Watching this right now


>watching a movie
>still shitposting on Sup Forums

why plebs do this?

uh everyone except r3ddit visitors does this:
>rewind the good parts break
>snack break
>music break
>check trivia about flick break
>refill snacks break
>piss break
>check wiki to see if im following the plot pause

Never watched this movie, but to be fair I still didnt like the movie and found it boring. Agree with you OP. I can not recommend this film.

Cigarette every 30 minutes with your kinofriend to discuss the movie so far is allowed as well as breaks for pissing or wine refill.

You're a fucking faggot, my dude.

you seem to be an expert on reddit and their userbase

tell us more

>he cannot sit through boring movies

What the FUCK did I just watch?

plebs outing themselves yet again


You faggots just got trolled by the master troller



They always do. If they complain about any of these movies, they give away their plebbit status.


I don't get it. It's trash mixed in with Kino, right?

It all contains good movies. And the ones that aren't (eg: foodfight) serve as a lesson to the viewer about how a movie shouldn't be done. If you watch nothing but kino all day you get an unrealistic expectation of how movies should be.

What are some other movies like this? I really liked it and I am a huge fan of the original Silent Hill games and this movie gave me some similar vibes to that. Really anything like this or those games would be good.

Twin Peaks Season 3 has some similar moments. Pretty much all of Lynch's movies have the same general feeling though.

So the Adam Sandlers after Happy Gilmore are an "example" of how movies shouldn't be made?

Alright, I will have to watch more of his works then. I have seen Twin Peaks up until the most recent episode and I agree.

Dark City also has that bad dream vibe. I don't know anything else.

Yes, absolutely. They're not awful, but it's been scientifically proven that they will decrease your IQ with prolonged viewing. Literally google the "litmausmann effect", people have done studies on these films. It's sad because they're so popular.