Oh no! I hurt the feelings of my extremely abusive family by telling them how terrible they all are

>Oh no! I hurt the feelings of my extremely abusive family by telling them how terrible they all are
>I guess it's my duty to enable their behavior no matter how much it hurts me

What the fuck. How is this allowed?

You actually watch that garbage? lol.

>Expecting anything from modern Family Guy writers
Do you even American Dad?

>How is this allowed?
No idea, watching Family Guy should be a capital offense.


Same as Simpsons.

You would be surprised how retarded people can be irl.

The writers are clearly aware of how hard they're phoning it in, but they also know that normies will still watch it and laugh their asses off, so when they're feeling particularly lazy they just do these absurd meta-episodes where they talk about their own shitty writing.

They actually got me good once when they did a cutaway where the gag ends with a shot of a newspaper headline with the sub-header "Girlfriend crosses her arms: 'I HATE Family Guy' "

Go to bed Meg

Didnt Meg traumatize them when she got out of prison?

>What the fuck. How is this allowed?

Dude, its modern day Family Guy. What did you expect?

Status quo
Its supposed to be a comedy show with its retarded skits kind of like robot chicken but with a plot except the plot sucks and is just used to set up more gags. Pretty much you shouldn't watch FG for its story, but for the jokes.
And before you say anything think about the type of people who actually enjoy FG

why did you post a picture of best reviewer?

You already did a video on this MrEnter

Shut up Meg

I'm more surprised Meg has fans willing to defend her.

>watching family guy in 2016
>using the phrase "do you even in 2016
>"this show is great because some youtuber I don't like hates it" in 2016

>conversing with people irl in 2016
Quality thread Sup Forums

Why did you even subject yourself to that?

Like, you just watched yet another one of the longest, cringefest melodrama scenes in modern FG that even in the end amounted to nothing, other than 'lol status quo'.

Do you like pain or something


This is funny and topical but I'm not sure what it has to do with anything.

If Meg was a boy nobody would give a fuck.

Fuck off, Mr. Enter.