So he's confirmed to be MCU's Star Lord's father

So he's confirmed to be MCU's Star Lord's father

And Fox was afraid to use Galactus


>Bendis promises to do something that sounds retarded in concept
>What a fucking hack, I hate it already!!! Fuck Marvel!!!

>Gunn promised to do something that sounds retarded in concept
>l-let's wait to see it guys, i-it'll be interesting
Sup Forums in a nutshell, every fucking time

Probably because Bendis has a history of fucking up royale, while also not really having any outstanding positive works in his weirdly extensive collection.

Gunn made Super, and for that, I'll see where he has to go with this.

>Sup Forums
More like permabanned Sup Forums scum, user.

except you know it's been done in the comics that ego can create human sized sentient prices of himself.

1. Ego can make human forms for himself.
2. Gunn has more talent in his pinky than Bendis has in his whole body.
3. Gunn is doing this to BTFO Bendis from movie GoTG and sayin fuck you to movie synergy.

So Kurt Russel is Ego.
What's Stallone doing in the movie?

why you think Ego becoming human is the retarded part of it? Also I know you only use comic canon when it's convinient for you but, it's also canon that plenty of living forms live on Ego so he can't be exactly lonely as Gunn put it.

Nova officer?

Are you saying that adaptations can't pick and choose what parts of canon they want to use?

Kek, with his Dredd-like helmet.

No I'm not. But if comic canon isn't too important for the movie why you brought it up in the first place?

Link to confirmation?

Because their reason was an explanation of a possibility to fit a narrative. Your contribution was an aspect that isn't necessary, and can feasibly be adapted out to fit a narrative.

Except it's not because the concepts sound ridiculous, but the hateboner Sup Forums has for Bendis.

That's because bendis is an incompetent writer that can't execute good ideas

>Based Gunn giving spotlight to the more obscure sections of the MU
So who's next? Mar-Vell? Werewolf by Night? The Stranger seems likely since Ego's here.

>Werewolf by Night?
Nigga I wish, but he's not cosmic. If anything I hope Doctor Strange ends with him fully coming into his role as defender of Earths magic and Sorcerer Supreme, and looking through a magic viewing pool to see spikes of magical activity across the planet. He'll see a man riding a cycle through the desert, men running away from a creature ina swamp, and a vampire meeting it's end

Gunn comes up with a bonkers idea, and will probably use it to explore interesting themes as he has done in the likes of Super. He'll play it straight as fuck, it won't all be jokes.

Until the Dance off, bro.

Death's Head, please God can we have FPA DH in the MCU?

The dance-off has been over-memed, it's really not all that bad in context.

I know. Personally I like it, I just wanted to post that.

"What do you expect me to do, transform into a giant robot God?"

>"Yes, Drax. I grew a penis."
What did he mean by this?
