in love with her because of it, too. Most people agree that it probably wasn't reciprocated by Rose, which I think just adds to Pearl's already established character theme/arc/whatever. I'm a sucker for that sort of stuff.

Luckily SU already has a lot of nice platonic relationships, though. Way more platonic than romantic ones.

There ARE a few moms that just don't get it.

i didn't know girls necked all the time

Poor Charlene Yi

My mom asked if Ruby was a dyke, but then moved on.

t. asshurt bull dyke
