Capeshit Blackwashing

How do we stop this shit, bros? Is there any way we can get back at them?

Nobody cares

t. pathetic centrist

go back to Sup Forums cousin fucker, obama isn't president so it's no longer cool or contrarian to be a racist.

so are these blacktors part jewish like all the white actors?

lmaoing @ ur life

Valkyrie nigger

Just dont watch it

stop watching capeshit

>White fantasy setting doesn't have niggers? that's racist, we have to change that
>Black fantasy setting doesn't have whites or any other race? of course, is a black fantasy setting you racist!

How about you stop watching capeshit? It's always been Jewish propaganda shit.

Why do we stop this shit bros?

Don't take life too seriously, especially cartoon movies

Other people will support them to the point where we mean nothing.

> dude IRONY lmao

well that's why they keep doing it
pandering to SJWs literally has no downside because you faggots are too spineless to stop supporting them

because racists are a minority these days
you literally don't matter anymore to anyone

this has nothing to do with centrism, stop using anime imageboards to educate yourself on political ideologies

>make a statement about white pride

>get shot
>lose your job
>family name tarnished

So what should I do big boy?

capeshit is a fucking product to sell children toys, of course they're going to be as demographically inclusive as possible. who the fuck cares except for racist manchilds.

Stop pretending to care.

>racists are a minority these days


you should fuck off to Sup Forums

Stop posting on an anime imageboard.


Black characters wouldn't matter so much if they didn't all come with an army of black people acting smug, like MJW is a victory like they beat up every whitey or something. That and they always have to have some "deep black meaning," can't ever just be a nigger shooting space dinosaurs, every black character is a "victory over racism" or "represents the struggle" some fag shit

Cry about literally everything

But they're, trump won, SJW and libcucks aren't as many as you think.

>unironically using the word nigger while complaining about being called racist

literal autism

inb4 g b 2

Saying nigger isn't racist

But user, didn't you all claim his supporters and campaign weren't racist?

Keep voting for the most fascist candidate in any given election, only proven way to stop the Kike

>only proven way to stop the Kike

Yeah voting for a zionist will only do wonders

baby steps

kys redditor

>being racist isn't racist

Imagine spending your days obsessed with the skin colour of the casting of comic book characters you've never heard of for children's action films

...I think you didn't read my post at all.
Racist are a minority, if they were a majority Hillary would have won, because Libs and SJW are the racist retrograde left ones.

You have to first define racism, and then define how a noise fits into that category, which you can't do. Saying nigger isn't racist.

This is seriously what you do with the internet your parents pay for?

>language is just symbols and sounds produced by our mouths so nothing matters at all and I can say and do whatever I want without repercussion

>recast Heimdal and Valkyrie to be black
>no one bats an eye
>recast the Ancient One and (we thought) The Mandarin to be white
>everyone loses their shit
I'm a fucking white nationalist but even I liked Idris Elba as Heimdal, and I also enjoyed Tilda Swinton in Dr. Strange. If they were shitty actors, then there'd be something to complain about, but they were great so I didn't care too much.
Zendaya in SpiderMan, on the other hand...

Stay mad. The left has gone too far in many places, but one thing everyone universally agrees with them on is equal rights for all races. You can either stay mad your entire life or get with the program. Your choice.


That's right, nigger


This is how fucking retarded you sound.

who gives a shit

Alright, go find a group of based black guys and say the word, big man. And I don't mean a gaggle of twinky black fuckboys, I mean a group of grown black men. Pfft, why am I even bothering, you'd never have the balls. Just stay here and keep grumbling about uppity niggers, that'll show em

>saying nigger isn't racist
wow user so brave

Nobody here would ever utter any of this shit irl

>no one bats an eye
Sup Forums has 10 threads a day about black MJ being literally white genocide

>"""adults""" still read comic books
>"""adults""" still watch comic book movies

>go prove to me that niggers are niggers and will commit murder over a noise they heard
Wow sure showed me

t. scared nigger child

What would happen? Do you think the "based black guys" would physically assault him?

If so say that to a nigger irl. Can't do it can you pussy

>based black guys
nu/pol/ pls kys


why would we want it to be stopped? white men just can't resist that hot dark chocolate

>not pictured: the massive shit he took after drinking that glass of milk.

Ironic you set that challenge, you seem to be acknowledging that black people are lower IQ and higher violence, I don't see what you're trying to prove.

My point stands in light of your challenge. Nigger can't be racist if it's true.

She's very beautiful

t. nigger

Are you saying you wouldn't fight a person who came up to you with insults, you fucking pussy?

so you're moving goalposts, you said nigger wasn't racist because it's just sounds produced by language and noise, but now you're saying it has a real grounded meaning. which is it you cum guzzing baby rapist pile of garbage?

>perfect girls don't exi-

It has no meaning because it's really just a noise we make, however dumb niggers don't realize this

It's not like I'm going to watch this shit.

>words are just noises we make
Is this supposed to a smart observation

It's not an insult, it's a fact. You get mad when people tell you you're short? You can't change it


>no U are the thing!
Every thing

>a racial slur is not an insult

If it's a true assessment of your character, despite being an "insult," you may as well admit that you can't stand looking at yourself in the mirror

this fuckin' nigger

ok, but language has meaning and intention behind it so you can't use "it's just noises bro" as an excuse to say whatever you want without consequence.
I don't think you'd expect to be able to walk up to any woman on the street and call her a cunt without making her upset.

>a true assessment of your character
>an insult based on nothing but someones physical appearance
>this is why calling black people nigger isn't racist
how many hours have you clocked in on stormfront to produce such backwards logic?

when will you guys stop taking the bait from that nigger and just shitpost instead?

>How do we stop this shit, bros?
by not watching anymore capeshit.

The fact that she's black takes a back seat to her shitty soap opera skills. She's a turd in the punch bowl on Westworld.

You need to understand that Disney is a morally and artistically corrupt corporation set on destroying the same Western Culture their founder, Walt Disney, helped to reinforce. That's why they haven't produced a single good movie in the 2010s and they have ruined Marvel, Pixar and Lucasfilms.

>a single good movie in the 2010s
hol up there famalam

I know it's bait but I still got mad, good job

Good point. Zootopia is great movie!

that thing is so gross looking. huge jaw, wide set eyes, weird nose, and fat lips.
racemixing was a mistake.

Boycott the capeshit movies. Give it bad reviews in every IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes page to lessen the degenerate shilling that these tasteless ""critics"" gave for this truly shit excuse of film.

>get with the program
Wow, what an argument. You are the same as those idiots who try to prove their argument with a "ITS 2017" phrase. Plus, blacks aren't a race. They are another species. Don't even try putting that bullshit up, cunt.

People do. The lot of you are just too ignorant to see what is happening, right in front of your eyes. The West is culturally backpedalled due to the promise of racial equality between man and a fucking ape. This isn't what you idiots call "diversity"... Its genocide.