Scariest courage the cowardly dog episode? Honestly the banana one kinda scared me

Scariest courage the cowardly dog episode? Honestly the banana one kinda scared me

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the one where the old guy gets mad and starts exploding

None of them are really scary to me, but my favourite episode is Heads of Beef. I must've watched that episode alone over 20 times.
I just love the setting and the plot.

What about this one?

Source on that?

Our nightmares?

amy schumer

Fuck off right back to Sup Forums you fag

Dog died of old age

None of them because it's a fucking children's show

freaky fred always spooked me the fuck out


"Barbara, my love was named,
and her fair hair, a mane untamed,
until one evening, I'm ashamed,
I got a little... naughty.

The look upon my young love's face,
was sweet as lace,
but in this case,
I realized she... needed space."

something about this part of the episode gave me nightmares as a child.

It's a horror comedy children's show. Not every children's show has constant end of the world scenarios with the main characters constantly being threatened to death by demons, ghouls, zombies, aliens etc.

I made my mum turn this one off midway through because I couldn't look at the screen due to how scared i was.
Can't even begin to imagine why, I think it was my young brain being unable to process the 3d animation in a cartoon.

This is the moment more than any other that stuck out to me as being particularly frightening. One of the things that Courage did masterfully was the multimedia mixing of animation mediums to create an unsettling dissonance. It was jarring because by all rights it shouldn't belong. It's an unwelcome intrusion into the cartoon which was otherwise entirely 2D. It 'broke the rules' of what should and should not be in their universe and was disturbing for that alone.

>tfw you realize freaky fred was actually about a pedophile/rapist and courage gets raped in this episode before fred gets taken back to the "home for freaky barbers"

how the fuck did they get away with this?

I am the spirit of the harvest moon.

fancy seeing you here



It's an interesting theory, but he's a take on Sweeney Todd

You see us before we've even arrived.

Pure cartoon kino

Fusili episode was scariest because of the ending

Why was Katz so based?

CTCD was fantastic childhood horror-kino. There are too many eerie episodes and characters, but one that stood out to me for whatever reason, is that one with the diner run by pigs or something. Also, there's one with some apparition in the reflection of puddles. That one always reminded me of J-Horror.