This is the REAL Peter Parker

Sorry, but there are absolutely NO moments like this in Spider-man: Homecoming. All the hoodrats want to jump Spider-twink's cock so he's not the poster boy for the beta uprising like he was in the Raimi films and (more importantly) in the comics.

Now I see why the acronym is BAKA, because that's literally what it made me do.

Other urls found in this thread:

Do girls find it attractive when you tell them facts about things then? This trick has been used in many films

There aren't any real emotional moments in the MCU because they're designed to be forgettable trash. How people don't find it stale after the first Avengers is beyond me.


girls find it attractive when attractive guys talk to them

i agree. Raimi's Peter was an autist, flash was a proper chad, mj was a slut, jj jameson was a hater etc. everything was right.

Raimi's spidey movies are the best.

Raimi Peter was an OC for the movies, not at all similar to the one found ion the source material.

raimi's movies represent the comic as it should, overdrawn stereotypes from a picture book for autistic children

What the fuck are you talking about

He's saying that the Peter Parker in the Raimi trilogy is so different from the source material that he might ad well be an original character.

Why is Sup Forums fighting over worthless capeshit?

Fuck didnt save subs. reupload.

What the hell caused her to say this? A few conversations we were shown in the movie? Is that all it took for her to say that?

That applies to literally every character in every capeshit though


Origins and story details might change but by and large, they've not changed the essence of the characters as much as Raimi did. Cap is spot on, Hawkeye is spot on, Black Widow has always been a non-entity so spot on, Thor being arrogant and C-List amongst C-listers is spot on. Tony Stark is the only one who is really different but, again, he really wasn't quite as well defined as Peter Parker in terms of characterization.

as someone who read well over 300 spider-man comics i have to disagree

How is he different from the source material?

She had a fetish for low-T manlets.

All the other capeshit is shit though
fuck off
spidermans great


Her dad abused her, Flash abused her, Harry abused her, Norman treated her like shit. Peter is the only man in her life that treated her right.

She was also horny and knows Pete was packing. She was a fucking slut. Flash, Harry, Peter, all in the same movie. Even fucks the astronaut in 2. She wanted Peter to fuck her right then and there in the cemetery.

Peter Parker is not a fucking nerd. When will this meme end? Raimi's Spiderman was great but it was not Peter Parker.

>Peter Parker is not a fucking nerd

What? He was never a nerd

Are you high?

He wore glasses and knew a lot about stupid science shit. Sounds like a nerd to me.

yes. but only if youre handsome. It turns them on when someone handsome takes the time and effort to explain stuff to them. If your ugly, or a manlet, its just creepy and desperate wwhen you try to act all smart and explain stuff

Raimi Spiderman movies (each and every one) are much better than the reboots.

Peter wasn't an awkward Steve Urkle type nerd. he wasn't scared of Flash Thompson and would gladly engage in verbal sparring with him. Pete did have a clique he was usually seen in the midst of, Flash included.
Pete dated chicks and frequently had to turn down dates with poor excuses.

Raimi Pete was a mentally challenged doofus in comparison. Even as Spider-Man he wasn't as quippy or funny as he was supposed to be.

This is the ideal Spiderman. You may not like it, but this is what Peter Parker looks like.

How the fuck is the lizard Harry's dad in garfields spiderman 2?

It makes no sense.

>bottom row, fourth column
all i can think about is the pasta

Yes but the point still stands. Comic book Peter Parker was smart but not a geek or nerd. He was never a giant loser.


i dont think u intended for that to sound so retarded

I'll never understand why Mary Jane would ever pick Tobey over Based Franco. Based Franco had an insanely wealthy dad, and as far as Mary knew, a stable cool charming guy, and Tobey was the autistic manlet everyone bullied (seriously hes like 5'6") Its very unrealistic that any western woman, especially a slut like Mary Jane would pick Tobey over Based Franco

Tobey has a massive cock.

No capeshit will ever top Raimi's Spider Man

He was a local humble superhero who loved her and had a big dick as said He was in good shape too, not good enough for /fit/ but for girls definitely.

Agreed. I unironically think this is way more memorable than anything in S.M.H.

Then you haven't been paying attention. Peter has never ever been a stuttering, spineless faggot with wounded puppy eyes. He's also never been either silent or plain unfunny when wearing the costume. And don't get me started on the infamous dancing scenes in SM3

You're a casual

whats the deal with Harry's dad in garfields spiderman 2?

why is he dancing to the bgm?

She had no idea he was spider-man, and irl the manlet geek that everyone bullies would never have an opportunity to show a Stacy his penis