Voltron: Legendary Defender

This guy, man

This guy is cool

I hope he comes back


I don't know, wouldn't Allura be better with Fish guy?


This poor bastard literally did nothing wrong. He deserves true justice.

Are you ready Sup Forums?

Fishlure (fishman/allura) >>>>>>>>>>>>>> shallura

>trying to change perfect Shiro

Sendak would never do this.

SPACE MOM/DAD>Bestiality

Are ya ready?

If it's bestiality to be with an alien, your pair is just as much bestiality

It's not bestiality, it's xeno.

>elvish looking princess
>disgusting fish monster

so you admit your pair is based on shallow vanity?

Sounds like your pair sucks.

Reminder that Alteans harvested baby galrans for fur and galrans had every right to genocide them.


I am sorry for your shit taste. Fishman is underrated Galra qt.





Unless she grows her hair out.

The only girl for Shiro.

Whatever, shallowura user
Enjoy being the makorra of the fandom

How will Allura and Fishman meet? My guess is Fishman wasn't killed or turned into a Robeast at all. He's slaving away in some Galra mine somewhere, he and others who have been deemed failures.

Alluraq and Team Voltron will strike at the heart of the Galra empire, freeing some of their mining slaves, Fishman among them. They take him as a prisoner in the castle ship, because, after all, he is still a Galra. At first Allura demands answers for the many crimes he and his kind have committed. When he explains he was just a guy doing his job, she begins to have second thoughts about him.

Reminder that the only thing we have suggesting that the Alteans were more benevolent rulers than the Galra is the word of of the Altean ruler.

Thanks Sheith shipper I will.

Compromise. Medium length hair with side ponytail.

>Allura, I never got the chance to tell you.... I've been fucking Sendak and letting him get away this whole time.

Im ok with this.


How big is Galra dick?


Small. They overcompensate.

Maybe they used all different types of Galrans for pelts. Lizard for handbags and shoes, fishskin for small leather goods.

This will happen 2/3 into the series, mark my words. It'll be revealed Alfor had a pair of garish lizard galran cowboy boots trimmed in kitten galran fur.

I'm kind of surprised that Shiro/Allura is taking off on tumblr, even if most of it is due to mom&dad memes aside.

Because it's the Klance leftovers. That's literally the reason.

Proportionate and spiny.

Four inch average, seven is considered large.

I thought Sheith were the Klance leftovers on tumblr?

How many babbys do you think it takes to make a coat?

Unless it's Shiro rejecting Keith who runs into Lance's arms, no.

Because its cute
Because femdom
Because princess and knight similarties


Strong Black Woman getting the prize dick + it's Unproblematic .

It wouldn't take as many as you'd think if they used the whole babby, but the fact they only harvest the softest hair on the belly means they have to harvest four times as much. The rest is discarded.

Leftover means Pair the Spares. Shallura gets Shiro away from the Sheith shipping and it gets Allura out of the way too so any hint of Lance wanting to bone her in canon can be forgotten.

I think you misunderstand what leftovers means in this context. People who ship klance want to make sure that the members of the rival pairs (shiro in this case) are also paired off and in love with someone so it's as little of a threat to their pair as possible.

So any chance that galra have similar DNA properties like alteans, in that they can change their physical form and alter their DNA to mirror those of other aliens?

If Keith ends up beinga galra, then it would explain why Keith could have a galra parent and take on both a human and galra form. It would also explain why the Galra have multiple and distinct forms/races, with the cat-bat ones being the "default" form of the species.

maybe that's why Sendak is so pissed off, all his babies were stolen from him and made into coats.

Sendak's firstborn makes up the shoulder panel on Allura's favorite childhood coat.

>Sendak steals Allura's boyfriend and fucks him in front of her as revenge



So after Shiro dies. Will the show finally start focusing on the the series's true main character?

God I hate Keith.

Allura is a murderer, it will never be enough

>implying it'll be one main character and not a duo-main protag gig going on

>they didn't put so much focus on Lance in the first few episodes for the hell of it.

I hate Shiro.

I bet there are commercials on Galra tv allowing you to sponsor former fur farm kiddos. Sarah McLaughlin plays in the background.

Shiro falls in love with the purple cock, and he and Sendak get married. To further rub salt in Allura's wounds, they then proceed to raise a large family, who she can't touch because she'll face both Shiro and Sendak's wrath.

>Yfw Voltron is a cartoon about the cruelty of the fur industry.
>Ends in a PETA PSA.

Sometimes they let her visit because they feel sorry for her
Allura: "I love playing videogames with my boyfriend's daughter!"

Sendak sits there and watches her like a hawk the whole time, because no matter how many times she said she got rid of those Galra fur coats years ago, he still doesn't trust her.

There's a youtube video from the Galran Liberation Front showing de-furred Galran babbies alive or not being tossed into the disposal.

Ends with Keith murdering Allura when he finds out the truth about his galran heritage and the heinous acts of the alteans

Who are you talking to?

All the other paladins are so horrified to learn what Princess "baby murderer" Allura and her people did that they don't even stop him.

He's just avenging his older sister who ended up in a coat that was being sold as "synthetic Galra fur" to Galra rights conscious Alteans.

>Galra rights conscious Alteans

Is there such a thing?


user, you clearly weren't here for the Cuck Keith threads.

Fucking roleplayers.

It's all basically virtue signalling.

Are you having trouble following the thread?

gotta love the mice

I'm glad galrans destroyed their planet ngl


But will Allura use them in her next coat?

I love you, user. You and the mice.

The Galra are the true heroes of this story. Not only did they get rid of the horrible, vain, murdering Alteans, but they brought order to the galaxy with their empire. And they even gave all the planets one single dank currency to use, to make free trade easier.

They better not pussy out of killing Shiro.

No, she has standards, she only wears intelligent races, so everyone knows her superiority over them. Normal things like mice and puppies just don't cut it.

I need a picture of Allura striking a pinup pose in a purple fur coat.

It's used as a motivational poster onboard the Galra cruisers. It has "THIS IS YOUR ENEMY" written on it.

Desperate times. She needs a few patches to fix a coat that the space moths got to, and it's not like she can acquire genuine Galra pup fur with the paladins there. Not at the moment.

Allura will probably kill him when she mistakes him for a skunk and gets excited about her next coat.

>"You have a very... unique color pattern, Shiro."
>"Why don't you accompany me to this isolated storage room in the castle?"

Youre just samefagging.

They kill Shiro and Zarkon brings him back and splice his dna with Galra. He will become stronger and get a "evil Voltron" that he pilots himself. But he will be unstable because of fragment of his past life. Keith will be the leader and face off against him and will be super jesus because he will be a natural hybrid of Galra and Altean.

I'm so confused.

Are you trolling?

Are you new to Voltron threads?

Are you new to Sup Forums?

Are you an uptight characterfag who's all of the above?


Youre literally roleplaying gay cartoon sex with yourself.

PR pics for Zarkon have him kissing a baby Galra tummy.

"This man protects all tummies."

I'd vote for him

Would you a Galra Keith with six nipples?

He's such a good guy

yeah sure

sure, your headcanon.

Are they all equally as sensitive? Are the top ones super sensitive while the bottom ones are just right for nipple torture?

Why would he have 6 nipples if he's male?

Oooh, extras!