Are Hollywood/China gonna make more cyberpunk movies or did the failure of GitS kill that possibility

Are Hollywood/China gonna make more cyberpunk movies or did the failure of GitS kill that possibility.

next Blade Runner is just around corner. Also when CDProjectRed (Wicher 3 guys) finally release Cyberpunk 2077 it gonna be another boom of this genre

Video games aren't relevant

>Blade Runner 2049


CyberChino will probably never be a thing. Also what Asian actress could have carried that movie?

to old dead weight grandpas like you, yeah

>muh cyberpunk
wtf s wrong with you?

Only a half breed/mix, since Major's body was more Western than Asian.

>billion dollars industries aren't relevant

Go watch Street Fighter again.

Just because most video game movies are shut doesn't mean they aren't relevant, the 80s and 90s was full of movies being shitted out to cash in because video games became so relevant.

Sure thing

I don't know anyone over 15yo who plays video games anymore. Everything is smartphone bullshit now, not game shit though. You should probably get out of the house and stop viewing circle jerks like Sup Forums as your only social interaction.

actually they are. Video games and movies have not big gap nowdays. Games have scripts, actors (during cutscenes or motion capture) and of course CGI. They are more or less movies where You can actually control protagonost instead just watch him. Few (a good 'few' likely) more years and movies probably will be more interactive, whene border between games gets even more blurry.

Does Kerbal count as a video game?

Those english classes are paying off, Boris.

>the company that made Sense8

Psycho pass western remake when

>>says the choad visiting Sup Forums

>I want a remake of a remake of a movie adaptation of a Philip K Dick short story

>just shit down my throat, sempai

I can't believe I finished that massive turd.

One bad show goddamn how will Netflix recover

Thank You. Probably still grammatically incorrect, but keep learning. Isn't that easy to learn foregin language with so complicated syntax and these idioms or specified prepositions against logic.


Mature rating means it a mature movie right? No it just means its got tits and swearing.