
I have access to Netflix for a while, what are some essential Netflixkino?

narcos and season 1 of house of cards

Should i not watch the other seasons?

Season 1 of Daredevil was pretty good for capeshit.

Delete your account

fincher had a hand in a lot of the first season and he was the only good influence the show had, the other seasons are mostly sad echoes of the first and try to one up it too hard

Jessica Jones and Broadchurch are good if you like David Tennant (if you can get past the BLACKing in the first episode of JJ))
Wallander is ok if you like Kenneth Branagh
there's lots of good scandinavian crime shows for some reason
also pretty much everything Adam Sandler has ever touched, his earlier films are super comfy

How long did it take your staff of 823 people to think that up--and where are your 33,000 emails that you deleted?

13 Assassins is based.

Terrace House is reality tv kino.

Watch the new Castlevania cartoon if you're into that shit.

I haven't played any Castlevania games before though

does the firs season have a satisfying finale then?

I'd give it a shot regardless; it's decently animated, has some cool moments and you got the account anyways so why not. You don't need to know anything about the lore to get into it.

Breaking Bad & Twin Peaks, but youve probably already seen those.

Jessica Jones is fucking shit.
It starts out okay, but then the story becomes utterly retarded. Why? Why does the writing take a sudden dive?

The sequel to Narcos, El Chapo is pretty good so far.
I'd maybe recommend it?

Stranger Things is pretty good if you ignore the normies and the Reddit fags being all pedophilic about the main cast.
I didn't bother with 13 reasons why, it just looks like trash.

yes, it doesn't tie up the intrigue subplot that could unravel Frank and it doesn't show Frank reaching the height of his power but its pretty fantastic

>He hasn't seen Rake yet
Best Australian show ever produced.

Always Sunny my man.

close it and download anything you want you plebeian

No, faggot

First season of Daredevil is pretty good.
Second season they rub this Indian poo lady in your face expecting you to know who she is. Fuck off, I don't have time for comics anymore, I hate when cape-shit introduces characters like I'm just supposed to fucking know who they are.
Who is she and why should I care?

enjoy your low quality stream fagtron

Netflix is more convenient than torrenting and it's relatively inexpensive. I get better looking picture and sound out of Netflix than I ever have torrenting. The option to turn on surround sound and other audio options is great too.

no country for old men
full metal jacket

Thanks, i will

>low quality stream
t. Someone with shitty internet

Lol, get good

well, u better watch the netflix originals like house of cards, daredevil (and any other marvel shows you wanna give a try)
what else? bloodline, love, sense 8

The new Castlevania is fucking GOAT

>Why does the writing take a sudden dive

Because there's only one bad guy and retarded Jones won't kill him. The show turned into a boring soap opera.

These and okja

is it actually good? it looks like PETA propaganda

If you have access to Netflix why not just watch it? It's fucking free.

>Season 1 of Daredevil
>the best fight was in the second episode

Yeah, no.

Or i could watch a good movie instead

Fucking NEETs disgust me. Time is money, friend

You're right...
Even the side characters become completely useless. Jessica's friend and the cop guy become completely useless to the story, so it feels like the script makes excuses for these characters to just show up to things.

And why are there so many fucking sex scenes? If I wanted to see a little white girl fuck a black dude all the time, I'd be right on Pornhub. It feels like whenever they're in a room together they're fucking. I hate it, it happens too much.

daredevil s2 only for the punisher

>I think Netflix is HD

YIFY 4 lyfe! True quality, like Netflix!

Balto :)

gas yourselves poorfags

The Fury
Young Mr. Lincoln
The Fly
Meek's Cutoff
To the Wonder
Frances Ha
The Third Man
Clouds of Sils Maria
Out 1
Things to Come
Two Days One Night
The Duke of Burgundy
Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Force Majeure
Stations of the Cross
White God
Train to Busan
The Wailing
The Assassin
Mountains May Depart
Return to the 36th Chamber
The Housemaid
Cemetery of Splendour
Under the Shadow
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
Arabian Nights
Horse Money


>Can't even distinguish between video quality
>probably uses some shitty TV with poor resolution
>guaranteed phoneposter



also watch more film you embryo

Stranger things and Unbreakable kinmy schmidt

Awww, did mommy give you her netflix password memester?


Good taste user

They made an American version but most of the jokes didn't translate over

Stupid Thread. Kys yourself you moron.


Whatever you do, don't watch Castlevania. The writing is amateur hour garbage and there are only 2 well animated scenes.
Watch Patton, instead.