>Date Night

>Hurt You Really Bad

>No Money, No Honey

>The Enchantress

>Pep Talk

>There's Your Pep Talk

>Meeting Katana


>Almost Pulled It Off

Holy shit, what happened? The trailers were good, but these look awful.

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It's exactly like what we've seen from the trailers but without the music from the trailers.

Waller is pretty great

Looks good pham, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. That date night clip is like straight out of BTAS.

More like straight out of Batman & Robin.

Pretty much this to be quite honest family.

Odd that we've yet to hear a good laugh out of Leto.

Unless Joker sends the car rocketing to space, I don't see it. It feels like a classic Batman vs. Joker and Harley scene.

I've heard them in the tv spots.

Well Ive been avoiding those. Most sound dry/fake, Im still waiting to hear him losing his shit over something

Look's ok. Could easily go either way...

The scene wear he pulls Harley out of the chemicals and they both start laughing.

God, that Enchantress transformation sequence with the hand is so fucking cool.

Seriously. I was pretty impressed with that. Probably the most visually interesting thing we've gotten from the DCEU so far.


Yeah that was pretty rad.

From the clips, the cast seems a lot better than what I expected it to be.
Expect for Katana who seems like a massive fag.

No, it was shit. Everything about this movie looks like shit.

The hand was cool, but everything else was lackluster. There was more to be done with the visuals.

I thought Clint Eastwood Lite was supposed to be Deathstroke.

Cool opinion, thanks for sharing.

Katana is the hottest girl on the team

Plus of course she is gonna be a massive fag on a team of super villains, she works for Batman

>The trailers were good, but these look awful.
DCEU so far, Though I trust Ayer, only thing I've disliked so far about SS is the stupid marketing campaing, hurr used condoms. At least send them to Snyder.

He's just a military dude. Although he went to Comic Con and the set visits said they had a character poster for him and they were being coy about who he was. He could be someone undercover.

You are surprised generic asian ninja super hero is playing the straight man?

He doesn't have that tattoo irl and there is no reason why an American would have a tattoo of a soccer team

the hand transformation was cool as fuck

I'd be down for him playing Roy Harper.

>DAT Harley voice
Muh dick!

Samurai actually. Get it right, feggit

Quips out the ass.

Who has a tattoo like that in the DCU?

I liked it better when it was Miho, granted the Katana actress is a lot cuter than the Miho actress. The Katana actress is also cuter than Lana Condor

No one, but it is the logo of the soccer team arsenal, and Roy Harper does have tattoos.

Either way it is kinda weird to add a tattoo specifically to him if he is just a random dude

He def has that Roy Harper look.

Waller, Deadshot, and Enchantress were p cool

That awful Flag and Harley on the Katana clip deflated my hype.

That Iranian weapons ministry thing is a bit silly, no?

American partiotism is a bit out of place in a movie like this.

Hot Topic: The Movie is going to be great! So edgy!

Why does Katana speaks Japanese in an American accent?

>to be topical Joker is now a devout Muslim sworn to ISIS

Im hoping to see some cameos in Arkham or Belle Reeve. I heard King Shark is at least confirmed

Because her actress is American?

Karen Fukuhara actually speaks Japanese though. Her parents are full on Jap.

Why do Americans keep on butchering Japanese culture and language?

>Why do Americans keep on butchering Japanese culture and language?

>He says this while Japan runs on a Constitution written by America

Revenge for Pearl Harbor

I know whats next?
The Joker is going to be the Iranian representative on the UN?
Let politics outs of my escapism capeshit!

>He says this while Japan runs on a Constitution written by America
Not for much longer.

Was twice not enough?

Oooooh that's cold...

I kinda miss when the Joker was still a somewhat human being rather than this uncontrolable force of chaos and what not.


All those seem pretty solid, though the final one linked really seems like they spoiled part of the end of the film.

Will Smith is gonna steal the show

She doesn't, bro. She does it for free because of MUH HONORU

No, he's not. That was an old rumor.

Batman has like five minutes of screentime. The chase scene with Joker and Harley and then another scene with Deadshot.

David Ayer has a tattoo fetish, it wouldn't surprise me if they have a scene where Eastwood's character talks about how much he likes the Arsenal soccer team.

What? No king shark cameo? Thats fucking lame

YouCutNRunI'll Blow Yourheadoff
Bruh, pace your lines.


Someone needs to tell Joe Kinnaman that whatever it is that accent he's trying to do, he's not pulling it off.

That's his normal voice.

He seems to be the worst part of the film. He has no charisma or acting ability whatsoever, gauging by the clips.

He's definitly trying to give his voice a southern twang.

Also doesn't help that we know his character was supposed to be played by Tom Hardy.

Yuck. Aside from hand transformation that looked boring at best and annoying (all of Harley's lines) at worst.

>Sup Forums didn't like the car chase sequence

Jeez, what happened to you? I'll come back tomorrow, when the Marvel drones leave the board with their SDDC hype.

I don't get the hate, I'm so hyped for this.

What does that matter if she's been living in America most her life?

She's going to have a thick accent if she doesn't spend all the time speaking Japanese. She probably spoke it to her parents and other Japanese people in her community but I guarantee you she forgot most of it by 15 or so.

It's the Snyder backlash. Everything connected is tainted.

Seriously. That shit looks like straight up live action BTAS, which this place fellates every chance they get.

Not really sure what all the complaining is about.

It's like people go on the internet to whine about things because they have a miserable life.

Anyways, it looks cool. I really liked the car chase sequence with Batman; and Flagg's and Waller's senses of duty.

>muh bad dialogue
>muh Joker laugh
>muh it's not my Joker
I love this unwillingly and thit autism that Sup Forums has with DC things.

I think they've already shown us WAAAY to much. and I don't that like, ''oh, now I know the plot and the movie is ruined'', but I just feel super exhausted already before I've even seen the damn movie.

Going to see it anyway of course, but the constant force feeding has taken away the hype from me.

Was Tom Hardy's voice digitally manipulated in Mad Max?

Fucking hated revinent
>yfw the only good scene in the film never happened irl

Mouseketeers will take whatever they can get and lap it up unconditionally.

DCucks on the other hand, are super spoiled through decades of nostalgia where nothing will meet their myopic expectations.

Yeah, that wasn't very ice...

The only Disney film I am hype for, really the only one I've ever been hyped for, is Dr. Strange


I was until this latest trailer. The effects looked really bad to me. Super obvious green screen, lame After Effects filters. I don't know, the only thing I like is the cast.

I think the Ditko mythos is interesting

God Margot makes me cringe so hard.

>Movie looks like shit

Grow up.

>Grow up.
>my opinion is the correct one

The ironing is delicious.

Forgot it in my post, but holy shit how is Katana's accent so bad. Isn't she a nip?

Maybe it's self-delusion but I'm thinking that's the point. They want her to be as aggravating to the others and viewers as she is to Joker when he has enough and backhands her.

After all if you really think about Harley Quinn, not Harleen Quinzel but the Harley persona, she's literally a distraction and disposable. She's like the dumb muscle who gets on the tenth "Uhhh but boss" and inept statement or baffling lack of comprehension. You start to want to see them get harmed if not killed just to vent some of that frustration. Of course there are some nutcases who pity them forgetting that they're fucking villains!

I agree.

I'm a bit confused about the timeline of the movie tough.

I feel you Senpai

The first Miho actress (Devon Aoki) looked more like Miho than her replacement at least. Should have gotten Katana actress as a replacement as she also looks closer to the comic version

You do know who Amanda Waller is right?
Harley was great in that clip

>Movie looks like shit
There's zero evidence to support your argument. The trailers and the tracking are good. Otherwise, it's just you being a hater.

So autism then, gotcha

They seem to be editing out beets. I mean, look at the meet Katana video. They don't even give the second of Rick turning his head.

I hate how movies do this these days. They cut out the seconds between lines so every line of dialogue is said one after the other.

She' Amurkkkin Jap

8 is enough


Remember when BvS would be a 10/10 $1,3 billion+ movie according to tracking?

how is enchantress the best looking thing in those clips?

Not him but BvS was a whole other animal.

Hi moviebob.

>P..please don't touch me
>Please don't touch me

Kek, faggot

Fuck off yurope.

I like BvS more than I liked any disney film

>going to see it anyway of course
kek i know just what you mean, not with this movie im still hype but with others

Tracking doesn't account for """""critic""""" reviews. Even with getting shit on by everyone it still made a boatload opening weekend. If Suicide Squad has decent reviews it'll likely make a lot of money.