Childhood is siding with the mom's Jewish boyfriend and Captain Sisko...

Childhood is siding with the mom's Jewish boyfriend and Captain Sisko. Adulthood is realizing that despite some very rude language, nothing said by Derek or his father at that dinner table was controversial in any way.

How was the Hitler youth group this summer?

that bully ramming scene

>fight extremism with extremism

Of course it was controversial, it caused controversy even at the dinner table you retard. Was completely correct tho

We put on magic shows and made smores. You'd have liked it.

sounds fun

No, really. We did.

>Adulthood is realizing that despite some very rude language, nothing said by Derek or his father at that dinner table was controversial in any way.

Can't argue with that at all. Derek only became an extremist in response to the extremism already taking place around him.

Really makes you think

They should never have cut the real ending.

>tfw they "fixed" the ending even though the original one was more powerful and would have done more to advance social justice in the first place

Didn't the original ending involve Derek going back to the skinheads?

fucking nazis burn in hell

What was the alt ending?

durrrr master race

Retarded white equals average black

The last shot was originally him shaving his head again but Norton bitched out and made them change it to a feel good progressive ending

agenda aside, that would make a very good ending

Edward Norton's character shaves his head in the bathroom after his brother gets killed, implying that he goes back to being a Neo-Nazi.
I think that ending would have made the movie all the more tragic, but I can see where people would see it as an endorsement of Neo-Nazism. IMO, if you could watch that entire movie (alt ending or not) and still walk away thinking Nat Soc is a good ethos to follow, the film's message is lost on you either way.

In that Hitler would have gassed both?

Pretty sure they did actually, no?

retarded Jew equals average white

>walk away thinking Nat Soc is a good ethos to follow, the film's message is lost on you either way.
OP here. I agree completely. My point is that aside from some foul language, nothign discussed at their table is out of the mainstream. The details of the Rodney King case, the practical debate over affirmative action, and discusses of "society and the individual" are not controversial a mainstream audience. The neonazi skinheads in that film are straw men...for those two dinner table scenes at least.

Yup, there's a lot lumped in together. It's basically the lefty version of the 'slippery slope'

Not an argument. Try arguing

and then he becomes violent and anti-semitic for no reason

>for no reason
thats not true

Your sarcasm is correct. Derek was a pretty sympathetic character given his father's murder while performing his heroic job. Even after his turn toward the NatSoc's he never actually hurt anyone until those guys attacked his home.

Thats the effectiveness of the scene he was making good points that many could agree with but then escalates way too far in a way not related to his point
Taking off his shirt pointing at his swastika and losing his shit in general was stupid.
It was supposed to be jarring because for a period of time a decent portion of the audience found themselves agreeing with a neo nazi

I always wondered about that. It seemed pretty logical that after the murder he would become racist again

>he never actually hurt anyone until those guys attacked his home.
What about the scene in the supermarket?

>Speaking the truth makes you a Nazi
REALLY makes me think about (((who))) is in charge...

>Captain Sisko
why have i never made that connection before now?

I had to rewatch it to remember. They made a mess, but Derek himself didn't actually hurt anyone. Not really. The one guy that Derek clobbered had a gun. A couple of other dudes got punched in the stomach and kicked around. One chick had some salsa poured on her. Derek himself wanted to send a message, but no one was really hurt in a way that you wouldn't associate with a schoolyard brawl between kids.

why do alt-right white males love to argue so much?

It's to distract them from non-whites fucking their women

Probably because they have solid arguments
not an argument

>le billy corgan meme

Until he freaks out and attacks his sister during dinner. Even if he was making very valid points, he lost all credibility when he escalated the argument to violence cause of his temper.

Not an argument.

>tfw missed it
