Calvin and Hobbes thread¿

Calvin and Hobbes thread¿

2nd year of strips.

This collection is called Something Under the Bed is Drooling.

/sigh, words words words.

Confession, I loved Walt Kelly's Pogo and actually bought a book of his Litte Rascals a year ago. Never could get or understand Krazy Kat.


Here are the comics!







Yes, I've been waiting for this.

This is before Watterson forced the papers to give him half a page but just look at these panels. You can tell Watterson really did care about using his space to the fullest.

I think this is the first of the bicycle strips.





Imagine leaving kids in the car now-adays! Calvin's mother would be in jail if she tried that.





Yes, I'm pretty certain Susy Derkins would find those pants so cool.

And this is the strip the book is named after.













>post yfw you have that bitchin' three volume collection and two tattoos

Feels good man.



/sigh. My dad never left me a million dollars, that lazy bum!
























What? That answer makes perfect sense!




I always like the ones where Calvin's parents treat him like a little kid instead of the terror that he is.




My dad used to lie to me just like that. Funny bastard.


What lie, That isn't how they find weight limits in real life? :-p























