Unite the 7

>Unite the 7
>Shows only 6

I'm ready.

Other urls found in this thread:


Did they say ANYTHING about the Shazam film? It's the new Inhumans now.

>Name is Arther Curry
>Isnt Indian

It was always slated for 2019 at the earliest. Give it time, dude.

They didn't even say anything much about the Aquaman and Flash movies and those are coming 2018.

It was 7 seas though right?

The 7th is Green Lantern who will get teased at the end of the film. Screencap this.

they also didn't reveal the 2 untitled dc movies that are slated for 2018 and 2019

At least they cast Cyborg and Flash and Aquaman and Black Adam ages ago

We haven't heard shit about Shazam or GL

>name is Clark Kent
>he actually can

>Name is Barry Allen
>Never goes All-in

When it was originally cast in 2007, it was not slated for 2019.

They're probably waiting for the Rock's contract to expire. Middle of next year - maybe even SDCC - they'll start seriously thinking about how to proceed, but you're not getting a movie in this decade.

You remember how he's so similar to Superman that DC once sued Fawcett into oblivion over the guy's very existence?

That hasn't changed. He's still redundant. It's why they're not using Martian Superman With Psychic Powers either.

The other one is a Green Lantern.

Unite the Seven was only officially used with Aquaman. It probably means the seven seas.

>Hal Jordan
>No relation to basketball player Michael Jordan

>It's why they're not using Martian Superman With Psychic Powers either.
That's not the reason

>Peter Parker
>Doesn't drive.

It will be Martian Manhunter

lol Don't hold your breath, virgin.

>7 seas

First an Emoji Movie. Now a movie about an app that looks up music that is playing? Fucking Hollywood is out of idea.

The app shows up first when searching the name than the character. DC already lost the Captain Marvel trademark. Are they gonna lose this one too?

>Johnny Bravo
>Isn't praised in the slightest

>Kyle Rayner
>I don't even know her

>Guy Gardner
>Zero expertise in the floral arts

>Buddy Baker
>Knew nothing about pies and coockies

>Tony Stark
>Isin fact quite opulent

>Bruce Wayne
>Not related to John

>Diana Prince
>Is a princess

>"I'm Batman!"
>is actually Bruce Wayne
D r o p p e d

>Peter Parker
>doesn't even have driver's license

>Bruce Wayne
>Who the hell is Bruce Wayne?

>Bruce Banner
>Isn't a Sup Forums mod

>I'l kill you! Green Lantern! John Stewart you stupid negro i hate you!

Please, you must help Martha! Martha Stewart ... Luthor kidnapped her because she know pie recopies...

Martha won’t die tonight!!!

>implying they'll let Superman's better version share the screen with him

>Frank Castle
>Is not an actual Castle

>Green Lantern
>costume is gold and blue

Well no it's the stripper outfit and the fact that he's fucking stupid, but that kind of honesty just gets you shot down.

That kek is to top

>Blue Beetle
>generally upbeat
>not even from Liverpool

If it doesn't star Patrick Warburton or Jon Hamm, I'm gonna be pretty disappointed. They already went with the perfect fan casting for Black Adam.

he's parked it in your mom's back lot enough times you'd best show him some respect




DC has literally never owned the Captain Marvel trademark

they've basically lost this one, yes

who the hell is bruce wayne?


>not CIA

the first time I see the trailer I was thinking erza miller that flash was billy batson

How do you think hell be revealed Sup Forums?

>noone realizes it's a dc movie trailer
>little kid buying ice cream or a comic or whatever
>robber comes into store, shoves kid on floor
>slow mo, muted sound and tinnitus ring as kid stares at robber yelling and shop keep giving him money in slow mo
>regular speed again
>lightning bolt explodes through ceiling destroying the building
>blinding white light where lightning struck little kid
>light fades away to reveal grown ass man super hero
>theatre shitting themselves "omg dis a sooperman movie O.O !?!?!!
>he saves the day or whatever

>title card shows Captain Marvel

In your dreams, user. It'll probably be another dark and gritty trailer overstuffed with drama.

And you know damn well they'll call him Shazam.

Yeah they will. But i like Captain Marvel more than Shazam.

Me too.

>DC already lost the Captain Marvel trademark

They never owned it, also the only reason they abandoned it is because everybody called him Shazam anyways

This. Superman is the iconic hero, and it's the strongest, but classic Captain Marvel is way better.

He's a Supes rip-off, tho, so the least he could do is be better.

>He's a Supes rip-off, tho

The real team

user, Superman was like the first great hero. Every superhuman who could fly created after him was some kind of rip-off. And DC won the trial against Fawcett Comics about this very issue, so there's no argument here. Yes, Fawcett gave up because there was a crisis going on and thay couldn't pay the bills, but still, DC gained Captain Marvel after this trial.

>Every superhuman who could fly created after him was some kind of rip-off
Captain Marvel was able to fly and was depicted as doing so prior to Superman doing the same thing.

Me on the left

You got me there. How was it, Superman was just jumping really far before that or he didn't have any air-travel media whatsoever? What Captain Marvel writers did well was not trying to find scientific way to justify his powers. It was magic. Period.

I think you still get my point, tho.

Since we're on it, I once read some guy explaining how Captain Marvel actually helped to make Superman the way we know him now. Superman was kind of a cocky jerk, while CM was kind and more like a moral figure. After Fawcett Comics went in bankrupt, one of CM writers went to DC and he made Superman like we know him now, taking a lot of things from CM. Jimmy Olsen's suit was exact copy of Mr. Tawney's. And I think Mary Marvel came first than Supergirl. Still, DC won the trial, and ever since CM is portrayed as a rip-off.

Man, I hope they actually give Captain Marvel a movie, even if he's named Shazam.

>not knowing Otto Binder's name
make like the man himself and die alone drinking yourself to death

DC winning the trial was pretty much the worst thing that could've happened, Superman may have come first but he was clearly the inferior character.


I've considered it.

Aside from Waid and Ross, did anyone at DC ever tried to make Shazam anything more than a weaker Superman? It seems to me that lately they're cutting him off from any significant event. In Darkseid War he barely did anything, in Flashpoint he was killed in like two pages (at least it was implied he could've very well presented a threat to WW, unlike the movie where she used him as a punch bag). Hell, even in Injustice (the game) they killed him off in the most un-heroic way possible.

It's like they're nerfing him so Superman and WW get the powerhouse rol. I mean, c'mon, Shazam would be 1000 times better in a big fight than Cyborg, but Vic's always getting more screentime (or more panels in the comics).

That's why I fear a Shazam movie would be kind of a dissapointing. They're never gonna let him be as based as he should be, because that would put him very close to Superman. IMO, nowadays Shazam has the potential to be more liked than Superman.

Shazam really deserves more than what DC has been doing to him, he hasn't even been allowed to have his own ongoing for years.
A Shazam solo was the only thing I wanted out of Rebirth and it didn't happen, probably because DC is still holding onto that bit of resentment so fuck them.

Morrison seems to be a big fan of the original version of the character, Thunderworld was a love letter to classic cap, also the convergence tie-in was really good too.
As for the nu52 version i have mixed opinions because i actually liked the curse of shazam miniseries, but i can't lie that i'm kind of pissed Geoff left Billy and the Thunderkids on hiatus for an indefinite amount of time, then there is the whole darkseid war tie in than agains has a lot of potential but is completely ignored, and now that he is too busy with movies and tv shows it seems nobody is allowed to pick up the character, i just want a damn ongoing already.

New 52 Shazam is different enough that he could work. He's more of a wizard than just the Superman clone he usually is. It's like saying WW is redundant because she can fly and is nearly as strong as Superman.

I had my doubts about the Shazam movie but now that Johns is boss nigga of the dc universe, he'll be pushing for him.

like Geoff version of Billy may be good enough to work but the cereal king seem to be so fucking busy with a billion of other projects that he left Billy completely on the side and the rest of DC is either not interested or is not allowed to touch the character because they either prefer the original version of Billy or they would go against editorial plans for the character.


I said this in another thread once: I totally thought they were building up to a Superman v Shazam fight in Darkseid War.

Superman had become evil and Shazam had a tremendous power up (fire, thunder, a new level of superstrenght and SOURCE MANIPULATION, all combined). It was perfect, like poetry: Superman would be too enraged to actually help them fight the Anti-Monitor, and Shazam was the only one who could do something against him. It was the perfect chance to give us an old fashion Superman/Shazam fight. At the end, either Shazam used the source manipulation to revert Superman to his kind self, or he just turned back to Billy and talked the crap out of him to make him go straight, like Jimmy Olsen did, but a little more heart to heart.

I'm still pissed about that.

there were 7 others weren't there
or prehaps it refers to the 7 artifacts the others used

fuck that would have been amazing

>Blue Beetle
>Not a kamen rider character

She is redundant, though.

But she's a woman. They need a powerful woman in the team, and she needs to be as much of a badass as possible.


>only know the DCAU, just now getting into comics
>Fawcett Comics
>Billy Batson lives in Fawcett City
>mfw understanding

We've all been there
Two years and I'm still there

in the comics Diana stand out by her combat training and weapon skills, she rivals Bruce in hand to hand combat but she is by far the best meta in terms of combat with weapons and she have been shown to be able to deal with Supes superior strength with her greater combat experience, also her lasso of truth is one of the biggest assets to the league that which combined with her personality it helps to keep the trust in the team.