Mischa Barton everybody!

Mischa Barton everybody!

meth face

holy shit, why do white people age like milk?

Her sex tape was blocked by the courts.

Happens to some, they look great in their youth but don't age so well. Others age well, others only really look great with some years.
Now Blacks on the other hand, don't start off too great–and that's basically the end. 'Black don't crack' because Black ain't all that to begin with.

>tfw she was my waifu in the early 00s

The soccer mom neck pouch

Why must America corrupt these once pure English roses? She deserved better.

damn why do all british women end up looking the same

she was so pure ;_;

every ages the same, unless you're rich.

stop hating faggot

In this case it was food and drugs which did the damage. Bitch got fat.

why you guys didn't protect this smile?

what happened to Andrea, bros?


>black lives matter

another one gone

She really hit those hamburgers pretty hard

you can fight off the brit genes only for a short time

she looks happy

she is rich

she was so qt

She looks as great as 51 y/o Catherine Deneuve

Whoa. Did not go well for Meesh. I remember watching a few eps of OC an poppin a semi

>she was my waifu in the early 00s
00's, kek.

How the fuck did she keep it together enough to block the release of that sex tape?

It's called alcoholism. Otherwise the Ireland and Scotland would have taken over the world.

a cute.