Would you watch it?

Would you watch it?


The best live action DBZ movie was made and its name is Dragonball Evolution.


Why would you turn an animated movie into live action? I can understand doing the opposite, but why adapt a story for an inferior medium?

Animation is THE story telling medium. You can invent characters and worlds and make them look exactly how you want. There are no visual limitations like in live action and no famous actors that you've seen in other movies to ruin your immersion. The creators don't have to compromise their vision at all as you're creating a world out of nothing.

Live action is literally shit.

This but unironically

Weeb fag

Krillin is the same age as goku

I can only imagine the cosmic amount of triggering this casting would cause to SJWs across the land

>walks angrily toward you
>takes your dragon ball
>mmmm...I have a use.......for.....you

Just wait until films are completely animated in 3d like kingsglaive

>everyone is white

fuck off

honest question, am I able to name threads on Sup Forums, like some sort of filter or something?
cause I really want to name this "the worst thread I've ever seen"

Only if they all banged for the 2 hours

>live action anime


>not The Fall of Men


Saiyans age at a different pace than humans

even if i wanted to, the movie would be undoubtedly bad.
live action anime will almost never work
once you see real people doing the shit you see in anime, you realize just how cringey that shit is. the grunting, the yelling, everything

>a big guy as vegeta

what about oldboy though?

No one in America would go to see it if they were all actually Japanese actors. And it probably wouldn't even be released in China, and if it were no one there would go see it. That means there's literally no money in making it. Where as if they make all the characters white, and maybe throw in one or two token Chinese folks and add in something not in the show or manga that China loves it'll be a decent success even if its a steaming pile of shit.

tl;dr Movies are made for money, not to appeal to your sensibilities.

Not even memeing, I would watch the shit out of this.


This, make the sayans white, and krill in van be white, he come to train from a far off lad anyways.

But chichi and master Yoshi can be chinese.


we wuz aysens

fuck no

Anime just doesn't work as live action. It's incompatible.

Saiyans were apes, S M H wh*tes always tryna steal black people culture

>Vegeta isn't a woman

You dun goof'd bud.

I want to like tom holland. He should be twinkfu. But I just don't.

>more white male leads fucking Asian women

Why isn't Krillin, a fucking monk, Asian? His girlfriend can be blonde.

>His girlfriend can be blonde.

An asian """male""" with a white gf wouldn't be realistic.

Why does Sup Forums complain when certain characters aren't white, but is totally okay when an entire cast of characters are made white?

Saiyans are supposed to look asian. Black hair, black eyes, slight tan on the sking.

It has to make sense in the setting. That's all I care about. For example: don't put nigger in Middle Earth.

Chi Chi is a traditional chinese woman

Yeah probably

Krillin is a traditional tibetan monk and android 18 is a blnde woman.

>Kakarot mmhmm
>Be very careful

mr popo

nah jk piccalo


No. I'm tired of seeing Ben Afleck's slightly above average face and shitty acting

Saiyan and Namekian saga

Directed by Spike Lee.

Find a flaw.

I want to live in this timeline where this movie gets made and is critically and commercially successful purely for the months and months of asshurt from Sup Forums

Hercule aka Mr Satan

Krillin's actually a little bit older than Goku.

They age slower than humans though.

the real question is who's gonna play Mr. Popo

>white actors
>anime adaption

What fuck?

God no


I saw you make this casting post in a Spiderman thread the other day and everyone shat on it there too.

>anime characters
>not white

>Kevin Hart as Krillin
this is actually a really good choice

Black people would go see a DBZ movie no matter what, you ain't gotta pander


I'm CAPSULE CORP. Dr. Briefs.

I could see this happening
although the story should be the arrival of the saiyans with Elba making the sacrifice and cast Jaden as Gohan

>Dong Lover as Yamcha

Yamcha is boring as hell. I'd make Mike B Jordan Yamcha and make Donald Gohan instead of Faygen Smith

>Chichi isn't white
otherwise pretty ok casting

>95% of the humonoid characters have brown hair, brown eyes, asian names
The only passable white characters would be the Brief's family.

The only way to make anime adaptations is to black wash everyone so no one could complain. You found the key.

>watching anything with dragonball in the title
Fuck off.

Kevin Hart as Krillin would be unironically hilarious just because he's such a fucking manlet

not even memeing this is a better cast than what OP posted

Either this or Martin Lawrence in the Big Momma fat suit

>most anime characters have brown hair
lol what? Also most whites have brown eyes and brown hair you fucking retard.

You could have said the same thing about GOTG and Doctor strange 10 years ago,yet they made it work.

>Why would you turn an animated movie into live action?
Because it's cool as shit (if done right/well) to see a world and people from a fantasy be brought into our world, our reality. It's just like a book being adapted into a movie. You're seeing everything and everybody in the story in the real world, which is fucking cool.

>Holland getting spit roasted.

attack on titan did a good job on translating 2d to live action.

It's so bizarro. I love it.

Also Nat E as Bulma makes me diamonds.

>Gabby as Mr Popo
fuckin kek

>white guy as Goku

No way. Also inb4 >he's an alien. So is Superman. You would never cast an Asian or black guy as superman.

>You would never cast a black guy as superman

If you don't think the next Superman reboot will be a black man you haven't been paying attention

Hollywood doesn't give a fuck about Asians

jack black as yajirobi

>Hollywood hates Asians

More than enough reason to make a DBZ with Asians as Sayians.

ha gayyyyyyyyyyyyy

this would be terrible movie

I do think this is one anime where we can be fairly certain the characters are supposed to be Chinese. At least that was the vibe I always got from the show. I know it's Japanese but the world and the people seem to be most similar to China, even going by their clothes and fighting styles and shit.

Dragon Ball Z is not only one of the worst anime but one of the worst pieces of entertainment to come out the 90s. People only liked it as kids and now only like it for nostalgia. It's irredeemably bad

Because those limitations don't exist anymore you absolute retard

DBZ is absolutely watchable as an adult. Have you gone back and tried watching TMNT, Power Rangers, Sonic the Hedgehog, literally every single saturday morning cartoon in the 90s, every single kids movie made in the 90s, I could go on and on....none of that shit is good. None of it is watchable as an adult.

Dragon Ball Z is kino as fuck compared to nearly everything else from that time

>absouletly watchable
>10 episodes of people screaming, grunting, and raising their power levels until Goku comes is and adds another 10 episodes of the former with 10 episodes of 'fighting'

Exactly. It is pure testosterone. Pumps you right the fuck up.

No, kys.

Who would play M. Popo?



Your casting is laughably badl

why the fuck do alll niggers look alike? Except for Lawrence Fishburne and Ghost Dog

>40+ olds playingg 20 year olds
>asian monk isn't casted to asian

stop memeing that shit show

Be very careful now...

Nah it's a decent 7/10. It's just so quirky and all the characters are fun, I don't get how anyone can hate it.

but noone else would, nigger/cuck/memershit

there is much more to the animation medium than nip cartoons

>and cast Jaden as Gohan



Let me stop you right there user...

They're too old to play saiyens.

das raaaycis