Did they make him TOO sympathetic? I found myself rooting for him, against the church

Did they make him TOO sympathetic? I found myself rooting for him, against the church.

That makes him more interesting.

haha yeh fuk christians amirite?

Fucc the church. They literally took the one thing he loved all because she wanted to help people.

>christians killed his waifu

He did nothing wrong.

where the fuck was alucard when she was getting lynched?!

In all seriousness, what do you guys think of this show? I've only watched the first 2 so far but it's bretty gud.

>Americans ripping off japanese artstyle
Is there a more cucked culture than westerners?

>Fuck demon overlord.
>Conceive abomination.
she was made for the pyre

He lost my sympathy when he decided to murder everyone instead of the people who were responsible. Inaction doesn't deserve death, especially when they are all uneducated peasants.

except they showed a good priest later on
it was just the church that was fucked

>he doesn't know that the church was at its most fucked up and inhumane during this time period
>The Spanish Inquisition was a thing that happened during this time period
>this is also after the Crusades
lrn2history, buddeh.

The Spanish Inquisition is mostly overblown and killed like 30 people and left 40 people crippled. Warren Ellis is a pussy who can't go five minutes without threatening someone to inflate his ego or argue about British politics to sound smart.

he was a kid, did you not play SOTN you faggot

Didn't she say to him "Do not hate humans, if you cannot live with them, then at least do them no harm, for theirs is already a hard lot"

Also he tried the fight Dracula immediately after

overblown as it may be, it was still a shitty thing for the Church to do.
nobody expected it though

I liked it. Solid animation, voice acting. Chuckled a few times at our hero's quips. Reminded me a bit of the 90s Berserk adaptation.

Felt more like a pilot though, which it probably is. I hope they make more.

I heard it's already renewed with 8 episodes on the way


that was a dream in-game, he was reliving a childhood moment.

how do you turn an historical character known for fighting muslims into an anti-christian icon?


>get nuked
>get nuked AGAIN
>accept the country that nuked you as liberators
>worship American culture

I'd say Japan is pretty cucked by big American economic dick

fuck off neckbeard

>The Spanish Inquisition is mostly overblown and killed like 30 people and left 40 people crippled.

says the schizopol user in a korean imageboard going against every historian consensus in the world. There's only one thing Sup Forumslacks hate more than jews: evidence.

I've seen videos of weaboos working in Japan and most of them agree their philo-americanism is just a smokescreen and they actually hates you as much as they hate other gaijin.

Japanese people only love themselves.

lol, modern america has no culture
your new directors all love anime and japanese videogames and take it as inspiration
all your teenagers love anime and japanese stuff more than any american stuff
this board is even proof of that
you are cucked and culturally irrelevant, you are Rome but Japan is Greece

>how do you turn an historical character known for fighting muslims into an anti-christian icon?

In both Bram's Stoker version and in this show he hates god and humans for what happened to his wife.

>The Spanish Inquisition is mostly overblown and killed like 30 people and left 40 people crippled.

You just b8ing right? They charged like 150,000 people with crimes, and 3000-5000 people were executed. Those are based on incomplete records too, the numbers are probably higher.

>Did they make him TOO sympathetic? I found myself rooting for him, against the church.
>Implying this isn't the greatest version of Dracula in Castlevania due to his sympathetic personality
Castlevania is KINO.

not him, but most serious historians argue 3000 people over about 300 years. Ten a year average. guarantee you the english crown put more innocents to death in that time. Difference is that anglo history was written by protestants who had a vested interest in defaming catholic countries. It's gravity has objectively been revised down in the last few decades. Same thing for the Black Legend in the new world

Who would guess that people like other people's stuff. It's almost like we're a single species or something.

>Bram's Stoker version
The dead lookalike wife was not present in stokers version. His wives obliquely refer to him losing the ability to love, but not to a wife, if i recall

did he ever had a personality besides being the BBEG?

There's a board for this shit

Dracula has always been sympathetic in that regard. If you played the games this is nothing new.

Hell, the final Castlevania games, Lords of Shadow, are specifically about playing as Dracula. He's at his most sympathetic.

He did in the newer ones but people hated them because they weren't the same IGAshit since SOTN with the same skeleton enemy since Rondo

As an atheist I really enjoyed this show because Christians were the bad guys.

I also really enjoy Rick and Morty and that Seth Rogen movie Sausage Party.

Do you think I am memeing?

majority of videogame players are atheist so this wouldn't be shocking


>birth rate in the toilet
>not even government incentives can make them fuck

Japanese people don't even love Japanese people.

The closest we get from a definite Dracula's personality is in Symphony of the Night where Dracula makes some criticism towards all

>Richter Belmont: Die, monster! You don't belong in this world!
>Dracula: It was not by my hand that I'm once again given flesh. I was called here by humans who wish to pay me tribute.
>Richter Belmont: Tribute?! You steal men's souls and make them your slaves!
>Dracula: Perhaps the same could be said of all religions.

Maybe they should give incentives for whites to go over there and COLONIZE. after all, white/Asian mixed ladies are fine as hell.

I don't think spanish inquisition wasn't under the control of the Church.

The spanish Inquisition worked as Secret police against spies agains the Spanish crown since: If you're against the king, or the country, you're against the church, thus, against God.
Not saying all those people deserved to die, but take into account that 3000 to 5000 died in a span of 300 years. French Revolution killed tens of thousands in the span of a couple of years.

I'm new to the castlevania series.

If I were to start playing the series, where should I begin. Is SotN the best one?

man is a miserable little pile of secrets goes well with his aversion to humans in the show

if you're going to play only one then yes play sotn.

>Press T to Tip Fedora

where did you get your history from? England hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah

either SotN or Super Castlevania IV.