Where can I find a gf like this

where can I find a gf like this

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Emilia a cute! A CUTE!

>Those eyebrows

Jesus they are alive

>tfw the Got tv series is a documentary on how a woman ages like milk from the age 24-30

In a sewer or guarding a bridge.

Do people unironically find this woman attractive?
Please answer honestly.

stop trying to be edgy shes not bad looking and you know it

I'm not being edgy or bullshitting.
I think she's ugly as sin. Something is very wrong with her face.


>haha look at me

>when she sees the dick

dude ugly as sin is a bit far.


>Something is very wrong with her face.

Uh huh

Well she looks completely different there

Not that guy but I agree, she's fucking revolting to look at.

amelie is different than I remember

Dude youre overreacting. I mean revolting??? As in like a 0/10? Dude that's way to far. Youre emotional. Go for some fresh air and come back and rethink it.

Stop making fun of this talented woman.


she looks like a ukranian great-grandma covered in foundation
like she looks like one of those women that laugh at cabbage being prepared wrong

I don't have to rethink it, her face contorts into a mesh of anglo cringe. She is awful looking even when she wasn't chubby. Her eyebrows and mouth make my skin crawl. Fuck this bitch.

So compare her to honey bo bos mom who I consider revolting. In your opinion theyre on the same level?

>airbrushed to oblivion
damn btfo

Oh dear

At least honey boo's mom isn't shilled into everyone sharing a delusion that she is actually "beautiful"

literally high school drama class tier

I want to rub my dick against her eyebrows

Ok this proves my point, youre over correcting. I'm not saying shes beautiful either dude, just that she isn't horrible.

that would be one wild brother hehe


No she is horrible though, I wouldn't even look twice at this bitch on the fucking street, yet everyone and their mom thinks she's stunning because she is on GoT. Seriously when you see her in a film you know it's going to be awful because her eyebrows do the acting for her. People who like her and shill her are losers.

this is so bad

What's the context

Looks like she comes from theater and is used to expression that have to be seen by an audience in a theater and not by a camera close up.

her acting has nothing to do with her looks though. Don't conflate the 2.
ya she looks better than she did but that's not saying much.

This pisses me off so much.
She is such a fucking hack actress.

Her looks are worse than her acting ability. She is a charisma vacuum, she's already ugly, then she opens her mouth and tries to "act". Even less attractive at that point.

She saw a picture of your penis

She's got good range.

I just want to drop this bozo so bad
BOOM right in the breadbasket


How can you even make this face?

now THIS is podracing


Better reaction than the tears that rolled on my gf face



Is she playing a retarded person in this movie?

i dont give a fuck you haters. I would plow this bitch for days and wife it.


A retard


Is it possible to laugh any more jewishly?

The hell is this from?

all I notice is Neville Longbottom in the background I wanna ride his dick

What did she mean by this?


Emilia's finest performance yet.

Truly acting that will be remembered for ages to come.

God, she is cute but to think there are hundreds of more qualified and talented young ladies out there who are waiting tables and giving lap dances so that she can move her eyebrows around.


How does she keep getting work?

If shit wars and game of shits didn't exist, she wouldnt be.

ahahahahahahaha filename